I don't know what the seller did to start the tractor, it was running when i got there. It was above freezing that day maybe around 40 degrees. I drove it on trailer, shut it off and brought it home. tried starting it the following day with no luck. It was a lot colder and noticed a half inch of ice in bottom of filter bowl, also they had no filter in the sediment bowl. so drained fuel and added a filter, also noticed the oil smelled like raw diesel fuel so i changed the oil and filter, attempted to bleed fuel lines and tested glow plugs , Someone told me it was probably to cold out so i towed it in my garage which is heated , put battery on charge overnight and attempted to start it since with no luck.. Did the seller start it with ether, don't know, still have air in fuel lines, not sure, are the injectors dirty, don't know, is it cranking over fast enough to start, it seems to me it would be, all i know for sure is the glow plugs are working and its blowing black smoke which smells of diesel out the exhaust but doesn't even attempt to want to start.