New B2650 arrived, thanks all (pics)


New member

May 29, 2013
Shenandoah Valley, VA
Random overall thoughts so far after coming from my BX23:

  • When I was debating between the B2601 and B2650, I considered that the B2650 might actually be a bit big for what I do with this machine. I may yet think that when I get to working on trails and tighter spots, but so far I'm pretty happy with the size.
  • Stability: I was very worried about stability when I was debating buying this tractor. I thought I'd want spacers, but supposedly spacers wouldn't work with the MMM. The tractor just struck me as narrow at the dealers. But honestly so far I've been pleasantly surprised by the stability. I haven't had to work on hills much yet, but I've driven it on some side slopes, and with the backhoe and loader on, and it's struck me as a good bit more stable than I expected. The BX, despite being very low to the ground, always struck me as very tippy with the loader and backhoe on. Without FEL and BH, it was rock solid on anything. But yeah, happy with stability so far.
  • Power: I don't have a good feel for it yet as I've been trying to keep the RPMs down during the first 50 hours as the manual suggests.
  • FEL: Power-wise, pretty happy with it. I was pretty impressed tonight just in what it can push, which is really more a testament to the tractor and the whole package. I had a few dirt piles next to a trench I was digging and went to move it all out of the way. I was pretty impressed when I started to push into those piles. Pushed one pile into the next pile into the next pile. Lots of power. I'll get a better feel for what the FEL can really do when I start using the forks more. One oddity I've noticed: when trying to clean up loose material on a somewhat hard or at least solid surface with the BX, I would sometimes level the bucket and float it as I'd move forward into that material. I'm finding if I try to do that with this setup, the front wheels immediately lift up when I move forward. Never used to have that issue with the BX, but I suppose it doesn't matter. Just need to operate a little differently. The float detent also feels a little strange to me. Putting it into float feels relatively normal, but pulling it out feels like a sharp snap rather than a nice easy notch feeling.
  • Backhoe: Highlight of the experience so far. I thought the backhoe on my BX23 was decent, but this one is really nice. I like the wider swing arc. I was somewhat afraid the 16" bucket was almost too big for what I do, but so far I'm really liking that bucket a lot. The backhoe in general has tons of power, almost more than the tractor can handle really. In more virgin ground, I'm having to be careful to not pull the tractor when digging. I worry about breaking a stabilizer when that starts to happen. Speaking of stabilizers, I was kind of surprised that they built them in such a way that when up, it's possible for the backhoe to impact the stabilizers when swung entirely to the side.
  • Mower: Least favorite part of the package so far, but to be fair I haven't used it much yet. I think it was Sunday night I wanted to get the mower off since I'm doing dirt work right now, and I figured I'd try it out real quick while I was doing that. The salesman warned me that swapping between the mower and the backhoe on the larger B was not going to be as easy as I was used to, but I underestimated that. I always figured it couldn't be any worse than removing the MMM on my parents' old John Deere 1050, which I used to have to do regularly when I was a kid. But yeah, I thought this was a pain. I think having the backhoe subrame on the tractor made some of it worse than it would have been otherwise, such as having to shift the lower 3ph mounting pin back and forth to the get the 3ph arms on. There were some pins though that I have a feeling I'm going to have a hell of a time getting back in without tools and maybe help when I go to put it back on, which I may do this weekend as I have some grass that hasn't been mowed in a month or so. When I tried the mower, I also wasn't thrilled with the lines the rear center gauge wheel leaves. I'm not a prude about lawn, but it just bugged me. The grass I need to mow this weekend is a lot longer and will be a better test. Looking forward to seeing how it does there. That will also be my first experience hauling it on my trailer.
  • General impressions of the tractor: When riding on rough and uneven terrain, it feels way more solid than my BX did, and not just because of the bigger wheels. Though my BX was older, and I'm thinking probably abused a little by the previous owner. Seat is comfortable, though I'm still debating if I want to install the original seat hardware or stick with the swivel backhoe seat. At first I thought for sure I was going to switch it out, but I've gotten better at cleanly flipping that seat around now. I know the operator's platform is mounted on rubber, but personally I really wish the platform, step, and fenders felt more solid and didn't move so much. When I get on I've been getting on kind of gingerly because I feel like I'm going to break something. Not a big fan of the new hood setup. I feel like it's actually more cumbersome to get in there than it was on the BX where the hood hinged forward. Also not a big fan of the little plastic transmission dipstick or the rubber stopped for the fill. Just somehow feels cheap to me, and I'm also having a hard time seeing where exactly the oil is on that dipstick.

So there are ups and downs, but as a whole I'm liking it a lot. Pretty much every day after work I hope I can get some seat time in. :)
Glad you're liking it! I also just went from a BX to the B2650. No backhoe for me. I was also a bit worried that it was going to be too big for what I needed, but after using it for a few weeks, I'm very happy. I got the 60" mmm. It's been very dry here so I haven't done a lot of mowing, but what I have done I'm happy with it. Haven't removed the mower deck yet, but since I don't have a hoe, I'm hoping it won't be too bad. I agree with everything you said on the stability also. I have some hills and slopes and was considering spacers, but not sure if I will need them. On facebook kubota group a gentleman stated he used 2" spacers on his B2650 with a 60" mmm.


Active member

Nov 8, 2015
Western PA
very nice, let us know how you like the MMM.
Finally got in some real time with the MMM, about 3 hours or more on Sunday. My opinion of it has gotten better.

