Pin-On bucket vs SSQA on a BX23s what would you do?


Well-known member

Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
Should you get SSQA is a personal question that only you can answer.

If you have smooth concrete floors to help with pin alignment and only change implements once in a while then SSQA might be more of a nice to have than a need to have.

I typically switch front implements several times a day so pin on is a no go for me. I’m tempted to go hydraulically activated SSQA but I still have to get off the tractor to hook up the front remotes. The only time Id save is swapping the bucket.
Hydraulically activated SSQA locking pins are a wonderful thing!
I bought my L48 TLB used, and it came that way.
I had no idea how easy the 3rd function diverter locking system would make my life (I'm old).


Well-known member

Jan 17, 2021
Steal away. Then post pictures of your version -- especially improvements that I can steal. :ROFLMAO:
tomorrow I will hopefully be able to add a winch to my ssqa attachments. I’m thinking a boom pole like that with a snatch block and my 12v winch would be an excellent way lift my small dock.


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B7100HSD, B2789, B2550, B4672, 48" cultivator, homemade FEL and Cab
Jun 10, 2016
Muskoka, Ont.
Don't neglect a big heavy counterweight on the 3ph, and do be cautious about the weight. The capacity drops dramatically as the angle becomes more horizontal. The problem with using a winch (or chain-falls, as shown in one of my pictures) is that the hydraulic relief valve is no longer in-circuit once the FEL control is in neutral.

In the first pictures, I was lifting the frame and floats with the tractor hydraulics, and before I installed the decking. If the weight had been too great, the relief valve would limit the forces and the tractor simply wouldn't be able to lift it. But a winch will apply the same force at the snatch block no matter if the boom is vertical or horizontal. Used horizontal, the tractor could tip or something could break due to the leverage.

If horizontal, I would suggest using the tractor hydraulics to lift one end of the dock before using the tractor to drag the dock onto the shore (or back out in the spring). Even then, the tractor could start tipping if the dock catches on something. Keep one hand on the FEL control and be prepared to drop the load to the ground (or water) instantly if the tractor starts pulling itself over. If you are lifting something with a winch, have it near-vertical and braced on solid ground as shown in my second last picture.


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
re: Hydraulically activated SSQA locking pins are a wonderful thing!
yes, but kinda 'messy'

You can use a 4" stroke Linear actuator to do it as well. problem is speed. Seems the 'powerful' one I bought is snail slow.... I can get off, move the levers,get back on faster than the linact works....


Well-known member

Jan 17, 2021
Don't neglect a big heavy counterweight on the 3ph, and do be cautious about the weight. The capacity drops dramatically as the angle becomes more horizontal. The problem with using a winch (or chain-falls, as shown in one of my pictures) is that the hydraulic relief valve is no longer in-circuit once the FEL control is in neutral.

In the first pictures, I was lifting the frame and floats with the tractor hydraulics, and before I installed the decking. If the weight had been too great, the relief valve would limit the forces and the tractor simply wouldn't be able to lift it. But a winch will apply the same force at the snatch block no matter if the boom is vertical or horizontal. Used horizontal, the tractor could tip or something could break due to the leverage.

If horizontal, I would suggest using the tractor hydraulics to lift one end of the dock before using the tractor to drag the dock onto the shore (or back out in the spring). Even then, the tractor could start tipping if the dock catches on something. Keep one hand on the FEL control and be prepared to drop the load to the ground (or water) instantly if the tractor starts pulling itself over. If you are lifting something with a winch, have it near-vertical and braced on solid ground as shown in my second last picture.
the winch won’t be for lifting the dock, so much as just using it as an unlimited adjustment strap. Be a lot safer than the 4 cargo straps I currently use. The BX has zero problems with the weight of the dock, I do put the BH on for maximum counter weight just because I am working really close to water. It’s also the only time I actually use the parking brake lol


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M4700DT, LA1002FEL, Ferguson5-8B Compactor-Roller, 10KDumpTrailer, RTV-X900
May 18, 2018
? what keeps the forks from rolling off,when you tilt the loader fwd ?
or the other way...
what keeps the forks locked on or secured to the loader ?
When the lower pin is installed…the Kubota-style is fully locked-together..same as with a full pin-on attachment.
The guy who made mine is Dan Heibert: danannah (at)
ph: 20four-362-798four (Manitoba)


Since my tractor came with a FEL and Bucket already Pin-On style… this adaptor saved me having to modify BOTH the FEL and Bucket and Pallet-Forks to SSQA…saving me weight and money.

