New to me 3400 and post hole digger, jumpy


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
My L3000 was not so much jerky but was just not very smooth and the control was hard to move in small amounts. I used some spray lube where the control shaft goes into the rearend housing. After spraying it a couple of times and working the control back and forth it made a big difference on mine. Might be worth a try on these 3400's, it may not help but it can't hurt.


New member
Dec 16, 2012
Jopin, MO
To answer a few questions. My tractor is a gear model and from what I read, so far maybe 6 plus hours combing the web looking for a cause,treatment, cure, the recognized models are the 2800-3800?, The early production tractors being early 2006 and older and the 3400 itself are the most plagued. Some are described as a bit twitchy other as demoed on you tube video's are down right jumpy. Mine with a post hole digger violently shakes the tractor when lifting the implement up in stages to get it to the right height. As bad as it jerks the tractor with the post hole digger I hate to think what it will be like lifting my 6' brush hog, but its at the farm and cant say how that will go for sure. Kubota says if it comes up and goes down its with in specs. Sadly they have told people you bought the economy and promote the grand L for smoothness. But with folks sinking 13k-20k in a tractor with attachments only to be told after purchase by the motherland its an economy tractor is a load of shit. Its a factory mess up they boarder line refuse to acknowledge and certainly refuse to fix. That said I have not asked the big k to look at mine or do anything about it as I bought it used and its out of warranty, even though its only got 93 hours on it and is absolutely show room condition.
I was color blind at purchse time, orange, green, blue, or red would all be fine pieces of equipment. In my own blind stupidity I favored a orange tractor as I really had heard so many thing good about them I truly trusted them the most and this sours me greatly. Hooking up the post hole diggers top link about got me hurt and proved to be tough as any small movement in an attempt to line it up got me at least a 1 inch violent jump, bam. This is not my first tractor. I own and have operated three point equipment for several years on a variety of tractors. My 1951 B john deer with a three point fitted to from a model 50 is crude but safe. My 1963 oliver is light years ahead of it and my 1978 john deer 850 works like any three point I have ever been around, smooth. I am willing to spend some money on this but I still cant get proof positive information that spending several hundred more dollars will really make it a usable 3 point. I kick myself for getting suckered and not doing enough homework prior to purchase but I did a couple quick searches and trusted a name brand to be built right.
This form and tractor by net are wealth of information filled with kind people that offer good advice to seemingly anyone willing to ask. I don't want to be the guy that shows up a starts beating up on everyone's favorite brand. I been on forums and seen trolls and never cared for them. I would like to figure out how much better I can make this cute little orange bugger and see if I can make it cost effective to keep it. The fluid divider information provided by a orange brother is going to be tonight investigation. Thanks to everyone reading and following and inputting information and I am still hopeful to a fix. Update, read the link, I had already been there. Maybe taking the tractor on little trailor ride ti kubota dealer is not a bad idea. Good time to start a realtionship, and the local big k has always been friendly when I was a mere gawker? SN
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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
Lakeside Ca.
I'm pretty sure that someone on TBN was able to get their dealer to install a valve off of a Grand L and the 3pt now operates as it should. You can do a search over there and see what you come up with.

Good luck with solving the problem. ;)