Swapping the FEL/BH for the mower I think will get a little faster each time. I'm already getting a good bit quicker with it. Wish I didn't have to install the 3ph arms, or loosen that set bolt so I can move the lower link mounting rod back and forth to install the 3ph arms. But as a whole, after some lessons learned it's not so bad.

Quality of cut I think is decent, but it's kind of hard to tell in the fall, especially with how dry it's been. I'm not cutting manicured lawns, and the grass growth rates are spotty, so it's not all uniform. But I wasn't unhappy with the way it was cutting at all.

The gauge wheels and anti-scalp rollers are highly effective, I was fairly impressed with its performance in that way. I was sort of babying it and being careful, but in a lot of places where I had to be very careful with my BX23 suspended deck MMM not to scalp or hit roots or high spots, this mower seemed much more effective at not hitting that stuff.

Mowing with the BX had some perks, but overall mowing with the B2650 is way nicer in my opinion. Rides much nicer with the bigger wheels. Also maneuvers on terrain in 2WD much better; there are places where with the BX I'd be using 4WD where the B2650 had no issue in 2WD. Overall loving this tractor.

Fair chance that will be the last time I use the mower until next year.

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L4060 HSTC Loader, ZD326, ZD1211
Mar 9, 2016
Hyattstown, MD
I recognize that lawn... It's the one that was let grow high because someone wanted to mow with a spankin new machine on the way!
The B2650 was on my short list several years ago, but I wanted something heavier for snow plowing.

Enjoy your new machine!

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Active member

Nov 8, 2015
Western PA
I recognize that lawn... It's the one that was let grow high because someone wanted to mow with a spankin new machine on the way!
The B2650 was on my short list several years ago, but I wanted something heavier for snow plowing.

Enjoy your new machine!
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I see you've been there. Some of it had gone to seed. :)

This is a property I have to haul a tractor to to mow though, so I frequently let it get long. No house there, if it gets a little tall it doesn't really matter much.


Well-known member

b2650 tlb
Aug 16, 2018
Knoxville, TN
I've not seen a pic of one without the BH and/or FEL attached, and I've not yet removed my FEL. That's a mighty fine looking ride. Enjoy.


New member
Nov 17, 2019
I’m surprised no one has pointed this out, but you have two different wheel/tires on the front. The right side is for the B2301/2601 and the left one is correct for your machine. This should be corrected by your dealer immediately.

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Active member

Nov 8, 2015
Western PA
I’m surprised no one has pointed this out, but you have two different wheel/tires on the front. The right side is for the B2301/2601 and the left one is correct for your machine. This should be corrected by your dealer immediately.

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Looking at those last pics, they are different. WTF...


Well-known member

MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower
Jun 9, 2015
Yeah, tlj87 is spot on. B-01 series on the right and B-50 series on the left.


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Lifetime Member

B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
I’m surprised no one has pointed this out, but you have two different wheel/tires on the front. The right side is for the B2301/2601 and the left one is correct for your machine. This should be corrected by your dealer immediately.

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Great catch! I thought something looked wonky in the pics but couldn't put my finger on it.


Active member

Nov 8, 2015
Western PA
That is some scary stuff if the dealer installed two different tires on your machine....
I'm going to try to get out and measure tonight. It's nothing I've noticed from the operator's seat in any way. I'm wondering if the outer diameters are the same but it's a different tire and wheel.


New member
Nov 17, 2019
That is some scary stuff if the dealer installed two different tires on your machine....

Can’t believe that no one at the dealer or the delivery person didn’t catch this. OR the person that got the small B with the big wheel on one side!

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St8 e


Dec 11, 2018
Central PA
Can’t believe that no one at the dealer or the delivery person didn’t catch this. OR the person that got the small B with the big wheel on one side!

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I thought the same thing...that’s kind of concerning! I would be checking the torque on the stuff they added...

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Active member

Nov 8, 2015
Western PA
Great catch! I thought something looked wonky in the pics but couldn't put my finger on it.
Great catch indeed.

I checked tonight, they are indeed different tires and wheels. Overall diameter difference is about an inch, maybe just a hair more. Really can't tell sitting in the operator's seat though, and of course typically I'm only seeing one wheel at a time.

I emailed the sales guy from the dealer this morning to tell him I likely have a problem they're going to have to remedy. Told him the situation, sent him zoomed in pictures, and he gave me the tire sizes for the B50 and B01, told me to get back to him after I checked it, but said with a 2" difference he felt like I would have noticed by now. As said, it's not a full 2" difference though; the B01 tire has a taller profile than the B50.

I'm going to email him tonight with pics of the tire sizes I took tonight.

Gotta say, when the tractor was delivered I was looking it over for hydraulic leaks, damage, whatever...never thought I'd have to make sure I got matching wheels...


Active member

Nov 8, 2015
Western PA
Can’t believe that no one at the dealer or the delivery person didn’t catch this. OR the person that got the small B with the big wheel on one side!

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The dealer, yeah, they should have caught it. The delivery guy, he was clueless. He just drove the truck, he wasn't interested in making sure the product was right. He also didn't have any of the take-off parts for the tractor, such as the original seat bracket, spacers for the 3ph lower links that they take off for the mower brackets, etc.. I had to go up and get all that stuff.

I've been wondering about that second there a guy out there with a B01 series with an oversized wheel...?



B2650, 72" MMM, LA534+QA, RCR1260
Oct 8, 2019
Morganza, MD
Concerning for sure. What else did they screw up that I didn't catch...
I was going to mention that as well....I would for sure check that tractor over with a fine tooth comb.

EDIT: quite literally your life could depend on it...or of your loved ones.