New vs used and the little guy

North Idaho Wolfman

Staff member
Lifetime Member

L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Maybe some of you can enlighten me.
What I'm really having a hard time understanding is the need to make food plots to bait the deer in????
I have Elk, Deer, Moose, Turkeys, and other animals that snack, hang out, and pass through my place all day and night, and I don't bait them in.

What is wrong with your land that they don't want to visit naturally???

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Maybe some of you can enlighten me.
What I'm really having a hard time understanding is the need to make food plots to bait the deer in????
I have Elk, Deer, Moose, Turkeys, and other animals that snack, hang out, and pass through my place all day and night, and I don't bait them in.

What is wrong with your land that they don't want to visit naturally???
Nothing really wrong with the land. People do it here to stack the deck:D neighbor does it for the wildlife pics. Of course he complains about them getting into the garden:rolleyes: guy that lives next to him loves it. Fills his tags on the first day of hunting season. Old lady down the road accidentally domesticated some wild turkeys. There were a few of us who filled our turkey tags with out firing a shot. Had one wander into my garage while i was working on the lawn mower:D Did a triple take when I looked up and saw it standing there. Had spent four hours out in the woods earlier that day and didn't see anything.:rolleyes:


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Well wolf,, at least around here more and more land is being posted every year, lots of housing tracts going up,, I have no idea where people are getting that kind of money,,, city dewlers moving out buying up parts of farms and posting it, cause they dont want you/me or somebody else killing those pretty deer, but walk through their woods and you ll find some of their tree stands. So unless you have large fields with corn or beans for your animals its hard to find good deer lands. Here I have about 300 achers around me thats posted, by the city low lifes that moved out and brought the city with them.:mad:
But I digress.
Food plots like he said stack the deck your way a bit, and if I can get the critters on my little slice of heaven,,,,, BADA BING


New member

Kubota L4600 HST w/FEL, landpride DH1572. KK 5 ft boxblade
May 11, 2014
St Augustine FL
We plant food plots to increase the health of the herd and hopefully size of the deer. Wolf man, I lived in Wyo for 17 yrs, have hunted AK, B.C. Colo. Fla and GA. Believe me it is not the same. These southern woods, what's left of them, are soo thick it is nigh impossible to stalk deer with any success. I also never stepped on a 6 ft diamondback rattlesnake while tracking elk in the snow, in Wyo but it happens here too frequently. I wanted to plant to plots myself instead of hiring it out. We pay $2500-$3K/yr. for foodplots. But the camp is 6 hrs away and time is short. I was wanting a no-till drill to speed the process. This Labor Day the ground was so dry and hard my Landpride DH 72 with almost 400 lbs of added weight (about 1100 lbs total) would not sink in and turn the ground. The next week after a rain it worked just fine. On those hills with the disk the ride was scarey. I am just stubborn enough to keep trying, too ignorant to know better, and just barely able to pay for this folly. The woods PSS seeder has a single gang of disks, 1-3 seed boxes, rollers and press wheels/cultipacker all in one. The 72 weighs 1800 lbs empty and the present tractor is too light for me to be comfortable with it. A JD 5045 which I almost bought the day before the L4600 would have handled it just fine at 5000 lbs plus loader, or so I think. Trying to stay orange, yet avoid T-4. Engine the next step is the M series for weight. The 5640 offered at $27ish last spring now brings $32K as they are scarce, yet my L4600 seems to have lost $5,500 trade value hence my post. All self-inflicted damage here, but feel a little better having vented.


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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
Wow this thread wanders...

On Tier 4, it is less fuel efficient than non-DPF systems. DEF would've been smarter and cheaper. Why it got into law is beyond common sense.

As for losing $6,000 just to get better game on your land, well, that doesn't seem efficient either. There are many other ways to do this same thing.

Save yourself some money, buy something like this:
and a trailer your tractor can haul the drill and pulverizer on up to the lot you want to work, then seed away. It's a feed lot so you aren't in it for the beautiful look of the land while the stuff grows.

