New Oil Classes


Well-known member

B2620, RTV-X1100C
Jan 21, 2014
API CK-4 oils will replace current CJ-4 engine oils and will be
backwards compatible with most applications in which CJ-4 is used
today. They all offer improved shear stability, oxidation resistance
and aeration control, the API claims.

API FA-4 oils will provide similar improvements, but are only intended
for use in newer on-highway diesel engines, API says. The organization
says technicians and end users will need to check their owners
manuals to determine which oil is most appropriate for their vehicle.

API developed two visually different API Service Symbol Donuts so that
consumers can easily distinguish between the two categories. The new
API FA-4 donut features a shaded section to differentiate API FA-4
oils from CK-4 oils. The API CK-4 donut will look the same as the
current CJ-4 donut.



Staff member
Lifetime Member

BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
Very interesting!!!!

Notice the red at bottom!

cut and pasted:

API CK-4 describes oils for use in high-speed four-stroke cycle diesel engines designed to meet 2017 model year on-highway and Tier 4 non-road exhaust emission standards as well as for previous model year diesel engines. These oils are formulated for use in all applications with diesel fuels ranging in sulfur content up to 500 ppm. However, the use of these oils with greater than 15 ppm sulfur fuel may impact exhaust aftertreatment system durability and/or oil drain interval.

API CK-4 oils are especially effective at sustaining emission control system durability where particulate filters and other advanced aftertreatment systems are used. API CK-4 oils are designed to provide enhanced protection against oil oxidation, viscosity loss due to shear, and oil aeration as well as protection against catalyst poisoning, particulate filter blocking, engine wear, piston deposits, degradation of low- and high-temperature properties, and soot-related viscosity increase.
API CK-4 oils exceed the performance criteria of API CJ-4, CI-4 with CI-4 PLUS, CI-4, and CH-4 and can effectively lubricate engines calling for those API Service Categories. When using CK-4 oil with higher than 15 ppm sulfur fuel, consult the engine manufacturer for service interval recommendations.
API FA-4 describes certain XW-30 oils specifically formulated for use in select high-speed four-stroke cycle diesel engines designed to meet 2017 model year on-highway greenhouse gas (GHG) emission standards. These oils are formulated for use in on-highway applications with diesel fuel sulfur content up to 15 ppm. Refer to individual engine manufacturer recommendations regarding compatibility with API FA-4 oils.

API FA-4 oils are blended to a high temperature high shear (HTHS) viscosity range of 2.9cP-3.2cP to assist in reducing GHG emissions. These oils are especially effective at sustaining emission control system durability where particulate filters and other advanced aftertreatment systems are used. API FA-4 oils are designed to provide enhanced protection against oil oxidation, viscosity loss due to shear, and oil aeration as well as protection against catalyst poisoning, particulate filter blocking, engine wear, piston deposits, degradation of low- and high-temperature properties, and soot' related viscosity increase.
API FA-4 oils are neither interchangeable nor backward compatible with API CK-4, CJ-4, CI-4 with CI-4 PLUS, CI-4, and CH-4 oils. Refer to engine manufacturer recommendations to determine if API FA-4 oils are suitable for use. API FA-4 oils are not recommended for use with fuels having greater than 15 ppm sulfur. For fuels with sulfur contents greater than 15 ppm, refer to engine manufacturer recommendations.


Well-known member

B2620, RTV-X1100C
Jan 21, 2014
Thanks for adding that 85Hokie. Good for everyone to know to pay attention to what they are buying. Not as simple as grabbing a jug off the shelf any more.