Tractors can be "split" or
separated at several locations, depending on what's being worked on. The needed jacks, hoists and blocking are important - safety is a must. A flat level concrete floor is best.
A workshop manual would be a big help in showing the various separation schemes possible on an L3750. When front wheel drive was added to these products, designers didn't think too much about easy access for disassembly of pistons and connecting rods only. The shop manual indicates several separations are assumed.
To answer your question, it looks like supporting the flywheel housing with blocking allows the front axle and its sub frame and other parts to be unbolted and moved away - which would leave the rear of the engine still attached to the flywheel housing.
With the weight rigidly supported with
blocking under the flywheel housing, the oil pan would be unbolted, leaving the bottom of the engine exposed for disconnecting the pistons & rods, and taking them out the top.
Its a serious project - not to be attempted without adequate precautions - line up plenty of handling tools and supports. A hydraulic rolling
shop crane like this would be handy for moving the big pieces.
Not a trivial project. Think it through, plan it out, work safe. Dick B.