My heart goes out

Dennis T.

New member
Jan 30, 2012
Minnesota USA
If you ever see this here, the USA's great experiment in democracy is over. Selfishness and profits will have out ranked the value of innocent children's lives.


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Wild and Free

New member

B2150 HSD w/Case L340 fel 68" quicktach bkt, 60" jinma snowblower, box scraper
Oct 25, 2012
North Dakota
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Wild and Free

New member

B2150 HSD w/Case L340 fel 68" quicktach bkt, 60" jinma snowblower, box scraper
Oct 25, 2012
North Dakota
Soooo basically what you're saying is if I eat the chemically altered food at McDonald's and from the grocery store I'm more prone to blow somebody's head off cause of the chemicals inside me???! SORRY hoss it doesn't work that way!

I'm 31 years old, 315lbs eat out every night of the week. I don't get sick I never go to the doctors and hardly take anything more then ibuprofen so generals aches and pains. I smoke I drink and I cuss like a sailor and I'm as strong as an ox and healthy as a horse.

So tell me again how all these "chemicals" I ingest will make me batshit crazy? Ohh I forgot the information you posted in the links came from the internet. That has to be true right, cause its from the internet?!?!
Better start checking the paper before you pour your cup of joe in the mornings, would hate for you to waste that time before realizing your obituary is in the paper. It is scary at how many obituaries are in the paper now days of the under 40 crowd that just tip over with cause of death as natural causes.

You fit the description quite well.;)

The part of the quote you picked out was just an example of what is wrong with things not a reference to the main issue I am getting at.

And yes what i post is true because it all comes from very reliable sources if you read into them at all you would see that but you are still trying to inspect your own T-bone as you referenced in post #41 of this thread.;)

Even more psychiatric prescribed drug induced shootings related info if you are interested.

I too am done here, too many closed minds in here!

Back to kubota talk.
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Eric McCarthy

New member
Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
I'm sorry I keep forgeting your "information" came from the internet, where the info has to be true an accurate RIGHT?!?!

Oh my bad! I just saw where its "real news by real people naturally" That makes it certifiable accurate and reliable!
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Active member

Oct 19, 2012
Parrrottsville TN
If you ever see this here, the USA's great experiment in democracy is over. Selfishness and profits will have out ranked the value of innocent children's lives.
We home school. Our son is 7 years old and he is reading beyond the 5th grade level and math at the 4th grade level.
Also he has more bible knowledge (Truth) than your pastor.....and I'll bet my left leg on that.

Further, his teacher is ARMED!

We will NOT lead our son to slaughter.

Dennis T.

New member
Jan 30, 2012
Minnesota USA
There’s a reasonable argument that the Second Amendment confers an individual right — to bear a musket. Beyond that, it’s more complicated. Every reasonable hunter and gun owner agrees on a ban on fully automatic machine guns. The question isn’t whether to limit the right to bear arms, but where to draw the line.




Active member

Oct 19, 2012
Parrrottsville TN
There’s a reasonable argument that the Second Amendment confers an individual right — to bear a musket. Beyond that, it’s more complicated. Every reasonable hunter and gun owner agrees on a ban on fully automatic machine guns. The question isn’t whether to limit the right to bear arms, but where to draw the line.


You are dead wrong, period.

Besides in a close combat situation I am far more effective with with my FN57 than an AR.

For that matter I can do more damage with a pump shot gun.

You guys talking about 'black and evil' guns......really have no clue what you are talking about.

Frankly the nut would have been much more effective using a school bus at lunch hour.


Active member

Oct 19, 2012
Parrrottsville TN
There’s a reasonable argument that the Second Amendment confers an individual right — to bear a musket. Beyond that, it’s more complicated. Every reasonable hunter and gun owner agrees on a ban on fully automatic machine guns. The question isn’t whether to limit the right to bear arms, but where to draw the line.


I'm going to leave this discussion now, what I have to say will simply get me in trouble here.

You really have no idea what is at stake here, this is not a matter of one evil gun over another. What is at stake is not only a constitutional crisis but a collapse of our social systems (and economy) and an outright coup of our Fed gov.

