Please Help. L245DT 3 PT Hitch Stopped Working


New member

Jul 29, 2011
El Dorado
Brand new here, and found your site from a google search. I’ve owned a L245DT tractor for about 7 years and its been a great and reliable tractor!

Recently, the tractors 3pt hitch stopped lifting, not even without an implement attached to it. It started by being intermittent… sometimes it would work, sometimes not. Now it doesn’t work at all.

I’ve cleaned the filter screen, changed the Hydro/Trans oil. Checked the pressure relief valve in the pump attached to the rear of the trans and it seemed fine. I pulled the cover off the piston, and the cylinder/piston seems fine, I was able to pull it out and check/clean it. The O-ring on the piston seems fine as well.

I started the tractor and at idle no oil came out of the port that energizes the piston/3pt (lower right corner of the piston cover flange). When I ran the RPM up oil starts to flow out of the port. The more RPM’s the faster it would flow. Oil will not flow at Idle, I suspect due to the pressure valve? I also checked the valve in the cover by removing the snap ring and pulling the little piston. All looked fine and no debris.

I put it all together and it still is doing the same thing. 3pt doesn’t move.

The tractor has power steering if that makes a difference. It also has a separate pump/tank that powers the front end loader that is attached at the front of the motor.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! It’s really got me puzzled and have not been able to figure this out.

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New member

L35, mower, bushhog, cement mixer, grader, boxblade, forks, posthole digger
Mar 31, 2009
Ft. Worth, TX
djb, First, welcome to OTT. Glad you found us. I'm not sure what is causing your problem. Here is what I'd check for. On some Kubotas, there is a diverter valve in the line that powers the 3pt. My L35 has one that I discovered by accident, because the line had crack and was leaking. Other Kubotas have some kind of lever that can be moved accidently and will cause the 3pt not to work. If you can find a diagram that shows how the hydraulic system works/plumbed, it should show if you have a valve that could be causing your problem. On mine, the valve is inside a banjo fitting and has a slot showing that you can turn with a flat screwdriver. Hope this helps and keep us informed on your progress. Good Luck!



Kubota MX4700
Aug 10, 2010
Hazelridge, Manitoba
Long shot here.
Is there a valve for locking out the 3pt hitch?
Maybe said valve is wide open and is keeping the 3pt hitch from lifting?


New member

Jul 29, 2011
El Dorado
Hey, thanks for the warm welcome. Much appreciated!

I'll check for what you guys suggest and see what I can find.

Few questions... Is it possible that my pump has crapped out and is just not producing the pressure that is needed to move the 3pt? It does seem to have enough pressure to help the PS but not sure what both units need?

Does anybody know what pressure I should be seeing at the port for the piston that drives the 3pt? It appears I can hook up a guage there.

Can anyone explain how the valve that controls the pressure/flow to the piston? I believe its in the transmission case.

Last question... any places I might find hydro diagrams, or a service manual for the L245 DT that would allow me to trace this out?



Dec 6, 2009
As was mentioned before the older Kubotas had a diverter valve that would send oil to and implement (loader for example) or to the three point. Maybe it got turned by accident.


New member

Jul 29, 2011
El Dorado
Ok guys spent another couple hours on the tractor today. I thought the thing on the left side of the trans was another hydro pump, oops... I took it apart, and learned it is a distribution block and pressure relief valve. Everything was cleaned and blown out. No issues that I could see.

I took pressure readings at the port going into the side of the trans. 90psi... does that sound about right? If so, no issues with the relief valve.

I took a pressure reading right at the feed to drive the piston for the 3pt.(to the lower right side of the knob) Im getting 30psi at full throttle. If idle, doesnt appear to be enough pressure to reg on the gauge. Also, when I had the plug out, there was no flow until near full throttle. I suspect thats not enough pressure?

If I adust the lever that contols the 3pt, it changes the pressure.

With the lever pulled all the way up and I lift the 3pt, at full throttle, the piston will move and take up the slack and stay. If I lock the 3pt with the knob on the front, the 3pt stays, wont budge even if I stand and bounce on it. This tells me the piston and o-ring are good and its a pressure/valve issue, or possible debris somewhere in the valve?

Got any more ideas? Again, appreciate the assistance...



New member

Jul 29, 2011
El Dorado
As was mentioned before the older Kubotas had a diverter valve that would send oil to and implement (loader for example) or to the three point. Maybe it got turned by accident.
The pressure Im measuring is not from the pump that runs the FEL.(not sure if they run the same pressures). What pump where you measuring from?

Im pretty sure the tractor doesnt have a diverter valve. Ive been all over it looking for one.

I now realize that the pump that drives the 3pt is on the right side of the engine. The pressure coming out of this pump before going into the side of the trans is about 90lbs.

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New member

Jul 29, 2011
El Dorado
Ok, called a Kubota dealer and the pump pressure should be around 1500-2000 psi. I see there is a rubber hose inline with the pickup tube that is just before the pump. I will check that, make sure its not cracked or has loose clamps. If not, I will pull the pump and looks for an obstruction. If I dont find anything I will replace the pump and report back.

Thanks again for the assitance.
