Not sure if I need another implement or a shrink


New member

bx2670, FEL, bx5455hd snowblower, 60 inch mower, soft cab, landpride fsp500
Jan 3, 2015
Shirley, MA, US
Ok... To begin with i just moved to officially the snowiest 10 square miles of Massachusetts. On top of that, I'm on the edge of a lake with a north wind blowing drifts that will reach my roof line - as folklore has it. I've got a new Kubota 2670 with the heavy duty version front mounted snow blower and a soft cab. Now here's the bad news. My driveway is 1500 feet long - but at least it is paved. The former owner used to own a business that had access to plows and loaders to move the snow around. I have chains and wheel spacers for my turf tires and I have no reason to believe that the kubota wont do just fine. I even got the small hydraulic front plow for the times when it's two inches of straight slush. I also have a McGivered land pride spreader and I added a vibrator to spread salt sand mix... Which actually works quite well. I also have a loader. Here's my dilemma.... While I've got all the cool attachments, what if something goes wrong with the tractor? Last winter, I forgot to treat the diesel and yep, it waxed up the filters (duh.) I needed to call in the reserves to get some new filters to get the kubota running. Should I be looking at a backup monster snowblower or should I just buy the ultimate implement.... A plow truck? Or... Should I just take a breath and depend on the Kubota? What would you do?
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Dale Carnegie, in his book, "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" suggested...What's the worst thing that could happen? Accept that. Then what can I do to improve that outcome?

So that could be anything from staying home to buying another tractor, or moving again!:D


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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
hey D2Cat....

"buying another tractor"

I RESEMBLE that remark!:eek::D:)


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L3901HST, brush hog, L525 loader, rear blade, forks and bail spike
Jun 9, 2016
Fort Calhoun, NE, USA
Life is an adventure. My wife and I moved to the country just outside a little town 7 years ago. That first winter we had nothing more than a good 2 stage snow blower. We had unheard of snow for eastern Nebraska that winter and I cleared our parking and several hundred feet of our gravel drive with that thrower. I bought an old ford tractor that next spring. Thankful the neighbor took pity on us and pushed snow off the rest of our 1000 ft of drive.
Get that tractor and thrower ready to go and accept the challenge. Sometimes it is fun to be snowed in! ***128512;



Sep 19, 2011
Inwood, WV
Life is an adventure. Sometimes it is fun to be snowed in! ***128512;
If you don't have to be anywhere, don't.
If you have a daily commute to work, regular medical visits...come up with a plan to include staying closer to where you need to be for the duration. A little preparation with a go bag in the car/truck...think of it as a mini-vacation.
If you're retired and don't have to go anywhere....stay home and take your time plowing snow.
Really retired....stay home and watch the snow melt.


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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
I use a plow on my truck, would never be without it.
My old tractor with loader doesent move in the winter since i got the plow.
Problem is when we get a lot of snow, and banks werent pushed far enough to start with. I have 800 feet of driveway, push out three parking areas and a large turn around for unloading trucks.

If i had a decent snowblower i would run it if we get a big snowfall.
Just have to be prepared with winter fuel,check with your supplier when they switch over to winter fuel.
October is usually the switch over up here.


New member

bx2670, FEL, bx5455hd snowblower, 60 inch mower, soft cab, landpride fsp500
Jan 3, 2015
Shirley, MA, US
all good advice! Since my two nearest neighbors have huge green tractors with snow implements... I could always phone a friend. Maybe a snowmobile is the answer!



Kubota BX25D
Apr 10, 2013
Its not the snow I would worry about, but the cold. I had the same thing happen 2 years ago with the gelled fuel. It wasnt the first night working outside for 2 hours at 0 degrees. But the next morning when it was -20. It started ok in the shed and 15' out, it died. Rolled it back in, next day changed filters and added little diesel 911.
So now I keep my winter fuel current, and a spare jug in the warm shop. Easy to rotate since I have a diesel truck. Added a fuel line shut-off to change filters easily. Extra shear pins, filters, diesel 911, anti-gel. I also bought a torpedo heater to heat the shed, if and when needed.
My neighbor has a gas green machine and snow blower, even though I clear the lane most of the time, he had to step up that day.



2000 Kubota B2710, Woods BH75 backhoe, LandPride York Rake, B2783 Snow Blower
Jan 1, 2016
Rindge, NH
Ah, gelled fuel, never knew what that was until the day my B2710 would not start. Then noticed the fuel filter had this funny look to it... Good thing I had one of those canvas shelters to park the tractor in so I could close it up and work on the fuel line. By work on it I mean I got the wife's hair dryer and just started heating up the fuel line... :eek:

After about a half hour I could see the normal look of the fuel coming back to the fuel in the filter and the fuel in the tank did not seem to be affected by the cold so I tried to start her up and I got lucky! She coughed a little while running so I opened the shelter a little and let her run in the protected cover. After about 15 minutes she was running fine so I opened the shelter front and let her run for another 15 minutes. I could see the blowing snow that landed on the hood melt so I knew the engine was hot enough to run and I was able to use the tractor for the storm.

After that I looked up diesel fuel and problems with it and now I mix diesel 911 in my fuel all the time and run it that way. Have never had a problem since with fuel. My backup is a phone call to a local plow business. If I had a neighbor with a tractor I could call that would be my backup... :)

Total cost of lesson was a new hair dryer for the wife :rolleyes:


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rotiller, box scraper,etc.
Feb 24, 2011
Friend with similar equipment is a good idea. However, I'd offer to help them out ahead of time in case of their problems. Sometimes in bad snows, a neighbor and I used our machines together to help out even those without much equipment. Do a little checking around.


New member

bx2670, FEL, bx5455hd snowblower, 60 inch mower, soft cab, landpride fsp500
Jan 3, 2015
Shirley, MA, US
Thanks Slimshadie. Shut offs on the fuel line is a good idea- just in case, I've got extra fuel filters and diesel 911. I've got the torpedo heater and I'm storing in a tent this year. My heated garage would be better, but I'd have to kick out the Mrs. We all know that such a suggestion could only end up badly. I'm looking at mods mudflap mods to the impeller to increase throwing power and decrease clogging. The kubota 55 inch front mounted "heavy duty" blower does like to clog up. I'm trying some snow jet spray this year to see if it makes a difference. I'm still liking the snowmobile idea. If I can't move it, I can at least have some fun.



Kubota BX25D
Apr 10, 2013
Semma this is the shutoff I added. I did cut some of the hose off and used some of it on the other end of the shutoff. Not much room up there either.


Also forgot I added a block heater, after that gel deal, won't help gelled fuel but sure does make the bx start up easier for its snow workout. Put it on a heavy duty timer and set it on for 1 before needed. Like an hour before I get up or an hour before I get home.
Why are we talking about snow already :eek: