new L3800 and 1st tractor.



L3800DT/FEL/BH77 and others
Dec 16, 2012
Latah County, ID
Greetings All,

I have yet to have it delivered, but I will be the owner of a L3800 with QA FEL, R1 tires w Rimguard & chains, Auger 9", 60" rotary cutter, and a 84" rear blade (LP RB1684). The dealer suggested the blade length, but I am wondering if perhaps it should be 72" (which is the max listed by the manual). I see the value of the blade length for snow- angled and covering the width of the tires, but for grading/ditching/etc... is this too much wear for the tractor? I think that I can change it prior to delivery. Your opinions are appreciated.

I'm anxious to get this, but have to wait about another week. Also, is there a link that you are aware of showing the procedure for widening the rear tires? I'll be using this for general purpose hobby farm stuff.

Thanks for all the info that I have already read.




Grand L3010 GST 4wd, LA481FEL, various attachments and accessories
Aug 3, 2011
NW Illinois
The wider rear blade won't be a problem for snow scraping as long as it fits in your shed barn garage. I use a 72" but any wider and I would tear up my barn doors.
I assume you mean R4 tires?



L3800DT/FEL/BH77 and others
Dec 16, 2012
Latah County, ID
Thanks for the welcome.

I have Ag tires and I purchased chains for them. I thought about industrial tires, but it gets very icy in the main part of the property and chains don't seem to fit the R4 tires without spacers for the rims at least as I could tell. I will be in muddy work in the spring time.

I didn't think about the barn door width, but I think that I have this covered. I'll be checking prior to delivery.



Grand L3010 GST 4wd, LA481FEL, various attachments and accessories
Aug 3, 2011
NW Illinois
You are right about the R4s and chain clearance. Ag tires will give you the most traction but will tear up turf when mowing.



L3800DT/FEL/BH77 and others
Dec 16, 2012
Latah County, ID
The mower is for the upper field, back pasture, and the like (mostly cause I wanted it it). I have a JD LT155tractor for the lawn .


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L3200DT w/FEL, K650 Backhoe, 5' Rotary, 40" Howard Rotavator, 6' Rhino blade
Oct 9, 2011
Spokane, WA
I would be a bit more worried about the strength of the rear blade than the tractor pulling it. I noticed that the blade can be offset for ditching, so strength should not be a problem. But then the blade edge comes closer to centerline; for ditching you generally want it out beyond the rear tire. Have a look at blades that offer swing as well as tilt and rotate, similar to the RHINO 500. I think Land Pride offers it as well. I use the swing feature a lot.
You will be grateful for the extra foot in snow. But you will still want to be able to swing the blade out to toss the snow farther out from the driveway.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
Lakeside Ca.
I would be a bit more worried about the strength of the rear blade than the tractor pulling it. I noticed that the blade can be offset for ditching, so strength should not be a problem. But then the blade edge comes closer to centerline; for ditching you generally want it out beyond the rear tire. Have a look at blades that offer swing as well as tilt and rotate, similar to the RHINO 500. I think Land Pride offers it as well. I use the swing feature a lot.
You will be grateful for the extra foot in snow. But you will still want to be able to swing the blade out to toss the snow farther out from the driveway.
I was thinking the same thing. That RB1684 is too light duty in my book. Minimum would be the RB2684 and the RB3684 would actually be more what I would be looking at. The swinging boom for offsetting is waaaaaaaaaaaaay better than having to loosen, try sliding side ways and then tighten the bolts.

IDKUBOTA, did you get any rear remotes? If you are going to be doing much grading, you might want to consider having them. Hydraulic controls ("TnT")for the hitch adjustments sure are nice to have along with hydraulic angle on the blade. ;)

Oh, if you want the tires set out wide, why not just have the dealer do it before delivery?



L3800DT/FEL/BH77 and others
Dec 16, 2012
Latah County, ID
I have looked at the specs on the RB 26/36/35 blades. Hydraulic would be nice, but probably not necessary. The hydraulic kit looks interesting and isn't too expensive. Maybe next Christmas.

For my needs, 1/4" steel will likely satisfy the existing drainage ditches for repair. Dealer is widening rear prior to delivery for the chains to fit the tires with proper clearance, but I'd like to see how it done.

If I added the hydraulic kit, would I be able to use the existing hydraulic output for the backhoe?


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
Lakeside Ca.
I have looked at the specs on the RB 26/36/35 blades. Hydraulic would be nice, but probably not necessary. The hydraulic kit looks interesting and isn't too expensive. Maybe next Christmas.

For my needs, 1/4" steel will likely satisfy the existing drainage ditches for repair. Dealer is widening rear prior to delivery for the chains to fit the tires with proper clearance, but I'd like to see how it done.

If I added the hydraulic kit, would I be able to use the existing hydraulic output for the backhoe?
You would have to plumb in a control valve to be able to control the hydraulic on the blade. Yes it can be done using the output for the backhoe to plumb an aftermarket valve. OEM is the way to go IMO, but costly. :(