This is really out of your league.
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Active member

Oct 19, 2012
Parrrottsville TN
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" width="400" height="266" wmode="direct" seamlesstabbing="true" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" overstretch="true" flashvars="guid=sIFgoRpq&isDynamicSeeking=true"></embed>

[wpvideo sIFgoRpq]

If the vid does not show up here......go to the Files and watch the vid, NBC News. (NBC now reporting that the AR was NOT used in the shooting, that NO AR was found, what you will see is a Saiga 12 (shotgun) recovered from the trunk of Adam's car) (Again, NO evil weapon found) only hand guns used.

I could also point you to stories of conflicting info....but that would be a bit much for this site.

You guys need to educate yourselves......some of you have an agenda, that is clear, but for the rest of you....what you see or have been told is not necessarily true.

Something you might also find interesting is that the Colorado Bat Man shooter's father was scheduled to testify before the LIBOR committee. The school shooters father was also scheduled to testify before LIBOR, as you may or may not know Peter Lanza, Adam Lanza's father, is the CFO of GE.

LIBOR - Multiple shooters - Good links


Whole story again with previously omitted aerial video links included this time.

Robert Holmes, father of James Holmes, the shooter at the Aurora, Colorado movie theater, did scientific research for the credit score company, FICO, and had been scheduled to testify before the Senate on the LIBOR financial scandal in which the global HSBC bank was recently fined 1.92 billion for laundering drug money (though our Dept. of Justice decided not to prosecute its top executives).

Peter Lanza, father of Adam Lanza, the Connecticut school shooter, is a high-level executive in the tax division of GE Financial and is also scheduled to testify before the Senate on LIBOR.

I'm sure that this is just a coincidence!

According to Lanza's Linkedin page, Lanza has worked "closely with many of the preeminent partnership tax advisors in the United States on a daily basis." Currently Lanza is employed as the tax director and vice president of taxes at GE Energy Financial Services (GE-EFS).
Lanza's responsibilities at GE-EFS include:

• Tax strategies, planning and tax operations
• Reporting directly to GE-EFS Chief Financial Officer
• Consultations on "structuring, negotiating asset acquisition, dispositions"
• Responsible for risk management on transactions
• Assist other employees in achieving business tax objectives
• Partner with GE Corporate tax group to "leverage technical resources . . . provide support on projects and initiatives"

Cited in mainstream media, GE has been successfully evading paying taxes for some time now. Although the corporation reported global profits of $14.2 billion with $5.1 billion of that total being attributed to American operations, GE claimed a tax benefit of $3.2 billion. Lanza, would have contributed to the success of GE evading corporate taxes in the US.

First suspect widely reported, captured in the woods. Live aerial footage captured of police officers running in pursuit of a suspect through the woods just outside of Sandy Hook Elementary School. In the footage, you will see a group of officers gathered around in a circle in the woods surrounding what appears to be an apprehended suspect. If this is the case, then it appears as though there may be as many as THREE individuals involved in this affair: The suspect apprehended in the parking lot, the suspect apprehended in the woods, and Adam Lanza, whom we are told shot and killed himself inside the school. The video footage can be viewed at two links:

The Senate LIBOR hearings go to HSBC, drug money laundering, 911, Saudi prince Bandar 911 and Syrian al-CIA-duh, more proof that CIA was directing Saudi-Pak 911 attack on US because it is prima facie obvious that Saudi-Pak would not have had any reason or nerve to do such a thing or to work together to such an end.

Multiple witnesses and recorded police scanner audio document two suspects detained by one cop on school driveway, not a single suspect in woods or a single suspect denying he shot anybody--could be three to five suspects detained then! Also there are many references to a van (...with Colorado tags?!) that left the scene and was sighted in town.

Second and third school shooting suspects seen running past school window by teacher, then both were detained by one cop in school driveway. Dark coat and camo pants same as description of shooter. Listen to police scanner audio of their live capture on driveway not "in the woods", and two of them not one:
...from 48 to 1:34

There could have been a FOURTH suspect detained in the woods!!!

