New 3 Point linkage, missing parts.



B9200D / BF350 Kubota Loader / L-4530B Kubota Backhoe w - subframe / LP GS1548
Sep 17, 2009
Northern Indiana
Re-assembling my tractor after some restoration, have the backhoe off. I'm trying to set up a 3 point so I can buy a Land Pride grading scraper.

I bought my tractor with a loader & backhoe mounted & working. I don't think my tractor has ever had a working 3 point mounted-up.

This is my first tractor, so it's a learning experience. I bought what I thought was a complete 3 point linkage set-up on ebay. Well, I need some more parts, and was wondering if someone with a B8200, B9200, or something simular to mine could post some images of their set-up. So as a result

Looks to me like my top lifting rod's need a swivel where they connect to the tractor.

Also, the "check chains" came with a long axle and swivel connectors which I cannot use. So as a result my check chains are too short.

Just like to see what the correct set-up looks like, so I can make the modifications.



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New member
Jul 15, 2010
Colorado Springs, CO
Hey Randy,

I was looking at the same setup on eBay last night.

Sorry I don't have anything to contribute, but please share any info you come across.

I'll be doing the same thing to my B9200 in the next few weeks.

I'm also curious if you've pulled the PTO assembly out during the restoration? Mine just has a cover with no shaft, I'm wondering what parts I need to add the PTO.




B9200D / BF350 Kubota Loader / L-4530B Kubota Backhoe w - subframe / LP GS1548
Sep 17, 2009
Northern Indiana
Hey Randy,

I was looking at the same setup on eBay last night.

Sorry I don't have anything to contribute, but please share any info you come across.

I'll be doing the same thing to my B9200 in the next few weeks.

I'm also curious if you've pulled the PTO assembly out during the restoration? Mine just has a cover with no shaft, I'm wondering what parts I need to add the PTO.


So you are a member of the B9200 club! A rare breed, we are! I don't know about you, but I really enjoy my B9200. Mine is a gear drive, manual steering.

About that 3 point linkage set on ebay: It's NOT complete, as in everything you will need.
The top link will have to be ground / machined down, as it's too wide to fit into the receiver. No biggie, just work.
Both the lifting rods should have swivels at the top where they connect to the tractor arms.
The check chains that come in the kit also come with a long axle & connectors for the axles. The axle is useless, as are the connectors ( for the B9200 ). The check chains connect to the bottom of the rops, so with this set-up I need to come up with some type of connector. They are too short otherwise.

Nothing that can't be corrected, just be aware that if you buy the same kit I did, you will not have everything you need. Also, some modification work. There probably is a kit out there that comes with all the correct parts we need, but I don't know where to find it. This set-up cost me about $200 with shipping, and I still don't have everything I need.

My PTO works fine. Didn't have to do anything to it. I have a backhoe and it has a pump that attaches to the PTO shaft. No problem.

I don't know what to tell you about adding a rear PTO. I would think that it would be very costly however. These are good tractor's, but they are not cheap in the parts department.:)



1984 B8200E, L260F
Jul 29, 2009
Wentzville, MO
Here are the parts diagram for my B8200E. Mine didn't come with a 3PNT on it because it had a Woods L59 belly mower on it. Luckily my friend had a set of B7300 lower links that I was able to use. He bought them for another tractor but they didn't fit. Lucky for me he gave them to me for free, saved some serious $$$.

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New member
Jul 15, 2010
Colorado Springs, CO

I just saw a photo of a B8200 3-point setup, and it looks like you're missing a U-bracket and pin at the top link.

If you look on the diagrams Phil posted (Thanks Phil!), they're part #14 and #22 on the Lift Rod.

You can see them pretty well in the pic I found. I'll try to post it, but not sure if it'll work here:




B9200D / BF350 Kubota Loader / L-4530B Kubota Backhoe w - subframe / LP GS1548
Sep 17, 2009
Northern Indiana
Thank you, Phil & Tim !

Thank you, very much !

The exploded parts diagram, & image will help me to fabricate what I need.:)



New member
Jul 15, 2010
Colorado Springs, CO
Glad we could help.

If you feel like making an extra set of those U-brackets, let me know how much you want for them.

Like I said, will probably be going through the same thing soon.


Pete b

New member

Kubota B20 tractor, backhoe & front loader
Aug 29, 2011
We bought a kubota b20 last year with front loader and backhoe.

After following your thread regarding the 3point linkage I investigated my b20. Everything appears to be where it should be however I don't know how to engage the lifting / lowering mechanism. mechanism.

There is a twist knob under the seat that appears to to adjust the speed the linkage is lowered. At present this is stuck and won't turn.

If this knob lowers the linkage how do I raise it.

Sorry if this is a basic question however I can't locate a user manual so flying blind I'm afraid.

Thanks in advance for any comments.


New member

B20, FEL, box blade, flail mower
Aug 20, 2009
Camarillo, California
Pete, the knob under the seat only serves to adjust how fast you want the 3ph to drop. It's just a little valve that regulates how fast the hydraulic oil escapes from the 3ph cylinder. You raise/lower the 3ph with the lever just to the right of the seat right in front of the throttle. Raising the lever should raise the 3ph. Conversely, lowering the lever should lower the 3ph.