I have a l3500 kubota tractor with a three cylnder engine 1908cc I am in need of an exhaust manifold any ideas? What north american mod. will fit?
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Oh wow sonny, wait till handy sees the part you are a welder. You're gonna be like two chatty kathiesyes i still have it i just broke it off today.i am a welder by trade but it is in a mess with all four corners broken off.
if this was ment for me ole son don't worry about the mule just load the wagon if not then have a good dayHandy,
can you start a new thread about your "trick" for cast? I am also a welder and LOVE learning new ways to get the job done that others who "know it all" on the job sites never thought of.
Hi Sonny,if this was ment for me ole son don't worry about the mule just load the wagon if not then have a good day
Hi Sonny, and yes today was a good morning!good morning traildust. didn't really mean to sound like a horses a. and i am always open to new ways of looking at a repair. i was hoping some one could tell me if kubota used this engine in something sold here in the us. there is no english writing in the engine that i can find only 1908cc
WOW!, Now this is a case of someone taking something the wrong way. I was just trying NOT to hijack the thread. Just wanted to learn from Handy. The guy knows all kinds of GREAT stuff! On a few of the job sites I work on there are "plumbers" who have been welders since before the wheel was invented. They remind me all day long of there "knowlege" (These guys say that TIG welding and pulse MIG are "fads"). I wanted to glean some knowlege from Handy, A guy who knows his "onions". Sorry for the confusion. No harm no Foul.if this was ment for me ole son don't worry about the mule just load the wagon if not then have a good day