My neighbor has a dog that likes to chase...


New member
Jul 13, 2019
Durham NC
I'd recommend sticking to pepper spray, and only when he chases you directly. While it sux that the neighbor is an irresponsible pet owner, you still have to make an effort to keep the peace. If he finds out you shot his dog he's likely to start a retaliation war.

The other option would be a call to animal control services.



Dec 28, 2017
Sad thing is the dogs are just being dogs. I have learned the neighbor is at fault and your taking it out on the dog. Same thing as if someone talked crap on someone else so they keyed the car. The car didn’t do anything and the dog is just being what it is. The owner is at fault and liable if and when the dog is hit and causing damage to the vehicle. Just my two cents from experience.


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Kenny, I agree with you. However I can only do so much. I'd probably get in trouble if I used the mace on the owner (or the cattle prod), but he deserves it!

Any law (at least here) only gets applied AFTER there is damage done. No leash law, so the owner feels free to not be responsible for a roaming dog.

hope to float

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Feb 18, 2018
There is always trouble here with roaming dogs (esp. around lambing time).
If your sheep are attacked, the Gardai (police) and dog wardens try first to catch the dog. If that fails they actually help with the farmers shooting the offending dog. The police are unarmed but they will back the sheep owner against the dog owner and any other help they can give. Of course most people keep their dogs under control but there are always one or two ....

On a side note. If a car hits a sheep on unfenced roads through commonage the car owner is liable. If it happens where the land is supposed to be fenced, the farmer is liable.


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Jun 9, 2018
The dogs owners move to the country from the city and they let three dogs run free. When anyone drives, walks, ride 4 wheelers....anything, they chase.

I've talked to the owner several time, but I just get a funny face, a nod of the shoulder, and a smile.

How would you handle this?
Certainly I'd carry on with your plan. I'd also formally tell (in writing and verbally) whoever's responsible for public safety - I assume that would be your police or council - of the danger and make sure others know you've done that. Their responsibility to deal with the issue puts them in the firing line as much as the owner. The chances seem pretty dire that a bystander will be attacked if they don't act.

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
A couple years ago, our county passed an ordinance for dogs. It's not a leash law per say, but puts full responsibility on the dogs owner for anything their animal does. The law does state that if an animal is running loose, the owner must be within 100 ft of the animal and directly supervising it.

Police don't chase down stray animals to enforce it. But it gives them options if they start getting complaints about an animal. It's also helped cut down on the number of cases in the court systems because someone shot an animal on there property and the animals owner got there butt hurt.

Now, if your dog's running loose and the police start getting complaints, the first visit is usually a warning to explain the in and out of the ordinance. Second visit is $50 per animal and goes up from there.

If your animals being aggressive, then it's a $500 fine per animal, and if they come out again multiple times, then criminal charges will be filed against the animals owner.

The ordinance was designed to force a pet owner to be responsible for their animals instead of just letting them do what ever.

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North Idaho Wolfman

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Sandpoint, ID
On a side note. If a car hits a sheep on unfenced roads through commonage the car owner is liable. If it happens where the land is supposed to be fenced, the farmer is liable.
We have the same laws here, it's called open range. The east side of the country doesn't do it much, but here in the west you can drive right through cattle grazing land.


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Daren, I might look up those ordinances and give a copy to the county commissioners at a meeting and ask for help. I can then have on record the problem with this neighbor as evidence. They might do something!

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Daren, I might look up those ordinances and give a copy to the county commissioners at a meeting and ask for help. I can then have on record the problem with this neighbor as evidence. They might do something!
The county I'm in is Faulkner County. I was able to Google it and found it referenced in the local paper.

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B2601, loader, backhoe
Nov 12, 2018
Williamsport, PA, USA
I used to work at a Honda dealership and attended a tech seminar for power equipment. We were told a story about the new Honda walk behind, self propeller, lawn mower/bagger.
A woman was cutting her yard when the neighbor's toy poodle (or some such small sized dog) came around the fence and charged barking at the mower. The woman froze and stopped walking allowing the mower to rear up. The doggie took a ride to the bag courtesy of the still spinning blades.
The bag was taken to the owners.
"Yer dog."



