New Kubota - Attachment Compatibility & Tractor Size/Type


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2011 Kubota BX25D
Mar 6, 2020
acushnet, MA USA
First time on the site....

Was thinking of upgrading from my 2011 BX25D with FEL, Backhoe, Clamp-On Forks, 60" Mower Deck, Grass Catcher/Bagger, & front 50" Snow Blower to a 2020 model as many items seam to be better & easier than the 2011.

My original thought was to go with the B2301, which I think is the next size up from the BX and has the extra lifting capacity (another reason for upgrading), along with getting pretty much the same attachments as I had before (see above) except for actual forks instead of Clamp-On style and a drive over Mower Deck.

I've been told by the local dealers that this tractor would have limitation & all these attachments wouldn't work.

I then did a little more homework on this last night.........appears to me that the only option I would had & the smallest tractor available with a decent lift capacity and would offer the capability of having these attachments would be the B2650 or the B3350 (based on building it on the Kubota site). Wasn't looking to get an oversized machine (especially tire size), but looks like I might not have a choice if I want to go that road. The only thing I did notice was that these 2 do not offer the Swift-Attach option for the FEL based on what I seen, but believe that these 2 models are getting replaced with the LX2610 & the LX3310 (this year) which does offer the Swift-Attach FEL. Not sure when the LX2610 & the LX3310 are actually available and there isn't much information to confirm about the attachments.

Well.........this got shot down as well. The dealers advised me that ALL Kubota backhoes are subframe mounted now, so once the subframe is installed the grass bagger/catcher will not fit. The backhoe is quick attach, but the subframe stays on. I told them of the "build it" on the Kubota website allowed me to combine them, but he advised me that it is inaccurate. Is it me or am I correct in saying that the bagger/catcher only fits on the BX model I guess? Seems CRAZY to me?

Another thing is I haven't even got pricing yet, but can ONLY imagine!!!

Any info or help on this would be much appreciated!!


Well-known member

Oct 21, 2017
If your machine is working and no problems then why buy another new small machine with more electronics and more potential headaches and not much difference in lifting or operating capacity?

If you need more lifting capacity buy a skidsteer or a much larger TLB. If you need a hoe because you need to dig more quickly get a mini-ex or much larger TLB. If you need to cut grass get a ZTR.

Ultimately its your money so spend it the way you like. The way I see this is you are asking the internet to tell you if it’s better to have a shiny new quarter or five nickels. Only you can answer that.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
In 55 odd years of mowing lawns (I presently mow 6 acres), I have never bagged one trash bag of clippings. Total waste of fuel IMO.


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Kubota L6060, KX040-4, M7060, RTV X1100C, M62 (sold)
Oct 28, 2018
Red Feather Lakes, CO
You havent given any compelling reasons to upgrade. How large is your property?

It is a very costly endeavor especially when you have a bunch of implements to consider. Moving sizes often means all new implements. This was something to weight when you bought the machine in 2011. Based on what you have described, I would stick with your current machine.


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Welcome to OTT!

I was down a similar road a couple years ago.

Your Blower may be usable, but it would require a different front hitch/mid-PTO. That's about $1,500.

Everything else is not compatible.

With a trade of my BX2360/MMM/FEL/Front hitch (using my old blower and no backhoe) toward a similar B2601, my difference was about $17k. Couldn't justify it for the marginal increase in capability.

Oddly, I might have been better off buying a "basic" larger tractor with just an FEL. Keep the BX for mowing and snowblowing. It's great at it, and I have no issue there. Heck, I probably could sell the loader is I had another FEL tractor...

I'm still running the BX, and don't have another one....:)

My tractor needs have increased, so the BX is more and more under-capable for some jobs, mostly related to ground-engaging and FEL work. I may re-visit the "basic" tractor thing again.
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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
There is another solution: two tractors. When it comes to bagging stuff like leaves, life gets easier if you keep one more or less set up for that function, and another with FEL and or backhoe. I haul the Cyclone Rake around in the fall with my ancient Ingersoll, and mow with it some. But the B2650 is set up to mow and blow snow now, and it would be a hassle to set it up to run the cyclone Rake. It can all be done, it just depends on how much aggravation you want to deal with, pulling implements off and changing subframes etc.


