My BX23S Build

2 Bears

New member
Feb 27, 2018
Hello all, long time lurker, finally approaching a possible buy and would like input on my planned build.

I am looking at a BX23S here are the details:

The wife says turfs are a must for mowing i would like the industrials for digging. My understanding is that the salesman can make this happen for a reasonable price, any experience with this or does it vary greatly by dealer?

I want to add the cutting edge, 54" drive over MMM, grass catcher and fiberglass canopy, and SSQT.

I found a 12" bucket used so i am looking at going with the 16". Ultimately i would like the 8" as well with the Bxexpanded 4", ripper and quick disconnect.

I want to added the "third function valve" my question is that sonce it is a diverter valve is the power beyond still available? Can rear remotes be installed on the BX23S?

Ultimately i want to purchase a 6 way blade and probably the 55" wicked grapple.

As a newbie all input is welcome. Thanks in advance.



B2910 fel 60 mmm, Land Pride rb1572
Jun 10, 2015
Portland, MI
I have a bigger tractor with loaded r4, unless I turn really tight, you don't see any damage.

If it is a diverter valve, it will not affect the power beyond.

Not sure, a 55" grapple sounds a little big to me, probably fine.

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BX23S W/ Factory Deluxe Cab, 60" MMM, 60" BX-2612 Snow Blade & BX-2816 Blower
Nov 5, 2015
Edinboro, PA, USA
I have the BX23S with industrial tires. If the ground is soft/wet, you'll notice the marks from the tires but overall they don't tear up the yard at all.

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2 Bears

New member
Feb 27, 2018
I have a bigger tractor with loaded r4, unless I turn really tight, you don't see any damage.

If it is a diverter valve, it will not affect the power beyond.

Not sure, a 55" grapple sounds a little big to me, probably fine.

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Both landpride and everything attachments offer the grapple in 55" for the BX23S with the skid steer quick attachment, it is wider to accommodate the hydraulic cylinders outside of the quick attachment. Weights are stated at 180 and 209lbs respectively.

2 Bears

New member
Feb 27, 2018
I have the BX23S with industrial tires. If the ground is soft/wet, you'll notice the marks from the tires but overall they don't tear up the yard at all.

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I was reading today that turfs work better in the snow, any experience with the industrials in the snow?



BX23S W/ Factory Deluxe Cab, 60" MMM, 60" BX-2612 Snow Blade & BX-2816 Blower
Nov 5, 2015
Edinboro, PA, USA
I was reading today that turfs work better in the snow, any experience with the industrials in the snow?
Yes. I've read that as well. I've no experience with turfs. I'm in Northwestern PA and have had no real issues plowing snow with my setup. No chains, tires unfilled, etc...

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Lifetime Member

B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
Industrials aren't the best for snow traction, but work ok...turfs are better in snow. I had Bar tread tires on my old BX23 an it mowed fine and were decent in the snow.

Regarding the 16" BH bucket, I think that's a bit large for your unit. I had a 12" on my old BX23 (2006 model) and it worked pretty well. I now have a 16" on my BH77 (considerably larger BH) and I wouldn't go any bigger on that one. Looking for a 12" bucket for the new BH as well.



BX23S W/ Factory Deluxe Cab, 60" MMM, 60" BX-2612 Snow Blade & BX-2816 Blower
Nov 5, 2015
Edinboro, PA, USA
I have the 16" bucket and its served me just fine. I dug a 100+ foot trench 4-5 feet deep through clay with no problems.

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Kubota BX25D
Apr 10, 2013
2 Bears, what is your primary use? Mowing or dirt work?
Mowing, turfs are they way to go. Ive heard they are also better for snow plowing but no real experience.
If dirt work then R4 are the ticket. Ive mowed and plowed with no problems at all. No chains or filled tires either.

