Most of the large farm tractors in my area are also green color. I guess they have dominated that market for so long. I see on Kubota's website that the M7-171 (168-hp) is their largest tractor. Have you ever had a chance to run one of these? I just wonder how it compares. Thanks for the photos. That looks like a lot of fun.
I believe more green is sold just because grandpa had one and because of that nothing else will do. Todays green isn't what the old green was. That tractor is 40 years old and still running strong.
I have never even seen a M7 in person. None of the dealers around here have the demand to carry a tractor that big. You don't even see that size at the deere dealer. I would love to try one though just to compare to that size deere.
Lucky you. What a big boy toy.
I thought that area had a lot of hills, where did you find that flat area?
We do have lots of hills but some nice bottoms as well. Nothing like the mid-west but still some farms around. Sad to say but most of the farm land is only growing houses. Everybody want to eat but nobody wants to farm.
What I see a lot that strikes me as funny is when a kid climbs out of a machine like that. My neighboring mountain fields are family owned, and they put all the kids to work as soon as they can reach the pedals, teenagers anyway. Girl teenagers, and they put in some long hours too. On the slopes here it is impressive the low of center of gravity they have, besides the power and traction !
Now days it's strange to see any kids working. Most of them think a x-box controller is all that will fit their hands. I love to see any of the kids showing interest in farm work.
First memory I have I was 5 driving a IH road tractor and lowboy in the hay field. Couldn't even reach the pedals just sit on the edge of the seat and steer. When I had to stop all I could do is cut the key off.
Here's a couple pics from the past. I was a young teen when these were taken.