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
This was something to weight when you bought the machine in 2011. Based on what you have described, I would stick with your current machine.
True - but things change over 9 years. I certainly understand the OP's spot.

We've done a TON of house/yard work that I never envisioned when I bought my tractor 7 years ago, and have also added property.

Things change, and I sure don't have crystal balls...:):p

But to your point, I still have my current machine..... It's a tough upgrade when some pricey implements get into the equation.



BX23S, 60" MMM
Nov 5, 2014
New York
I feel a B2601 or B2650 is a better jump in terms of capabilities.

I love my BX23S, but I was All set to sign papers on an L2501 with a Curtis Cab. Wife was adamant about it being to large to mow our finished property... Id rather a 3pt mower as well. The MMM is great, but I have 2 blown discs and both hips will be fake in 5 years.


Well-known member

Jul 17, 2017
Lots of implements will move from a BX to a B01. A B50 (about to be LX series I believe) is bigger again, you'd probably find BX implements undersized on an LX.

Having said that, the particular implements you have wouldn't move. I know, that sucks. Belly mowers, baggers, snow blowers tend to be specific to the machine. Back hoes definitely are.

Most things that go on the 3 pt hitch, or things that go on a SSQA on the front, would easily move across. Sounds like you don't have many of those.

A 2011 BX isn't very old. Not much would be different, really only the . The B01 has a lot more 3ph lift, but doesn't sound like you're lifting a lot on the 3ph. FEL doesn't lift that much more, so yeah I'd look to the B50 (now LX) series if you want more FEL lift. I did a post a while back comparing all the small Kubota measures, which you can find if you look, but actually the biggest difference is the size/feel of the tractor.


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
re: ...In 55 odd years of mowing lawns (I presently mow 6 acres), I have never bagged one trash bag of clippings.

yeesh that's a LOT of grass to cut.....every week, more or less.....
I've got 2 riders for grass detail, 1 -rough, 2 -bagged. bagged grass goes into compost pile for wife's veggies.maybe 4-6 bags a week. Pure nitrogen.
My BX23S will never have a mower on it. PITB to mount/dismount. I may remove the BH this year IF I can find a nice flat,level place to store it, though an hour later 'someone' will want dirt moved.....
SSQA is great, OK.. so the forks don't lift a lot, that's what my AC forklift is for ! I prefer several machines not a one-does-all,wait until you get older, have 2 hernias, missing 2 discs, 2 weak knees and then have to crawl on all fours to connect something way down ain't fun.


New member

2011 Kubota BX25D
Mar 6, 2020
acushnet, MA USA
If your machine is working and no problems then why buy another new small machine with more electronics and more potential headaches and not much difference in lifting or operating capacity?

If you need more lifting capacity buy a skidsteer or a much larger TLB. If you need a hoe because you need to dig more quickly get a mini-ex or much larger TLB. If you need to cut grass get a ZTR.

Ultimately its your money so spend it the way you like. The way I see this is you are asking the internet to tell you if it’s better to have a shiny new quarter or five nickels. Only you can answer that.
Looking to buy another as we are going to be building a house & can use the extra lift capacity to moving misc. materials/products around including pallets. I believe the lifting capacity on the new model is like double if not more.

This and it's all in one machine with multiple attachments vs having a fleet of different machines and a place to store them all including the additional maintenance of each machine.

Back to my original summary, what is the next step up from the BX series that allows the previously mentioned attachments? The obstacle I'm currently running into is that the B Series Machines cannot accept the grass bagger/catcher due to the Backhoe subframe. Looks like the BX Series is the ONLY one that can accommodate from what I'm being told and what I've been able to find for information.


New member

2011 Kubota BX25D
Mar 6, 2020
acushnet, MA USA
If your machine is working and no problems then why buy another new small machine with more electronics and more potential headaches and not much difference in lifting or operating capacity?

