One step closer


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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA

so, in the criminal world.......we kill a "good" guy.......get the chip out and then transplant it ....

or we clone the chip -

I can see it now, just like we faked id's back in college....they will fake those too!!!!

I got a mo better idea

what say you prick your finger at the terminal every time - then an instant DNA analysis will tell the person behind the desk - your picture will pop up, and what diseases you have....and WHAT you had for breakfast.....:D:)


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Mr. Orwell Calling Mr. Orwell,, Mr. Orwell your office is calling


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L1500DT, front end loader, mower, tiller, snow blower
Skeets I thought about my 1984 before I saw the video. My 1984 was way different than Orwell's! I was a big fan and read all his book in about that time. Animal Farm was must read in about grade 10 as we had to do a book report about it.


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Indeed, and it is a shame that most schools do not have reading classes any more, I don't think Big Brudder wants kids to think and see what is going on around them, things that we saw years ago but were not smart enough to stop, and said IT CANT HAPPEN HERE


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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
Indeed, and it is a shame that most schools do not have reading classes any more, I don't think Big Brudder wants kids to think and see what is going on around them, things that we saw years ago but were not smart enough to stop, and said IT CANT HAPPEN HERE
Skeets I don't think Big Brudder is the problem, the perspective from my friends that teach little kids is that a big chunk of the problem is parents who want their kids to be happy and told tney are wonderful even when they are not. If a teacher dares to grade objectively and give C's or worse to those that deserve them the parents have a meltdown. And then there is the amount of time kids spend being shuttled from one team sport practice to another. The latest thing is that the schools are giving too many tests. Oh heck, no point in getting on my high horse about education, I am old fashioned. But then my dad taught me to read before I started school. There was a change in the degree to which the "adult" students I had could take responsibility for their own thinking and learning over the 40 years I taught. I was thinking TV doesn't help. But I don't think government has as big an influence as local school boards, which have come down with remarkably stupid ideas.


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L1500DT, front end loader, mower, tiller, snow blower
School boards are made up of those wonderful kids parents.

Was at a speaker yesterday speaking about the challenges of the generational gaps in the workplace. She mentioned that the Generation Y believes they are so entitled is because their parents which are mostly boomers and generation X brought them up that way! We taught them you can be anything you want, provided them with a standard of living that only the rich had when we grow up and let them live in our nice homes that we worked our butts off to achieve until they are 30+.

I believe she had some valid points!

This generation is connected through Facebook, Twitter and other social media that monitors everything they say and believe and provides advertising and information to them leading them to think differently.

Big Brudder?


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I agree with you on most everything, way back in the day when I was working 6 days a week and trying to go to Pitt.
I saw a change in the young people even then, you know back in the stone age in the 70's! Young people that couldn't reason out simple problems, modified math that made no sense at all ,and well you don't have the right answer as long as you tried. Tell that to the guy you just launched in to space , well we tried !
Schools have dumbed down our kids, I don't know who is to blame maybe it was us, or big brudder or the unions or some out side entity I don't know. I just know that back in OUR day if you messed up you paid the price, staying in the same grade, or being cut from the team or ousted from the band, what ever and we got sent down the hall and got 3 wacks and sent back to class. Maybe we do in fact belong in a museum, we are going the way of the Dodo's and I fear for the majority of young people in this country. Because most of them couldnt find their own arses with both hands. Forgive my rant, but I see things I don't like, I see young people, loosing their identity, I see them loosing their chance to be young, to live, learn, love and just be kids.
Granted there a few that know where the sun comes up and how life goes, but it seems they are few and far between. OK Im done I need more coffee :)


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L1500DT, front end loader, mower, tiller, snow blower
Can't argue with you skeets.

We did not contribute to that lost generations of young people with our four sons. They are however very different in theirs beliefs and values than my bride and I?


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
We all want better for our kids than we had it, and we worked hard to give that to them. My girls didnt grow up to much differently than my Ex and I, they had manners, good work ethics, did well in school, and were kids as long as they could be. Meaning we tried to not let them grow up to fast. But kids will be kids and get away with everything they can just like we did, and they paid the price just like we did when they got caught or were out of line. And being a boomer I was instilled with much of what my Mom and Dad grew up with and I tried to instill some of those things in my girls. And yes my think a lot differently than i do about a lot of things, and on the other hand they good solid well grounded adults and parents, teaching their kids solid ethics and manners and letting them be kids and grow up like they should. In that I am blessed,, Sorry for the rants


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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
I watched a video demonstrating new math. I was not impressed. A simple math problem 43-13 became something worse than long division.