I have had problems with uploading pictures off and on, and not sure why. At one point I did conclude it was fussy about file names. At the moment I can upload a thumbnail but not embed the picture in the text???? Maybe pilot error. We need new and improved directions for both computer users and those doing it from a phone.
im still not sure what CCR has going on..
but a quick way to post your pix in thumb & large/embed like i did for this type of forum is this:
upload the pick as the clickable thumbnail at the bottom.
post it. then go to your post, click it to make it bigger. right click & select copy image location.
now go edit your post, find the spot in the post you want the pic. click there to set your icon... now go up & hit the picture frame & insert your copied link in there. then click the button & clikc the save changes.
& you will get what your are after.
there are a zillion ways to do this stuff on forums, & that isnt the "shortest" one...
but currently it works on most Vbulletin & SMF forums.
the renaming files thing has been going on across platforms for a while now, not sure if its a browser security issue or site security issues but we get it on lots of forums.
hope that helps.