If you need more lifting capacity buy a skidsteer or a much larger TLB. If you need a hoe because you need to dig more quickly get a mini-ex or much larger TLB. If you need to cut grass get a ZTR.

Ultimately its your money so spend it the way you like. The way I see this is you are asking the internet to tell you if it’s better to have a shiny new quarter or five nickels. Only you can answer that.
In 55 odd years of mowing lawns (I presently mow 6 acres), I have never bagged one trash bag of clippings. Total waste of fuel IMO.
Lawn mowing the front & back yard would be the majority of the machines use in the summer months besides having some sort of home project. It would probably be attached 90% of the lawn mowing season.


New member

2011 Kubota BX25D
Mar 6, 2020
acushnet, MA USA
You havent given any compelling reasons to upgrade. How large is your property?

It is a very costly endeavor especially when you have a bunch of implements to consider. Moving sizes often means all new implements. This was something to weight when you bought the machine in 2011. Based on what you have described, I would stick with your current machine.
The current reasons to upgrade are the following......Machine is 2011 with about 420 hours on it. We will be building a house and could use the extra lifting capacity to handle misc. things with the process. The additional amount of hours put on the machine with the new house will probably be pretty substantial.......maybe around double or 400-500 if I would have to guess. That would put the machine less appealing for resale value. The thought process here on my end is to sell the current machine & attachments as it would be more appealing with low hours and more $$ value now than after...... The new machine once purchased would facilitate the new house and be the LAST machine probably purchased as it would last the rest of my lifetime probably.


Well-known member

Jul 17, 2017
Moving to a bigger and single machine makes sense. The B2601 is the next larger machine I'd look at, but it's not that big a jump. The B2650 would be a worthwhile jump.

You'll need to replace your bagger, or move to mulching and not bagging (my personal preference). The BX bagger only goes on the BX, and I wouldn't go from a 2012 BX to a new BX personally, there's not that much difference and 420 hours is very low hours still.


New member

2011 Kubota BX25D
Mar 6, 2020
acushnet, MA USA
Moving to a bigger and single machine makes sense. The B2601 is the next larger machine I'd look at, but it's not that big a jump. The B2650 would be a worthwhile jump.

You'll need to replace your bagger, or move to mulching and not bagging (my personal preference). The BX bagger only goes on the BX, and I wouldn't go from a 2012 BX to a new BX personally, there's not that much difference and 420 hours is very low hours still.
Thanks for input!! Below is a summary of info on them both based on what I reviewed.

Lifting capacity on the BX is 680lbs while the B2601 is 1,411lbs and the B2650 is 1,676lbs.
Tires for example on the BX (Bar/Turf R3) Front 18×8.5–10 & Rear 26×12–12, B2601 (AG) Front are 7-12 & Rear 11.2-16, while the B2650 (AG) is Front 7-12 & Rear 12.4-16.
Weight BX is 1,570lbs, B2601 is 1,632lbs, & B2650 is 1,786lbs
Ground Clearance BX is 8.4", B2601 is 12.8, & B2650 is 14.6
Length/Width is a little bigger as you progress to next unit up, but not a major concern.

Not looking to get an oversized unit, but want to make sure I don't kick myself in the rear end either after the purchase. Don't want the machine to ruin our finished lawn/yard with an oversized machine and will probably need 2 sets of tires to accommodate this.

The another main issue is the subframe for the backhoe not allowing the bagger/catcher to be installed as an attachment on either the B2601 or B2650 (I think also the upcoming LX2610). I think the lifting capacity should be OK with either of these. Not too familiarized with a mulching unit, but don't want the kids bringing in grass clippings with their shoes inside the house.

The concerns are cost difference (which I don't know as of yet), accommodating the attachments I'm looking for, size upgrade, lawn damage, & bagger/catcher.


