New l4701 hst. bh92?


New member
May 5, 2014
Hello all. Glad I found this place. I will be purchasing a new 4701 this week. It will be y second Kubota but my first tractor in over 9 years. I am getting the FEL and a 72" box scraper. I am considering the bh92 backhoe, however I have a few concerns maybe some of you can answer.

I am a large man 6'4" 280lbs. Will I fit comfortable on the backhoe and be able to operate it for a few hours without problems. Secondly is this a good backhoe? I will be ditching, digging stumps, planting trees etc. Speed is my least concern power and durability are highest.

Thank you in advance for any of you thoughts...


New member

2014 L3200 HST FEL, 1949 Minneapolis-Moline R
Aug 23, 2012
Gobles, MI
Welcome to OTT! From what I have seen, their backhoes are very nice, and very dependable. I've seen a lot of videos on the BX series tractors with them and they seem to perform flawlessly.

As far as how comfortable you would be on one? I cannot answer that. I would suggest going to a dealer and talking with them about it. They may actually have one on that particular model or possibly on another model you could sit on and try it out. Good luck and enjoy your new tractor!