OK gearheads


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
My brothers please dont think to unkindly of me, but after this last bout with covid, it seems my cognitive thought and reasoning is sometimes diminished, hence todays question.
Log splitter, Honda GVC 160, this motor has been problematic from the first day, but it always started.
Today friend was cleaning up and brought me a pick up of cut offs and stuff he didnt use, if it fits in the stove door it gets burnt. I got the splitter out and drained the old gas, OK, pulled the plug, OK even checked for spark, mice you know. Fresh gas, and give it a tug, feels like it did when I checked for spark, and yes I did put the plug back in and the wire is in place.

A shot of go juice and it is puffing out the carb, now the little beasty was running when I put it away. Ran the gas out of the carb before I put it up, so I dont think it is in the carb, ,though this is #3!
I pulled the plug and it is gaped right, and was wet so I figure gas is getting in.
And like I said things are not connecting like they should.
SO any bets what it might be, I was thinking maybe a stuck valve, or some other BS. Any ideas anybody


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L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
My brothers please dont think to unkindly of me, but after this last bout with covid, it seems my cognitive thought and reasoning is sometimes diminished, hence todays question.
Log splitter, Honda GVC 160, this motor has been problematic from the first day, but it always started.
Today friend was cleaning up and brought me a pick up of cut offs and stuff he didnt use, if it fits in the stove door it gets burnt. I got the splitter out and drained the old gas, OK, pulled the plug, OK even checked for spark, mice you know. Fresh gas, and give it a tug, feels like it did when I checked for spark, and yes I did put the plug back in and the wire is in place.

A shot of go juice and it is puffing out the carb, now the little beasty was running when I put it away. Ran the gas out of the carb before I put it up, so I dont think it is in the carb, ,though this is #3!
I pulled the plug and it is gaped right, and was wet so I figure gas is getting in.
And like I said things are not connecting like they should.
SO any bets what it might be, I was thinking maybe a stuck valve, or some other BS. Any ideas anybody
Sounds like needle valve is gummed up and not closing all the way. Also I found with them engines if you give them a couple tugs then let it be for a couple minutes and try again they usually start. Also check for gas in the oil and if so drain it and then refill.
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Aug 8, 2020
Pittsburgh, Pa
My brothers please dont think to unkindly of me, but after this last bout with covid, it seems my cognitive thought and reasoning is sometimes diminished, hence todays question.
Log splitter, Honda GVC 160, this motor has been problematic from the first day, but it always started.
Today friend was cleaning up and brought me a pick up of cut offs and stuff he didnt use, if it fits in the stove door it gets burnt. I got the splitter out and drained the old gas, OK, pulled the plug, OK even checked for spark, mice you know. Fresh gas, and give it a tug, feels like it did when I checked for spark, and yes I did put the plug back in and the wire is in place.

A shot of go juice and it is puffing out the carb, now the little beasty was running when I put it away. Ran the gas out of the carb before I put it up, so I dont think it is in the carb, ,though this is #3!
I pulled the plug and it is gaped right, and was wet so I figure gas is getting in.
And like I said things are not connecting like they should.
SO any bets what it might be, I was thinking maybe a stuck valve, or some other BS. Any ideas anybody
Mine has a kill switch that I sometimes forget to move back to the on position. Controls the electric in some fashion. Good luck.
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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
go buy a NEW sparkplug, gap and install.....

a properly firing plug will not be 'wet', will be dry and tan

'fresh' gas.. is that a complete 100% new, fresh fillup or a 'top up what's in there already' ??
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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Skeets - - step back and re-think my friend.

Not your first rodeo. You'll figure it out.

Did you put diesel fuel in it?

The plug is wet. Good thing. Is it flooded? Did you shut choke off?

Did you get spark? You said you checked but didn't say for sure.....

More times than I care to admit, I've been known to try to start engines when there's a switch in the "off" position......DUH......

Got a GC 190 Honda on my Pressure Washer. Sometimes I do stupid things when trying to start it.
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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
I think it time to start the new series:

"Hagrid to the rescue!" :)

(Although I've never met either Skeets or Hagrid, all three of us live probably within 40 miles of each other..)

If needed I can assist by bringing the beer! Following the Runs With Scissors tradition, naturally...(y)

Edit: I'm also good at holding a flashlight... :ROFLMAO:
  • Haha
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Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Yes the switch is in the run, fuel is getting in to the cylinder, and I do have spark, good sharp spark. Yeah I think I did flood it. And for all accounts it should run. And it was puffing the starter fluid back out the carb, like a back fire if you will. A simple one cylinder motor, and I cant figure it out. Now I stink like gas yuck !!!!
Well , something struck me and I pulled the plug out again, and there is no compression, nada!
Now Im wondering if these motors have a compression release I cant find anything but still, I wonder, cause I really dont want to tear the whole thing apart if I dont have to.
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trial and error