There could have been a FIFTH suspect detained in parking lot!!!

There were TWO suspects detained together, by one cop, in driveway not woods, wearing camo and dark coat matching description of shooter, both seen running past a school window then reported to cops by a teacher. Why did fastidious mainflushstream foul this all up, or was there actually a THIRD suspect detained in the woods as reported?

Reports surfaced that a purple/maroon van was being pursued by authorities, possibly in connection with the shootings.

This from the Mount Pleasant Daily Voice

"Another report said police surrounded a purple van at 33 Crosby St. in Danbury that may be connected to Newtown school shooting."

And this from CBS News

"Police believe there may be a second gunman and are looking for a red or maroon van with its back window blown out, 1010 WINS' Al Jones reported."

And lastly, the following conversation was posted to the Connecticut Radio Discussion Forum in real-time as the events were unfolding. The individuals on this network monitor emergency radio scanners, and it was from this network where the aforementioned police scanner audio was pulled (Link )

"Purple van with 2 suspects wearing ski masks one dressed in a nun's outfit, possibly related to this incident, being sought. Last seen in Danbury.
Per CSP, FBI personell on scene."


"Has there been any chatter on the purple van?"

Edit: "Danbury PD just reported the van near a bagel shop, passenger threw something in the garbage."

The question must then be asked: Did the authorities apprehend the suspects in this van, and if so, are they in any way connected with this event?

Reports surface that Nancy Lanza was not an employee of the school

On Saturday morning, December 15th, Dr. Janet Robinson, Superintendent of the Newtown Public Schools, was interviewed on the Today Show. During this interview, Dr. Robinson is questioned about Nancy Lanza, the mother of Adam Lanza. She makes the following statement:

"We have no Nancy Lanza in our database. She may have been a substitute teacher but in terms of being a full-time employee, she is not...they asked me to look in the database to see if she was a teacher."


Also this from Yahoo News

And this from the Wall Street Journal

However, this information contradicts earlier reports which state that,

"The gunman walked into his mother Nancy Lanza's classroom at around 9.30am and opened fire. It was unclear whether she died in the classroom, or earlier at her nearby home."

--from the UK Telegraph

Also this from ABC News:

"According to ABC News, the shooter's mother, Nancy Lanza, worked at the school as a teacher's aide."


And this from CBC World News:

"At least one parent said that his mother, Nancy Lanza, was a substitute teacher at the school, but her name did not appear on a staff list, The AP reported."


Media reports that five guns were used in the assault and that 100 rounds were fired

"A mother who was in a meeting with the principal and half a dozen other people at about 9.30am described having heard a "pop pop pop" in the hallway. The witness described cowering under a table and said that 100 rounds or more might have been fired. Two bodies were seen in the hallway in a pool of blood and children had to run past."

--from the UK Telegraph

And this from CNN

The Today Show went on to report that 'State and Federal Officials' had released a statement confirming that a total of FIVE weapons were recovered at the scene: Four handguns and an assault rifle. The handguns were said to have been recovered inside the school, whereas the assault rifle is said to have been recovered inside Adam Lanza's car.


This, however, contradicts reports given by the chief medical examiner, who stated that,

"All the victims at the school were shot with a rifle."

--from ABC News

And from CBS HERE

"The Associated Press reported that more guns were found inside of the school and that state and federal authorities were tracing them."

Additional reports surfaced that Adam Lanza was wearing a bullet-proof vest.

--from ABC News

And other media outlets report that Adam Lanza was dressed in full camouflage.

"The first law enforcement source says the school shooter was dressed in "black battle fatigues and a military vest."

"The suspect reportedly went into the elementary school at 9:40 a.m. EST dressed in camouflage and armed with two guns. He then opened fire with a .223-caliber rifle, according to Newtown law enforcement."

*The second of these two statements is particularly revealing, as again, many of the media outlets are stating that Adam Lanza left the assault rifle in his car.

