Looking at the wiring looks like you have the glow plugs power all the time right now.
If you do they will burn out.
You can not leave them powered.
Fix for that:
Keys Not Included
So It looks to me that you are getting fuel out of the injection pump.
Pull the Injectors out of the engine.
Put a fuel line on the injection pump off to the side add the injector on to that line leave it loose, crank engine till you get fuel to the injector, then snug up that fitting.
DO NOT put you hand under the injector output.
Crank it again you should get a mist of fuel out of the injector if you don't then you need to open up the injector and clean it.
Then try again.
If it mists good with no drips your good to go if it doesn't you'll need to have the injectors rebuilt.
Do not by injector off of eBay or Amazon or other non OEM site as there is a HUge chance you will just get junk injectors.