You'll have less than $3000 into new implements your new tractor can handle.


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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
As far as your tractor not being worth what you bought it for...

When dealerships are involved, the second you signed the contract and took delivery, your tractor was instantly worth less than 90% of what you paid for it. Only if you had a cooling off period would you get your money back. So that's normal and common, certainly nothing to be upset about.

If you want close to your money back, list the tractor at 95% of what you paid for it and post it on Craigslist. You might get a low baller or two calling you but the only people that would really buy it is someone with crappy credit that can get enough cash together to buy it from you, which is not a common mix of conditions so be prepared to hang it out there for a year.

My previous post is an attempt to show you that there are answers and implements for just about everything. You can purchase a 3 point ROCK CRUSHING tiller for your tractor that will happily hammer that soil into submission. The pulverizer is a step cheaper and short of that.

I don't think your L4600 will have problems with doing something like a remote feed lot with the proper attachments. It's a good all around tractor. If you were doing large acreage farms I could see the need to go larger.


New member

Kubota L4600 HST w/FEL, landpride DH1572. KK 5 ft boxblade
May 11, 2014
St Augustine FL
New enough to these gadgets that I aparently can't post the link to the Woods PSS72 seeder, but if you Google it it comes right up. To all those who offered opinions and options, adding weight, loading tires, etc. I thank you. Some missed a primary point that I need the ability to prepare and plant 12-13 acres of foodplots in a weather dependant time frame of 3-4 days max, making a no-till seeder highly desirable. While I spend an avg $6K/yr plus the tractor trying to improve and enjoy the natural world I am not convinced we have much say in the matter. Certainly my vehicles will have no impact on the shifting polar axis and changing weather. We washed diapers, recycled pop bottles for a nickel, and opened the widows at night to cool the house. We WERE green before it was cool. I still remember the big scare of the scientifically proven impending coming ice age. I have seen the climate change 4 times a year in most states I have lived, except Larame, which only has 2 days of summer, but I was drinking both days and missed it! Anyway. Thanks for the input .
After searching 3 states I have located a dealer who offered a trade-in on my tractor with 34 hrs only $4,400 less than I paid 4 months ago, on a 5640 which is heavy enough to tote the seeder. My reason for the post was the fact most dealers wanted to discount my "new/slightly used " tractor at least double what they will discount their own rental returns with 10 times the hours. What maintenance have I missed with 34 hrs on the meter? A return with 2-400 hrs driven by part-time seasonal help, possibly unfamiliar with the blinking lights and unable to understamd the meter symbols and who have no financial interest in taking care of the investment is probably less caring and more likely to abuse the machine. Which unit would you prefer to buy? It is what it is, and I will trade the L4600 HST for a new M5640 SUD, FEL and R-4 for a big loss in order to get a machine capable of handling the equipment I now think I need. Pre-TIER 4 units are getting very scarce, and the new Orange T-4 are at least $3K more in price from what I found in my search. One might think that at least a portion of the increase for T-4 units might reflect in an increased value for preT-4 units as well, but not so far from what I was quoted. Be Careful out there and make sure you are certain of your needs, do your research, and then buy the next larger size tractor!

North Idaho Wolfman

Staff member
Lifetime Member

L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
New enough to these gadgets that I aparently can't post the link to the Woods PSS72 seeder.

I will trade the L4600 HST for a new M5640 SUD, FEL and R-4 for a big loss in order to get a machine capable of handling the equipment I now think I need.

Be Careful out there and make sure you are certain of your needs, do your research, and then buy the next larger size tractor!
Thank you all for clarifying the need to do food plots.
Make me just that much happier to live where I do.
I have Moose, White Tail and Mule Deer, Elk, Hawks, Owls, Golden eagles, Bald Eagles, Turkeys, the occasional Bear and a ton of other critters that roam in and out and hang out for a while, oh and the Wolves... Oh wait they live here all the time. ;)

Very nice unit!

Please post pic's of your new tractor, and I hope it serves you well!

Good advice on tractor sizing! :D
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