--from CNN and also

And lastly: The same CNN report states the following:

"Before entering the classroom, the shooter reportedly confronted the school's female principal. The two were having a verbal altercation when the principal turned on the PA system to alert the school about what was going on, according to an unconfirmed ABC News report."

What this means is that Adam, carrying as many as five weapons, including a high-powered assault rifle, and dressed in black battle fatigues as well as a bullet-proof vest, confronted the principal before opening fire. After having an argument, Adam apparently walked away and the principal went over the PA system to announce what was happening. At what point then did Adam murder the principal?

All of this raises a legitimate concern: Four handguns, a high-powered assault rifle, a bullet-proof vest, and camouflage/black battle fatigues are an astounding amount of gear for a 20-year-old young man with autism to have in his possession. Media reports have surfaced which state that all of this gear was registered under his mother's name.
The Ultimate History Lesson
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Eric McCarthy

New member
Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
Just for sheere shits and giggles factor and to make your long story short and simple. I've heard about the childs dad and the LIBOR issue before. How is the kids dad going on trail connected to his son killing a bunch of innocent children at school?

Not trying to open an entire new can of worms, just trying to understand in short simple idiot terms.

IF ya don't want to add more drama here feel free to send me a private message or email me.


New member

2004 L3400F w/ FEL
Aug 16, 2012
Hartford, SD, USA
Both sides are emotional about this tragic shooting but I can state with certainty what doesn't protect kids:

1. Gun Free Zones - shooters don't seem to pay attention or care. Some think it actually encourages them when looking for a "soft target".

2. Security systems that do not include shatterproof or bulletproof glass.

3. Un-arming otherwise licensed citizens from carrying weapons concealed.

4. Believing law enforcement will arrive within seconds.

5. Blaming the guns rather than the killer.

6. Restricting Second Amendment Rights from law abiding citizens.


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him, better take a closer look at the American Indian."

- Henry Ford
Just MHO you understand

Dennis T.

New member
Jan 30, 2012
Minnesota USA
I'm going to leave this discussion now, what I have to say will simply get me in trouble here.

You really have no idea what is at stake here, this is not a matter of one evil gun over another. What is at stake is not only a constitutional crisis but a collapse of our social systems (and economy) and an outright coup of our Fed gov.

This is really out of your league.

We need sensible gun control to protect the public, all the mewling and braying by a minority of fear filled crackpots won't change an evolving democracy. Would a modern day federal government that now has Apache helicopters, Predator drones, and a host of other high powered weapons really fear a couple of nuts with assault weapons.... I don't think so. Have your fantasy !


New member
Dec 9, 2012
Both sides are emotional about this tragic shooting but I can state with certainty what doesn't protect kids:

1. Gun Free Zones - shooters don't seem to pay attention or care. Some think it actually encourages them when looking for a "soft target".

2. Security systems that do not include shatterproof or bulletproof glass.

3. Un-arming otherwise licensed citizens from carrying weapons concealed.

4. Believing law enforcement will arrive within seconds.

5. Blaming the guns rather than the killer.

6. Restricting Second Amendment Rights from law abiding citizens.
I agree with all of the above... There's 2 things I'd like to see though;

1. Gun show loopholes sewn shut, by federal mandate... Full background checks for any and all prospective firearm owners, including comprehensive mental health checks... FBI and/or ATF should be able to over ride HIPPA laws, see reports and make a determination as to wether or not the firearm is sold to the individual.

2. Ten day waiting period to receive any purchased firearm. Period. If you absolutely must walk out of a store with gun in hand, there's something wrong with that picture..

Taking away guns isn't the way to go, and that Genie is so far out of the bottle it ain't ever going back in... Better parenting and keeping weapons secured would go a long way too..


Active member

Oct 19, 2012
Parrrottsville TN
Just for sheere shits and giggles factor and to make your long story short and simple. I've heard about the childs dad and the LIBOR issue before. How is the kids dad going on trail connected to his son killing a bunch of innocent children at school?

Not trying to open an entire new can of worms, just trying to understand in short simple idiot terms.