Frankly, after two-plus years of experience with it….this was the simplest solution to a QA system imaginable.… No moving parts…No way for a lever to become dis-engaged during operations…No significant additional weight added to the loader… and it will just as easily hook up with TractorMikes’ pin-on SSQA with no modifications required to use SSAQ attachments also.

SSQA is probably the standard for new equipment in the future but if you’re acquiring a used machine with a pin on FEL ….I”d think twice before automatically modifying the FEL and all my attachments to SSQA when such a simple solution exists as the Kubota style QA so inexpensively and can keep using attachments you might already have.
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Well-known member

2017 BX23S 60" LP BoxBlade 54" mower 60" BackBlade EA 12" 1 bottom plow & Forks
Apr 1, 2019
Skypros SSQA is great, BUT on a BX23S you are fairly limited.
No SSQA for me. I never have and never will need to remove my bucket.

You mentioned forks. The only thing I need once in a great while is forks. Believe me a tractor makes for a lousy forklift! The first time you use it with heavy weight you will know what im talking about!
As far as forks go....for how much weight the BX can lift I have the forks that hook on the bucket lip.
Now is where everyone says you will bend the bucket!:rolleyes:
With the Kubota cutting edge installed (Beeefs up the bucket lip) by the dealer I have moved logs that maxed out the lifting capacity with no problems!
I have no use for a power broom or angle plow for the FEL or whatever other contraptions you would put on the FEL. Now a snow pusher does sound pretty good but with a gravel driveway it is useless. Really its nothing that you cant accomplish with a bucket and edge tamers. In fact its like a bucket without a bottom. SOooo on a BX no SSQA for me!
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The Plunk


Nov 16, 2021
Western PA
I just purchased a BX23S with pin on bucket and cutting edge. Me personally, I don’t have much need for forks. Would it be nice? Ya, but probably nothing I can’t do with the bucket, Ken’s hooks, and a chain. I liked the availability of the increased load. I had a buddy who had the quick attach and couldn’t pull a fuel tank out of the back of a truck with forks. He got pissed and went and bought a bigger tractor. Tough decisions, good luck.
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Apr 14, 2021
Pageland, SC
This is the AI2 quick attach. It's similar to the old Kubota style. I recently purchased mine for $600 shipped. It's lighter than ssqa, keeps the load closer to the pins than ssqa, and very easy to install.

I've seen the argument that it's less desirable than ssqa because it's "proprietary", but it's no more proprietary than the pin on loader. It works with existing pin on BX implements. Many, if not most, ssqa implements that weren't designed specifically for a BX are too large and/or heavy for a BX. Everyone who makes an SSQA attachment specifically for a BX also makes it in a pin on version.

I plan to use it for bucket, grapple, and forks. Each of which are readily available as pin on, so I'm good to go. Tony at AI2 also sells a blank plate that works with his QA to allow a DIY fabricator to make or modify just about anything he or she wants to work with the quick attach.

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B2650, MX6000, Ford 8N, (BX sold)
Sep 13, 2021
I really wanted the SSQA when I purchased my BX23s last year..... But my dealer did not have one in stock..... They had (2) BX23s in stock both were pin-on buckets.... One was new and one was 3 months old with 10 hours on it and $1,800 less than the new one..... I purchased the used one ;)
At the time a BX23s with the SSQA was just a little over a $500 option.
Today I got prices to convert my Pin-on to a SSQA
SSQA is $434
New Bucket $411
Total $844

Now here is basically what I know about the difference between the Pin-on Bucket and the SSQA bucket (aside from the obvious)
Pin-on bucket configuration is about 80 lbs lighter
Pin-on bucket is about 2" shorter in total length

What I really want a SSQA for is a "real set" of Pallet forks.... land pride PFL1242 $700 42" tines and weighs 228 lbs, or AI2's pallet forks for the 80 series $975 + ship 36" tines and weighs 180lbs. Other option would be from Everything Attachments.

