I have error codes po87 and po89 showing on my MX 5200. Does anyone know what these codes indicate, or how to clear them?
I have a 314 page pdf file that lists the M series DTC codes I was given by a retiring Kubota tech.
If you send me a PM with your email, I will send the pdf file to you.
I do not know much about the tractor and large truck code system and tools but having looked and seen the prices I backed away. I further understand the software is licensed by single computer so a dealer may only have one or two work stations with it installed
In the Kubota world the software is called Digimaster. To use the software you have to buy a very expensive software license.
Google Digimaster and you will find lots of info.
Here is a short youtube video.
Hopefully with the dtc codes and you fixing the problems, the computer will see all is well and you wont have to reset anything.
The retiring tech did say the software made it super easy to find the problem so a service call might not be too outrageous.