Please be objective, please


New member

B7100D TL and B2150D TLB
Jun 5, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
I always wanted to build a nice family (4 seat non competitive) rock crawler based on 406 axles. But I would love to have one of those! Can't justify in any world, but would still love to have one...


Well-known member

L225 w/woods Few Mowers & Back Blade, D722 in Motorcycle (Triumph Tiger), LMTV
Nov 16, 2012
Southern OH
OK.... not sure how I missed this thread. You've climbed into my territory sorta. The SEE has a different chassis..... aka it is boxed...... compared to the 404/416 models. Less Flexy. You will love the tranny.. but not really need it unless you really use this rig for what it was designed. Top speed approx 45mph. They were well known to be "Jack" As in Jack of all trades but a master at none. AKA They are pretty damn good..... just not great at what they do. Well not at all the things Military wanted. They are perfect for many other things though. Sounds like it would KICK ARSE for your needs.

Your best bet for info...... if you've not done so yet.... is to go to the largest and best English speaking Unimog forum on the net. Ok...... so Im a little biased.... took me about 15 years to grow that forum to what it is today lol. It was pretty dead when I took it over long arse time ago. Passed it on to the Mods that are there now. I retired from there too long after was forced to sell my Mog. They are Good folk. They will have all your answers.
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New member

L35, b2710
Nov 23, 2015
marriotsville, MD, USA
So to catch everyone up.

It is a case 580 backhoe and Schmidt Engineering FL4 front loader.

No it cannot scoop and dump into its own bed as first it has no bed and it can only lift to 9 feet.

I have been to the benzworld site a thousand times and cannot tell you all the breadth of knowledge there.

All that being said and a wealth of great feedback I believe I am sticking with the L35. One third the weight, one half as capable and paid for. I am ordering a quick attach conversion for the loader and chains for the front tires. After that I will just enjoy it for what it is. One bad a.. machine.

Thank you all for your input and eye opening experiences.

If I run across a 406 with the 3 way tilt bed I may consider getting it in addition.

Semper Fi.


Active member

Jun 17, 2014
So to catch everyone up.

No it cannot scoop and dump into its own bed as first it has no bed and it can only lift to 9 feet.

emper Fi.
OK....I wasn't sure from the photo. But imagine a device that could do that? Like a front loader garbage truck. I got the impression it was similar in function.


New member

Dolmar PS 420 SC, Scheppach circular saw, Atika Log Splitter, Irus U900
Dec 12, 2016
Karlsruhe, Germany
Hi, I am "new" here - I am looking for some information about Kubota Tractors (B1620 Line) and i saw this post.

I am originaly from Gaggenau. Thats where the Unimog was build in the last decades and they are still producing parts for the Unimog. I even saw the Unimog Arnold Schwarzenegger owned at the Unimog Museum before it has been sold :)

Here, in the Black Forest Region still many people heaten up their houses with firewood. Its cheap and they early got tractors and other machines to assit them.

Due the fact that Mercedes Benz employees got huge discounts AND many parts found their ways over .... alternative supply routes into their homes :D in this region the unimog ownership is wide spreaded and many many many people own one and still use it.

My concern would be repair. How available are parts? Is this a purely military machine? If you can get parts now, what will be available in the future.
The Unimog Models of the Series 4XX have been produced very often and the spare parts availability is for sure granted in europe, in the states? I dont know. But it is not a pure military machine.

A Mog in a good condition can cost you easy about 10-15k €/$ Thats why i dont have one :D

I am using an Irus U900 instead cause I started last year with doing firewood for my parents in law.

The Irus is to weak and to small, thats why I am here to search and get infos about Kubota Tractors :)

Oh, and this is my Irus U900 :)

1cylinder, 8 HP and my son loves it :)


Well-known member

B7100HSD, B2789, B2550, B4672, 48" cultivator, homemade FEL and Cab
Jun 10, 2016
Muskoka, Ont.
The Irus is to weak and to small, thats why I am here to search and get infos about Kubota Tractors :)

Oh, and this is my Irus U900 :)

1cylinder, 8 HP and my son loves it :)
That reminds me of my old 1957 Gravely 2 wheeled tractor. It was similar HP and really very capable for what it was. (In addition to the rotary mower deck, I had the sickle mower, the rotary plow, the snowblower and the post-hole digger attachments.) But yes, it was not as powerful as even a small tractor for tasks like hauling logs and firewood.