New member

2011 Kubota BX25D
Mar 6, 2020
acushnet, MA USA
if you want to cut grass then buy a riding mower front mounts work well an L series tractor is capable of MOST attachments
The only (2) L Series I see that's might still be a little too oversized is the L2501 & the L3301 & they don't have mower deck and/or grass catcher/bagger options based on the "build" on Kubota website.


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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA

The lifting capacities that you listed are for the three point (24" from lift pin), not loader capacities. You really wont be lifting pallets of anything substantial with any of the tractors you are looking at. I have a B2650 (TLB) and can't even get a half ton of wood pellets off the trailer.

I didn't see anywhere how much grass you are cutting...but, a ZTR would likely be the best choice if your property is conducive. You can get baggers on those as well. They run circles (literally) around any mid mount mower on a cut/scut. I have two ZTR's (one with a bagger), a garden tractor with a bagger and the B2650 with a flail mower. My "go to" mower of choice is the large ZTR without a bagger.

Regarding your current machine- those are very low hours that you have and your tractor has only just finished the break-in period. With proper maintenance, you could very easily exceed 4000 hours without a problem. My old BX23 (TLBM) had more than that when I traded it...and it was used both privately and commecially and HARD.

Should you decide on going larger to a B series, I wouldn't get hung up on the "swift tach" loader. Personally, I wouldn't want one. It seems that the new loader valve couplers have caused many headaches recently. I'd look for the older units with the poineer couplers.

Best of luck to you in whatever you decide.


Well-known member

B2650 BH77 LA534 54" ssqa Forks B2782B BB1560 Woods M5-4 MaxxHaul 50039
Jan 3, 2019
Hadashville, Manitoba, Canada
Thanks for input!! Below is a summary of info on them both based on what I reviewed.

Lifting capacity on the BX is 680lbs while the B2601 is 1,411lbs and the B2650 is 1,676lbs.
Tires for example on the BX (Bar/Turf R3) Front 18×8.5–10 & Rear 26×12–12, B2601 (AG) Front are 7-12 & Rear 11.2-16, while the B2650 (AG) is Front 7-12 & Rear 12.4-16.
Weight BX is 1,570lbs, B2601 is 1,632lbs, & B2650 is 1,786lbs
Ground Clearance BX is 8.4", B2601 is 12.8, & B2650 is 14.6
Length/Width is a little bigger as you progress to next unit up, but not a major concern.

Not looking to get an oversized unit, but want to make sure I don't kick myself in the rear end either after the purchase. Don't want the machine to ruin our finished lawn/yard with an oversized machine and will probably need 2 sets of tires to accommodate this.

The another main issue is the subframe for the backhoe not allowing the bagger/catcher to be installed as an attachment on either the B2601 or B2650 (I think also the upcoming LX2610). I think the lifting capacity should be OK with either of these. Not too familiarized with a mulching unit, but don't want the kids bringing in grass clippings with their shoes inside the house.

The concerns are cost difference (which I don't know as of yet), accommodating the attachments I'm looking for, size upgrade, lawn damage, & bagger/catcher.
Lawn damage: I drive our 2017 B2650 with R4 tires across our lawn all summer. Keep it in 2wd and don't push hard turns and you'll have no lawn damage problems. Getting a 5 ft, 3-point rotary mower this year for the old rough grasses and tree saplings.
I decided on a 48" riding mower for the lawn instead of outfitting the B2650.
As an all around machine the B2650 excels.



B2650 Duetz Allis 6275 CAT D6 CAT 110B
Mar 2, 2020
I started out about to purchase the BX23S, thank goodness Kubota changed their incentives the day before I was about to purchase it.

That made me look harder to end up with a used 135hr B2650, came with loader, and pallet forks, already had the box scraper, post hole digger, rippers, rake. So glad I did, plan to purchase a "MMM to mow my 5-7 acres and then get a very small rider for immediate areas around the house. I just went out and used my box scraper and loader to clear about a 1/4 mile of brush for a road on my 30 acres and more to come especially after I add a BH soon.

I truly feel I would have been very disappointed over all with the BX23S
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