I can order from BXExpanded a set of lightweight pair of "Quick On Pallet/Brush Forks" that would work most of the time without taking off the Piranha toothbar..... This lightweight option is $300 + about $35 shipping and would probably work for almost anything the little BX could lift anyways.

The only other attachment that I can think I would want is a Grapple but that would involve a 3rd function..... By the time that gets installed along with the grapple..... I don't think I would use it enough to justify the price.

So basically, I can get some semi-workable pallet forks installed on my BX for about $335
Or get a real set of forks and have my tractor upgraded for $1,200 to 1,500+

How may BX owners that have the SSQA and use it ?????
(sorry for the long winded post !!)
Good day. I had a BX with SSQA and it was awesome. I have since sold and now have a B and an MX and both with the SSQA. Still awesome. I regular use the quick attach on each tractor. I have the tractors at different locations and I routine use pallet forks so I have two sets. For my B I have a set from Artillian and would absolutely buy again. There are very well engineered/built. They are fine for a B or Bx and also have a 2” hitch built into the frame which is very handy. For the MX I have a much larger set of forks from land pride and I would buy them again…when comparing brands look at the weld quality and also the manufacturers spec weight…that will give you some indication of which big beefier…also check fork length and width to make sure comparing apples and apples. Regarding the LP forks, They are in a completely different class in terms of capability…the set I have are made for a much larger machine. Personally I can not imagine any reason not to have SSQA or forks. Regarding a grapple I have one for my B which is not much different from bx. I use it also with my Mx if I want to haul it. It’s really handy and if hauling brush or whatever it would be handy…it certainly has been for me. If you need to save money forks work too. But the bx can easily make you life easier with a grapple. I hope I helped.


Well-known member

Jan 17, 2021
Ssqa is awesome. I had my ssqa-v on, moved my trailer. Switched to the bucket to move some snow, then swapped to the forks to organize my row. a few more pallets and nothing will ever have to sit on the ground again. Those smaller pallets can be found for free. I got a guy keeping an eye out on the larger ones like the grapple is on, need 2 more. 1 for that boxblade and 1 for my tiller.

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B2650, MX6000, Ford 8N, (BX sold)
Sep 13, 2021
Ssqa is awesome. I had my ssqa-v on, moved my trailer. Switched to the bucket to move some snow, then swapped to the forks to organize my row. a few more pallets and nothing will ever have to sit on the ground again. Those smaller pallets can be found for free. I got a guy keeping an eye out on the larger ones like the grapple is on, need 2 more. 1 for that boxblade and 1 for my tiller.

View attachment 73263
Yep…but wait…there’s more. Put a dolly under pallets to move around in a barn or or stack them in a shelf/rack.


Well-known member

Jan 17, 2021
Yep…but wait…there’s more. Put a dolly under pallets to move around in a barn or or stack them in a shelf/rack.

im going to be working on implement storage this year. I need to bring in some fill and raise the ground. Then build a gravel path to what will become the implement shed. Only place I can roll something on wheels is my garage lol, and I don’t store the attachments. Only the tractor and atv in it.


Active member

BX2380 FEL, MMM, 3rd Valve, Grapple
Feb 10, 2019
For me my SSQA is worth every penny. I purchased my BX2380 with it. I ordered a land pride 3rd valve for it. I added SSQA to my Ford 1720 And did a 3rd vale to it also. They share an EA 55 grapple, pallet forks and buckets. It makes things very versatile for what I use them for.


New member

Apr 14, 2021
Pageland, SC
One way or another, I think it's invaluable to have some form of quick attach. No doubt!

I just didn't want to sacrifice that much loader capacity to the factory SSQA. It's probably a minute difference. The aftermarket quick attaches available weigh about 50 lbs and don't space the pins out as far as SSQA.