heres 2 more pics then i,ll be quiet for a while at least. 1st pic is my snake
eyes camp gun/ally sweeper. crappy tire had a laser level sale 4-6 years ago for $3.79 or something like that. i bought 2 doz of them. i cut them up as needed for the lasers. here i put 2 of them and it works real good in low light.
battery life u ask, 2 AA batteries lasted 40 hrs and steady on and it was still
shinning brighr. that was good enough for me. the next pic is another
cannary song inspired project. cheap cheap cheap. my son who worked for
highways was hauling a truck load of guard rails to the dump. well they got dumped on my 10 acres. the aluminum is recycled too. 1 large bottle of
oxygen and 2 large boxes of welding rods. the footings are 4 oil pails nestled
with the bottom cut out.
in this pic the carport is not leaning. i must of had the cammera tilted.
the bucycle is another one of my creations made from EMT. (electrical metal