Hello to all, I have a question for Vic, Well first I should say that I used this great site to help decide on which tractor I needed for my applications, I have 20 acres in upstate NY that I use as a second home and I need to keep the grass (weeds) cut down. I bought a L3400 with a Bush hog sq160 to do this, my first 5hrs of use was last winter to make sure everything worked then I had to store it for the winter,any way to my question, I cut almost all of my grass which was about 18 inches already with out any problems, this tractor and set up was exceeding my expectations, I needed to go to town and get some diesel fuel and a buddy " helped me and continued to cut". when I got back on the tractor I had a noise when I engaged the pto lever, and when I dis- engaged it, what I found out is that my buddy engaged the pto with out stepping on the clutch. Now I have this brand new tractor with this brand new noise, can you please tell me how much damage this created and what type of fix there is for this and what the cost associated with this might be. Thank You, Rich.