Problem with Electric PTO Clutch


New member

Mar 30, 2010
Actually it's not quite a problem, it's more like a disaster. I recently bought a model b-48a deck for my B7100hst. It has the front mounting electric clutch setup to drive the deck via a belt. The person I bought it from told me that the electric clutch wasn't working. I took the chance that it might be something simple, but also knew it could be toast. After I disassembled the clutch, I found the coil was cooked. The coating on the windings was brittle and pieces were missing in a few places. the plastic coating on the power supply wire was melted and gone. I firmly believe the coil is beyond repair. My question concerns a replacement. Is it a kubota "only" item or are there suitable replacements. I looked and there appear to be a lot of electric clutches on the market. Has anyone successfully sub'd another brand electric clutch on their kubota? Has anyone changed the clutch over to a manual engaging type? Any help/advice will be greatly appreciated.


New member

L245DT FEL, JD450 Track loader, 5' scrape blade&mower, 5x10 trailer, Dump truck
Apr 22, 2009
Stockbridge, Ga. USA
Unfortunately I had computer problems in the past so I don't have my pics of my B6000. It had this same clutch and the P.O. changed it out for a Ford air conditioner clutch. I think it was a 7 inch clutch. It worked perfectly on my B6000 with the belly mower.
Same mounting I think and just changed the wire connector to hook up.

I would not even try a mechanical clutch. Way to many problems with those.


New member

Mar 30, 2010
Aquaforce, you da man. Bought a mid 60's vintage ford ac compressor clutch and it is exactly the same. Thank you so much!!

Wondering if someone can help me out with another question. Looking at the front pto splined shaft (male), I measured the diameter as 1.16" or 29.5mm, and I counted the number of splines to be 22. Can anyone confirm? Attempting to measure and count while kneeling in front of the tractor in a dark shed with a trouble light in one hand and a magnifying glass in the other is a little tough. Why I need to know is because the shaft I have for the electric clutch is not the same diameter (smaller) as the splined pto. And the splines are about wornout to boot. I see taking the clutch shaft to a machine shop once I get a confirmation on the above measurement and spline count.

One more thing... where can I find a coupler, hub, yoke or (?) that will fit the front pto? My thoughts are to cut off the splined end of the clutch shaft and have a proper fitting female end added.

Thanks for all your help.


New member

L245DT FEL, JD450 Track loader, 5' scrape blade&mower, 5x10 trailer, Dump truck
Apr 22, 2009
Stockbridge, Ga. USA
Great! I'm glad that clutch worked out the same for you.

For the splines and yoke situation a drive line shop can most likely do anything and get anything for you. We have one here in Atlanta and they do/have it all. Pretty much anything with a shaft in it.

Good luck:)