Tractor Dell

New member

Kubota BX23S
Jun 13, 2017
Central PA
Both landpride and everything attachments offer the grapple in 55" for the BX23S with the skid steer quick attachment, it is wider to accommodate the hydraulic cylinders outside of the quick attachment. Weights are stated at 180 and 209lbs respectively.
I have a BX23S and the EA 55" SSQA. I love that thing. I honestly have it on more than I do the bucket. I am clearing some trees and stumps in my woods, and I really haven't had an issue unless I tried to pick up something heavier than the BX was made to move. I have actually had the backend of the tractor get light, and that is with the hoe and wheel weights on it. The 3rd function is a diverter that goes on the front of the loader and taps into the bucket curl and dump hydraulics. Doesn't touch any of the other hydraulics.

Definitely look at upping the hydraulic pressure to like 1950 or so. You will notice a difference in lifting and digging capability. Need to build a pressure tester, and can buy the shims from Kubota for a few cents. If you look on here, I listed the parts I got from Amazon to build my tester. If you can't, let me know and will post them again. I also have the R4 tires and haven't noticed any problems with tearing things up. The only time that happens is if I do something when the ground is soft from rain or melting snow.

I just bought the BXpanded ripper and quick connect. Easy to put on, and switch buckets. You may want to get the BXpanded under armor if you are going to be somewhere where a stick can get into your hydraulic fan. It is easy to put on and take off when using the MMM. Also, 2 inch wheel spacers will make you feel more grounded. Got mine from Brotek. You will need a difference size for the 54 inch MMM. Maybe the 1 and 1/2? I can't remember.

Oh, if you are going to park it in your garage, the canopy could be an issue. I have to fold my ROPS to get in my 7ft door.
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2 Bears

New member
Feb 27, 2018
2 Bears, what is your primary use? Mowing or dirt work?

Mowing, turfs are they way to go. Ive heard they are also better for snow plowing but no real experience.

If dirt work then R4 are the ticket. Ive mowed and plowed with no problems at all. No chains or filled tires either.

Honestly i think atleast for the foreseeable future it will be about 50/50. I have few dirt jobs, a couple small retaining walls, lots of drainage work, a small patio. Meanwhile it will be my primary mower.

2 Bears

New member
Feb 27, 2018
I have a BX23S and the EA 55" SSQA. I love that thing. I honestly have it on more than I do the bucket. I am clearing some trees and stumps in my woods, and I really haven't had an issue unless I tried to pick up something heavier than the BX was made to move. I have actually had the backend of the tractor get light, and that is with the hoe and wheel weights on it. The 3rd function is a diverter that goes on the front of the loader and taps into the bucket curl and dump hydraulics. Doesn't touch any of the other hydraulics.

Definitely look at upping the hydraulic pressure to like 1950 or so. You will notice a difference in lifting and digging capability. Need to build a pressure tester, and can buy the shims from Kubota for a few cents. If you look on here, I listed the parts I got from Amazon to build my tester. If you can't, let me know and will post them again. I also have the R4 tires and haven't noticed any problems with tearing things up. The only time that happens is if I do something when the ground is soft from rain or melting snow.

I just bought the BXpanded ripper and quick connect. Easy to put on, and switch buckets. You may want to get the BXpanded under armor if you are going to be somewhere where a stick can get into your hydraulic fan. It is easy to put on and take off when using the MMM. Also, 2 inch wheel spacers will make you feel more grounded. Got mine from Brotek. You will need a difference size for the 54 inch MMM. Maybe the 1 and 1/2? I can't remember.

Oh, if you are going to park it in your garage, the canopy could be an issue. I have to fold my ROPS to get in my 7ft door.

What does the electric connection look like for the third function? It is as easy to use and the hydraulic disconnects?

I saw about the upping the hydraulic pressure and was curious if it actually helped.

I probably should look at the armor, do you have it, does it interfere with the MMM.

I was looking at the wheel spacers. Again they didnt seem like the rear could hurt but wasnt sure of how noticeably they would be.

Any idea if the canopy could be folded with the rops?