IF ya don't want to add more drama here feel free to send me a private message or email me.
I'm 47 years old, I have been a study of our social trends since the age of 8-9, I'm far more aware than most. I see all things through a God-view perspective of humanity. I left the 'church' (after 30 years and multiple denominations) more than two years ago to do an exhaustive study of the bible, strictly a biblical study without man's dogma.

Others, those who are also 'seers' study the last 100 years of communist take-over from a more secular perspective. From the Women's Labor Movement of the turn of the 20th century to Margret Sanger's eugenics of the 1920s to communists in FDR's cabinet of the 30s and 40s to McCarthy to JFK's assassination.

Just pointing to different perspectives here of the same means to an end......

There is no direct answer to your question but understand this-

What we are experiencing is the culmination of the efforts of communists/marxists/socialist/totalitarians/islamists, to point to them directly, the Chicago mob and the international players, Soros and the likes of him. Obama is nothing more than the face of the collective evil, pure Evil. The Vann Jones' and Valerie Jerritts and Axelrods and Rahm Emanuels and the faceless power players in Chicago.

These people are playing for real, for all the marbles.

Do you remember a couple of weeks ago when Morsi went into hiding and disappeared for a few days after he declared himself king? His real concern was not the people but the military, they were going to hang him for treason. This is the very same postition Obama finds himself in.
Victory is in their grasps, they can taste it, the only question now is the final conquest.
As I stated, this is a high-stake game, for ALL the marbles.

What does this have to do with children in a school? I am NOT a conspiritoralist, however-
One of two things, maybe both, We are unraveling as a society, what is happening is expected and you'll see much much more of in in the coming months. And, or, a false flag event, this too you can expect.

As for LIBOR..... The statistical probability of that being a coincidence is 100,456,274 to 1
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Active member

Oct 19, 2012
Parrrottsville TN
We need sensible gun control to protect the public, all the mewling and braying by a minority of fear filled crackpots won't change an evolving democracy. Would a modern day federal government that now has Apache helicopters, Predator drones, and a host of other high powered weapons really fear a couple of nuts with assault weapons.... I don't think so. Have your fantasy !

Read my post above.

Gun confinscation is the LAST hurdle.

As I said you are out of your league. I do NOT fantasize.

30,000 drones have been ordered by DHS to be airborne by 2016.
Let that soak a bit, 30K.

I'll leave you with this-

Revelation 9:7
The Fifth Trumpet

1And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven to the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. 2And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. 3And there came out of the smoke locusts on the earth: and to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. 4And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. 5And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he strikes a man. 6And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. 7And the shapes of the locusts were like to horses prepared to battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. 8And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. 9And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. 10And they had tails like to scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. 11And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue has his name Apollyon. 12One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter.


Active member

Oct 19, 2012
Parrrottsville TN
We need sensible gun control to protect the public, all the mewling and braying by a minority of fear filled crackpots won't change an evolving democracy. Would a modern day federal government that now has Apache helicopters, Predator drones, and a host of other high powered weapons really fear a couple of nuts with assault weapons.... I don't think so. Have your fantasy !
From your beloved Huff Post-

Chicago Homicides Outnumber U.S. Troop Killings In Afghanistan

The directive for police to cover the Jarrett wedding arrives at a time where Chicago is facing a surge in its homicide rate. The Daily pointed out in a Friday column that more Chicago residents -- 228 -- have been killed so far this year in the city than the number of U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan - 144 -- over the same period.


Article does not say but I know that 90%++++ were all hand gun deaths.

Bloody Chicago: 19 people gunned down in one night; 13 in 30 min

Read more:


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
sensile the mewling and raying by a minority of an evolving Would a hat now has pache helicopter, drones, d hh democracy rey fear a :confused::confused: rfear

All federal government filled with crackpots.;) I bet you Have big nuts.:eek: gun control to protect the public, don't think so.:rolleyes: fantasy power won't change Predators.:cool::D:) We all need a couple of assault weapons and a host of other modern day weapons.... :D!
With a little help and some down to earth common sense he really can speak the truth...:D