Well-known member

B7100dt manual trans. homemade FEL, 4 way hydraulic dozer blade
Feb 16, 2023
Air fuel and spark. A little bit of timing but timing is a not a likely culprit being that it "ran when parked "
Seems you have fuel and also seems you have spark, could've just been flooded but starting fluid should fire with ease even when slightly flooded an old trick my father used to use when the plug gets wet with fuel was to take it out burn off the fuel and heat the end if the plug at the same time with a torch. Hopefully it's a simple fix , I'm sure you get it sorted out


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BX1880, FEL, Grapple, 36 in. Forks, 48in. MMM, Quick Spade, Ripper
Nov 14, 2020
Merritt Island, Florida
Yes the switch is in the run, fuel is getting in to the cylinder, and I do have spark, good sharp spark. Yeah I think I did flood it. And for all accounts it should run. And it was puffing the starter fluid back out the carb, like a back fire if you will. A simple one cylinder motor, and I cant figure it out. Now I stink like gas yuck !!!!
Well , something struck me and I pulled the plug out again, and there is no compression, nada!
Now Im wondering if these motors have a compression release I cant find anything but still, I wonder, cause I really dont want to tear the whole thing apart if I dont have to.
Stuck valve?


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
The more I think about it, thats the direction I am leaning. SO I still have to pull the valve cover and figure some way to get it up to work on it. I dont bend in the middle like I use to. ;)


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L4701, T2290, WC68, grapple, BB1572, Farmi W50R, Howes 500, 16kW IMD gen, WG24
Apr 27, 2020
Central Piedmont, NC
Ran fine when parked to zero compression with no traumatic event in between does sound like a stuck valve.
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L6060HSTC, RTV 1100
May 15, 2022
I know some engines have a decompression built into the camshaft, can't remember the brand right now.


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
You spin engine backwards to get a good compression reading if it has ACR. 160 is about 5.5HP, unlikely it has ACR(usually 10+HP feature... ) looked at a parts place... no ACR but......good chance it has a 'spark arrestor'.. remove and CLEAN it. Those will keep weedwhackers from running right.
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Well-known member

TG1860, BX2380 -backblade, bx2830 snowblower, fel, weight box,pallet forks,etc
Apr 11, 2021
NB, Canada
Easy enough to do a compression test.
Low compression?
Add oil to cylinder.
Compression comes up?
Stuck or broken ring probably.


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3901 LA525
May 31, 2015
NE Wisconsin
I know some engines have a decompression built into the camshaft, can't remember the brand right now.
Briggs and Stratton had that on the old flat heads. Had a name for it but I can’t remember. Something like EZ start.
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Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
My brothers please dont think to unkindly of me, but after this last bout with covid, it seems my cognitive thought and reasoning is sometimes diminished, hence todays question.
Log splitter, Honda GVC 160, this motor has been problematic from the first day, but it always started.
Today friend was cleaning up and brought me a pick up of cut offs and stuff he didnt use, if it fits in the stove door it gets burnt. I got the splitter out and drained the old gas, OK, pulled the plug, OK even checked for spark, mice you know. Fresh gas, and give it a tug, feels like it did when I checked for spark, and yes I did put the plug back in and the wire is in place.

A shot of go juice and it is puffing out the carb, now the little beasty was running when I put it away. Ran the gas out of the carb before I put it up, so I dont think it is in the carb, ,though this is #3!
I pulled the plug and it is gaped right, and was wet so I figure gas is getting in.
And like I said things are not connecting like they should.
SO any bets what it might be, I was thinking maybe a stuck valve, or some other BS. Any ideas anybody
The Honda GC series (black color) is the low end....homeowner quality (built to meet a price point) engine of the Honda line.

The Honda GX series is the Honda industrial quality engine series (red color).


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Well now I remember why I got rid of the boat and the hot rod and the HD, I hate working on motors!!!!
Yes it was a stuck valve like was suggested. A PIA to get it moving, tapped her in and ,,, and she said ,OH you mean you want me to pop back out,,,, HAHAHAHAHAAAAA. Well I got the last laff cause after much consternation I was victorious ! And I didnt lose anything when I put it back together :) no left over parts,,, ( dont ask) She has compression yep its all good,, ahh no ,, 10 pulls and nada, OK time fer da juice! 1 little shot and away we go, for about 2 seconds, try again nada a shot of juice and she fires up 2 seconds. And this is why I hate working on motors, now I have to remove that freekin carb and more than likely replace all the gas lines as well, and order the right gasket off line might as well order one for the valve cover too, and I dont know if there is a filter inthe tank or not,, it just never ends. But thanks guys, and you Honda guys stand by cause this carb, #3 by the way, may or may not go into orbit. SO I maybe asking for the right part numbers,,,,, again,,
Thanks all
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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
I KNOW it's a LOT cheaper to buy a complete Chinese clone of a 9HP Honda than just a 'Honda' carb !! They start 1-2 pulls and so far 11 years of use.....


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Yeah Jay I have heard a ton of good things about the HB predator motors, and 230 bucks vs about 350 for the Honda, it might come to that.
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L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
I've bought carbs of FleaBag for cheap that turned out to be cheaper than cleaning them and putting a kit in that worked real good and now even Amazon has gotten into selling small motor carbs along with other parts.
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