Tractor Dell

New member

Kubota BX23S
Jun 13, 2017
Central PA
What does the electric connection look like for the third function? It is as easy to use and the hydraulic disconnects?

I saw about the upping the hydraulic pressure and was curious if it actually helped.

I probably should look at the armor, do you have it, does it interfere with the MMM.

I was looking at the wheel spacers. Again they didnt seem like the rear could hurt but wasnt sure of how noticeably they would be.

Any idea if the canopy could be folded with the rops?
It is a simple electrical plug you just undo. Not a big deal. I had the dealer install it. I was going to do it myself, but after I got it, I decided I didn't want to get into that, as you have to replace some of the hydraulic lines on the FEL.

Using the diverter took me a little bit to get used to. I have the grapple down clamping on the same circuit as the buck curl. That way, if I let go of the button, I don't dump whatever I am trying to pick up. Also, when I do the grapple open and let go of the button, I have the dump circuit. I also have both a male and female quick connect on the diverter so i can't get the hoses backwards. Biggest issue I run into is reattaching the hoses to the diverter as they can build pressure and can be a bugger to get back on. Fairly common from what I read.

I do have the under armor. You have to remove it to put on the MMM. However, it only takes a minute or two to put it back on after the initial install of a few bolts. Have heard sticks pinging off it while in the woods, so for me, it was a must have. :)

I definitely noticed a difference in upping the hydraulics. Especially with me digging out stumps and moving trees I cut down. Some roots I could not yank out before changing it, I could get after. Every little bit helps.

As for the wheel spacers, you do feel less top heavy if you are on hills. If you ever get to feel the "pucker factor", you will know what I mean. I get that a lot less with the rear spacers. For the cost, it is worth just feeling more secure.

I have not seen a fiberglass canopy that you didn't have to remove when folding the ROPS. If you didn't remove it, it would be pointing up and add about 3 or 4 feet in height.


New member

1870-1, LA203A, RCK54
Feb 25, 2016
Sherman County, Oregon
Consider a Piranha Tooth Bar instead of the bolt-on straight edge.

Tires? Turfs don't look near as neat as the Industrials. However, they are the easiest on the yard and for sure better in the snow if you will be running without chains. They are even pretty good in the dirt until you add water and make mud. The Industrials will have the stiffest sidewall and be the most puncture resistant if that is a consideration on your ground.

2 Bears

New member
Feb 27, 2018
Consider a Piranha Tooth Bar instead of the bolt-on straight edge.

Tires? Turfs don't look near as neat as the Industrials. However, they are the easiest on the yard and for sure better in the snow if you will be running without chains. They are even pretty good in the dirt until you add water and make mud. The Industrials will have the stiffest sidewall and be the most puncture resistant if that is a consideration on your ground.

I am looking at tooth bars, i saw heavy hitch makes one as well. And good comparisons? Do you leave the tooth bar on full time, seem to me that when back blading it could leave minor marks.


Lifetime Member

B2650, LP Grapple, Bro-Tek spacers, QH, Box Blade, Landscape Rake, RB, and 1560G
Aug 1, 2015
Minneapolis, MN
Definitely get a tooth bar, I have had the quick connect type with replaceable teeth and now the Pirahna. All I can say is get the PTB and be done, I always needed the other style but didn***8217;t have it on but with the PTB I always have it and can still back drag. Love that is one and done. I have the Land Pride, wish I could have went with EA as I think it is better built & a better value. Hard when financing not to just throw it in, the LP works just fine though.


New member

1870-1, LA203A, RCK54
Feb 25, 2016
Sherman County, Oregon
Back dragging with the Piranha works fine. With the bucket tipped forward, it will leave furrows but it also helps break up material and get it moving. With the bucket level, you are using the square-edge on the back of the bar, leaving a nice smooth finish. Just my opinion but, I believe the PTB adds versatility to the bucket when back blading. Snow, dirt, gravel, brush, my bucket has never been without it since it showed up.