Plastic Mulch Layer


Active member

2012 Kubota L3800 HST W/FEL and 1963 JD 2010 row crop utility
Jan 27, 2013
Southern IL.
That's awesome, did you make the high tunnels or is it a kit you bought?

Thanks for the pics.

I may look into something like that for next year.


Jan 13, 2013
Clay Center, Kansas
That's awesome, did you make the high tunnels or is it a kit you bought?

Thanks for the pics.

I may look into something like that for next year.
I have one premade , 30 by 48. I bought it used and tore it down and rebuilt it. It was much easier than I expected. I took tons of measurements, numbered everything, drew lines, marked heights and took lots of pictures. When I was rebuilding it I was putting nails and screws back in their exact same holes, so I just moved the screws over.

The other 5 tunnels I have are homemade. 2 are movable. Here is a link to some presentations I have done. There are also other presentations on building your own.



Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Good Lord and here I thought I was the only one that use PVC conduit for green houses


New member

B7100DT (sold) - Branson 3520H
Feb 1, 2013
Deer Park, WA
Jay (I'm assuming?),

I'm inspired! We have a garden but don't have much experience. We did grow crops one year but was overwhelmed by the weeds that came up. How can I get started with a garden full of weeds to get rid of?



New member

'79 B7100, 5' Massey Ferguson Finish Mower
Feb 26, 2013
Titusville, FL
Awesome Idea - The farmers here in Central Florida use the black plastic for Strawberry Plants.


Jan 13, 2013
Clay Center, Kansas
Good Lord and here I thought I was the only one that use PVC conduit for green houses
I am not alone, I love it! By making them the way I did, I have lowered my cost of production (compared to a premade kit) and I can pay off a high tunnel in about 2 weeks of good markets.

Any pictures?

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Jan 13, 2013
Clay Center, Kansas
Jay (I'm assuming?),

I'm inspired! We have a garden but don't have much experience. We did grow crops one year but was overwhelmed by the weeds that came up. How can I get started with a garden full of weeds to get rid of?

Most of our ground was outdoor pig lots for many years. The people sold out of hogs, tore everything out and cleaned it up. Then several years later another person bought the ground and moved a house here. We bought several people later. Point is, we have more weed seeds than I know what to do with. One way we deal with weeds has been plastic mulch. Another way is by using scuffle hoes.

These hoes really make short work of weeds. If you are willing to put in the time, you can weed several hundred feet of rows in about 15 minutes. When ever I check garden, I always carry one with me and weed as I go. They work like a mop and just slide on top of the soil.

Another way we deal with weeds in to try not to water them by only using drip tape. Last years drought, we hardly had to weed between the rows.

Final way we combat weeds is we transplant almost everything. This way the plants can have a head start choking out the weeds by reducing sunlight.

We have also used straw mulch, but I am never 100% happy with it. Sometime I feel it brings in more weeds than it prevents.



New member

L3800, 72 kk mower, 48" tiller, plastic mulch layer,
Jun 14, 2012
Wyoming, MN, USA
i built a stand and plant for the onions and the beans, my onions were great softball size the but i over watered them and lost some, i hate weeds


New member

B7100DT (sold) - Branson 3520H
Feb 1, 2013
Deer Park, WA
Most of our ground was outdoor pig lots for many years. The people sold out of hogs, tore everything out and cleaned it up. Then several years later another person bought the ground and moved a house here. We bought several people later. Point is, we have more weed seeds than I know what to do with. One way we deal with weeds has been plastic mulch. Another way is by using scuffle hoes.

These hoes really make short work of weeds. If you are willing to put in the time, you can weed several hundred feet of rows in about 15 minutes. When ever I check garden, I always carry one with me and weed as I go. They work like a mop and just slide on top of the soil.

Another way we deal with weeds in to try not to water them by only using drip tape. Last years drought, we hardly had to weed between the rows.

Final way we combat weeds is we transplant almost everything. This way the plants can have a head start choking out the weeds by reducing sunlight.

We have also used straw mulch, but I am never 100% happy with it. Sometime I feel it brings in more weeds than it prevents.

Thanks Jay, no magic wand eh? I'm gonna get going on the garden, especially now that I have a tractor!!! I like your mini tunnels and will incorporate your ideas into them.


Jan 13, 2013
Clay Center, Kansas
Finally had sometime to work on the plastic mulch layer this weekend. I added the roller and two guide wheels to keep it from digging in too deep. While i need to do some fine tuning, it looks like it is going to work! Best of all I have plenty of power to pull it with the B 7100. I was at maybe 1/4- 1/3 throttle in 1st gear high range, and it had no problems. I can't wait to get it all working and get planting. Only problem is we have to get rid of WINTER!

Is it perfect, no. Is it faster than laying it by hand, heck yea! I still need to add some heavy springs to pull the rear covering discs down to maintain better soil contact and finish the drip tape laying attachment.

The steel roller came out of an old round baler that burned up. I found it at a salvage yard and was able to remove it. The bearings were still fine, a little discolored, but turned smooth. We had to cut out 15 inches of the roller to make it fit. So we split the hexagon shaft that runs through it and welded it back together. Then we cut the roller and welded it back together. The ends of the roller hold the bearing, that is what we had to reweld it back on.

A Sample of what it can do. Ideally, I am hoping to make two passes for some crops (sweet potatoes for example). Pass number one will make a 6 inch tall raised bed (with just a disc hiller) then I will come back and lay the plastic and drip down over that. Most all other crops will just get the flat bed application of plastic and drip tape.

Once I get it finished, i will post a video.
