poss HSD problem?????


New member

B2400 HSD
Jul 5, 2010
ne georgia
My B2400 started to crack and bang when trying to go forward She will go a few yards then lock up and make all kind of noise sounds like an internal problem.......tractor has approx 1400 hrs . It seems like the HSD unit is shot (AGAIN) about 700 hrs ago it went out . but then it just stopped dead and would not move. this time it comes and goes ..i guess it is ready to come apart....the last time it happened I took it to the dealer and total cost was approx 1900.00 .and it came back with alot of leaks..Seems like the LIFE of these HSD units is approx. 700 + _ HRS......this time I am going to do it . but I need info and a starting point..who can send me info and diagrams on the dismantling of the unit ?????any help will will be appreciated..... other than a poss. bad HSD unit she runs great and has alot of hours left in her..........Thanks for your Help...........PETE Galbiati PS for you guys out there with starting problems...click click click etc I found the fix.....It,s simple . write me.
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New member

None- I get to play with everyone elses stuff
Apr 1, 2010
First you may want to check for debris in the filters or suction screen if it has one. I wouldnt just assume it is the hydro. Does it happen in every gear range? did you try 4WD?


New member

B2400 HSD
Jul 5, 2010
ne georgia
first you may want to check for debris in the filters or suction screen if it has one. I wouldnt just assume it is the hydro. Does it happen in every gear range? Did you try 4wd?
just pulled the screen .just a few specks of metal on it..i would venture to say it is 99.9 % clean.......oil is clear .soooooo here we go.. I guess i,llgo to a nearby dealer and try to get a page or two from their service manual..o how to dismantle this thing......you were my only response to my question that i posted...no one came forward with any diagrams on how to get to the hsd .....thank you pete now i need to locate a hsd unit to replace this one if it it proves to be defective.....thanks again.....


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Kubota B2400
May 15, 2010
fayetteville, ar
Just finished replacing my HSD. No instructions are available online. You might try and do what I did, which was to talk the service manager at the local dealer to let me borrow his service manual and run to FedEx/Kinkos. $10 later and you've got all the manual you'll need. You can split the tractor by yourself with the help of a few jacks/jack stands. Plan on 3 - 5 hours to get it apart and the unit out. For re-assembly you will need another set of hands for about 1 hour just to help line up the shafts and lines as you wiggle it back together.

Don't even waste your time trying to rebuild the unit. Parts will cost you nearly as much as the complete unit, plus there's no warranty if you do it yourself. And I've heard horror stories of people having to completely redo as many as 3 times before they actually solved the problem and got it back together correctly.

Oh, and don't forget to get the Kubota grey gasket maker while you're picking up your new unit. You'll need it b/t the HSD and the gear box. And if your new unit is like mine you will notice there is a bearing and oil seal missing around the fwd shaft. You will need to order these seperately.

All this being said, it really sounds more like a problem in your gear case or differential rather than your HSD. Might be worth double checking. Well,
good luck



New member

B2400 HSD
Jul 5, 2010
ne georgia
OK>>>>>>>>> after really getting into this thing removed all the lifting brackets etc I crawled under and started to look at what i was getting into.well the first thing i touch was the front shaft and it was just setting there broken off from the hsd spline....i can,t see inside the frame but i hope it is just the pin or u joint but looks like i have to break this thing in half to get to the u joint the location is inside the frame .there is just not enough room to get to it..........SUGGESTIONS ANYONE!!!!!!!!!! PETE