Dec 28, 2017
Kenny, I agree with you. However I can only do so much. I'd probably get in trouble if I used the mace on the owner (or the cattle prod), but he deserves it!

Any law (at least here) only gets applied AFTER there is damage done. No leash law, so the owner feels free to not be responsible for a roaming dog.
I understand, sometimes you feel helpless, I had some trouble myself, prayed about it and an answer was given for me.

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
I understand, sometimes you feel helpless, I had some trouble myself, prayed about it and an answer was given for me.
It's a pretty big feeling of being helpless when you call the cops and they say sorry, we can talk to them but theres nothing else we can do. Especially when dealing with a dog thats aggressive and an owner that`s ignorant.

Before the ordinance was put into place in our area, I ended up having to put a neighbors dog down. This was after repeatedly telling the owner that they needed to contain there dog, it's being aggressive on our property, stalking up to our grand child and growling in his face, not letting people out of cars on our property, and that we were gonna have to put his dog down if he did't do something. Sent the cops down there to talk to him as well.Got dragged into court after being charged for it as well. Had to prove I was justified in what I did. Managed to get it thrown out, but talk about a drawn out ordeal.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
It's a pretty big feeling of being helpless when you call the cops and they say sorry, we can talk to them but theres nothing else we can do. Especially when dealing with a dog thats aggressive and an owner that`s ignorant.

Before the ordinance was put into place in our area, I ended up having to put a neighbors dog down. This was after repeatedly telling the owner that they needed to contain there dog, it's being aggressive on our property, stalking up to our grand child and growling in his face, not letting people out of cars on our property, and that we were gonna have to put his dog down if he did't do something. Sent the cops down there to talk to him as well.Got dragged into court after being charged for it as well. Had to prove I was justified in what I did. Managed to get it thrown out, but talk about a drawn out ordeal.
It's always better to eliminate discretely in the case of a ill behaved domesticated dog. Wild dogs, no issue. I shoot them on sight.

What is amazing is, the owner could care less about the dog until you have to eliminate it, then all hell breaks loose. Had that issue with the neighbors riding their dirtbikes on my rented hay ground. Told them numerous times to stay off and got nowhere. Posted it and got nowhere. The I took a video of them riding on the ground, filed a lawsuit and they had to pay damages. They keep off it now. Didn't want to resort to that but sometimes that is the only way to make a lead head understand. People are generally ignorant and disrespectful of others rights and property. Cost them a lot of money they didn't have but being ignorant and disrespectful is no excuse. Had to pay my attorney fees too.

I really dislike doing that sort of thing but sometimes ignorance makes it necessary.

Russell King

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Jun 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
I don’t recall you stating anything about the use of fencing in your area. If it is acceptable to use fence perhaps you can offer your assistance in installing a fence around his property to contain his dog’s and keep them and others safe

Or just pick up the dogs anytime they are on your property and take them to the animal shelter

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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
get cheap dollar store perfume and fill a watergun with it. when dog comes at you spray him in the face, especially the nose.
odds are it'll only take ONE application and he'll stay away from you. if not , do it again..
doesn't harm him, just can't smell ANYTHING for a few days.....
if the owner complains, shoot him.....


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L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade
Dec 9, 2011
New Glasgow Canada
After delivering mail for many years I discovered there really aren't that many real bad dogs out there however there are very many bad owners basically too lazy to look after them and they aren't much different with their kids. We have a big dog down the road that doesn't chase after my truck however when we're on the motorcycle it comes out of no where and runs the length of the yard, scares the crap out of me. Vote me in and I promise to introduce an open season on dumb $ss dog owners and parents. I can see it now, BB for president, oh wait I'm Canadian, well I guess it doesn't make much difference, put them all in a bottle, shake it up and pick what ever floats to the top cuss their all the same. :D


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
"We have backhoes, and lots of land."


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
You know Ray I told that to a boy friend of one of the grand daughters after he scuffed her up a bit he said they were playing around, For some strange reason he never called on her after that, said he was always to busy


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Yesterday evening on my way home I came by this dog's farm. He was out. He "kinda" chased me, not full speed, not with much vigor, and stay back several feet, and didn't stay at it too long. I slowed down to see if he wanted more, but he returned to his waiting post. Maybe he's learning!