Merchants demanding cash only for payment.


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
Yes, I have seen this pop up now in mid michigan. Very frustrating as they already raised the prices and continue to raise them due to "supply issues". Had a local mexican place near me that didnt even accept cards since I've moved up here, and continued to raise prices to the point where I was paying 24 dollars for a buritto and chips and salsa. The place mentioned is not in a fancy area and really has no competition unless you drive 7 miles into town. There is also nicer very busy restaurants in the city who have raised prices and now are putting a 3.something percent charge if you use a card w/o informing you. I get maybe raising prices a bit on some items, but across the board raises plus a cc fee is overkill.
they "think" they have a monopoly. There's a restaurant here that is similar, little bitty town so there's not too much, but out of the few restaurants there's that one that thinks they have the market cornered. Unfortunately they are wrong and that thought will (and already is) biting them in the backside. Yeah sure their food is decent, but it's not great-certainly not good enough to justify the cost. For that, I rare eat there, I'd just as soon drive the 11 minutes to the next town and eat really good food.

while on the subject, I seen on Farsebook the other day where the other town closer to me (11-12 min drive), their local "discussion page" had someone asking where to go to eat good seafood. There's a couple places that sell/serve "seafood" but honestly it's not that good. It's edible and expensive. Like they also have a monopoly, the other place is just catfish and crawdads, not much in the way of shimp, snapper, grouper, etc. So out of the 50-some comments I put my $.02 in, told them if you want good seafood you're gonna have to drive to the coast. The neighbor lady seen it and said that the crab place (in town) could rival anything they've had on the coast. So I said ok, y'all come on over next Sunday after church and I'll cook up some good ol' fresh seafood like I've had. They showed up, I grilled up some fresh grouper filets and shrimp and all the fixins, just like they do at the coast, she took a bite and fell in love. "Where did you get this"? The coast. I caught them last year and kept a bunch of snapper and grouper. The shrimp was way better than anything local as well. I grill them steakhouse style, using steak seasoning and a little bit of olive oil. She told me that I outta start a restaurant. Nope....if I start a business it won't be in the food business; as that business in this area is highly competitive, and it's also highly subjective in that just because YOU like it doesn't mean enough people will like it enough to fill the seats. I gave her the recipe, which is extremely simple and that was that.
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Well-known member

Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
bank charges us 3.3% PER TRANSACTION, for credit/debit card use.

Place I work for, gives a 3.5% discount for cash paying customers. That is what the bank charges, and we don't have a choice but to pass it on.

The other choice, place I used to work for, they hit you with 3% charge on ALL transactions, cash, credit, all of them. So if you pay cash, they made 3% on top of everything else. When you're dealing with high dollar repairs and/or high dollar construction equipment, on a hundred grand, that's substantial. Instant $3000 profit. Cash customers that know they're getting charged for it, they'd sometimes ask for a 3% discount and they'd get it-IF they asked for it. The vast majority paid and went on; with a lot of them in a rush to get in/out of that place for various reasons.

another business transaction that makes money is sales tax. If the combined local/state/federal tax is 10.015%, the business isn't gonna charge you $11.015 on a $10.00 charge, theyr'e gonna round it up to the nearest whole penny so figure $11.02. So after a month's worth of business, say a million, they rounded up and paid in 10.015%, and kept what they over-charged. That is insignificant in the grans scheme of things but it's nonetheless a profit that the business keeps and some could say that it's taking advantage of the consumer.
10.15% sales tax!
Canada can be much worse though.
Up to 15%, depending on province (including labor)


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
Current 'carbon tax', on natural gas is around 32%....then of course 13% on top of that....
Canada,eh !!!
One reason so many are moving out of Toronto is they have a 'Toronto land transfer tax' equal to the provincial land transfer tax.....OUCH !!


Well-known member

Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
Current 'carbon tax', on natural gas is around 32%....then of course 13% on top of that....
Canada,eh !!!
One reason so many are moving out of Toronto is they have a 'Toronto land transfer tax' equal to the provincial land transfer tax.....OUCH !!
Canada taxes absolutely EVERYTHING that moves,.... as well as EVERYTHING that is fastened down!
A while back, PEI even had a tax upon a tax.
I think the Canada story is commonly referred to as "Socialism".
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Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
10.15% sales tax!
Canada can be much worse though.
Up to 15%, depending on province (including labor)
different cities have different total tax rates. 10.15% here, town 10 min away 9.13%. But get this. That town, is a wet town, or more specifically "damp". Where I live, is dry. Anyway, the sales & use tax 9.13%. Then if you buy a drink and a burger at a sit-down restaurant they hit you with close to 30 (or I think 28.25%...been a while since I looked into it). Then 2% for a "prepared food tax". So over 30% depending on what you buy. That in itself is absolutely asinine, IMO. The city says the alcohol tax revenue is pretty substantial; town has 3 colleges and 2 of them are known for the kids going to the bars and clubs. The other one is a very conservative college and few if anyone attending or working there, drink. Anyway, since the tax on it is higher'n a cats back, and there are millions of dollars coming into the city with that income, the city keeps saying "we brought in X amount of money on alcohol sales tax alone". And they did/do. I'm not disputing that. However, where I have issues is this. They don't tell us the whole story. The rest of that story is that they had to open up a whole other department in the city government that controls the permits, enforcment, and how to spend that income. The department in itself, eats up a big portion of the tax income. There is little left over by comparison, that is actually spent on what they say it's supposed to go toward. Many times "the income" is brought up when they put something to a vote, such as marijuana for example. They wanted it legalized for "medical purposes" and they got it done. Income is substantial in the form of taxes alone. That income is almost solely used to police the "industry", with little if anything left after the bills are paid. But people are short-sighted, they say "well it'll bring in millions or billions"...sure...but what is the COST? That part is often overlooked and depending on who you challenge with that question, often combative conversation results. IMO, that type of response to a legitimate question is nothing short of a lack of thought, they have no idea how to respond so they just start getting mad about it, often attacking you. I go through it too often.

Thus, since most of the taxable income "brought in" does not go to what they say it does, they are duping the taxpayers, which IMO is pretty much normal. Yet we let them get away with it.

So they want waiters' cash counted and thus taxed. Pretty typical of this government. These leaders we currently have are real good about spending a lot of money, so then they have to figure out how to make money to offset their spending problem. Very similar to some people I know, sure they like nice new and expensive stuff, and they often buy find out that they gotta work OT, or multiple jobs just to pay for it all. And these are the the same people that vote for the leaders we have in the high office, as if those leaders are gonna solve their problems. But they promise to, and they buy into it with a vote, to find out that they didn't do squat (or very little), yet these people keep doing the same things over and over and over, including voting for the ones who make the promise that "if you are poor you are going to become un-poor"--and nothing could be further from the truth.

yeah sure some of us got a minimum wage rate increase, but we also have more taxes taken out, and the cost of living went up---way up--so where did we get? NOWHERE. Many of us tried to tell ya that but ya didn't listen. People see dollar signs and that's what they vote for. Once again follow the money.

The definition of ignorant is "not knowing". The definition of stupid, is knowing that something isn't what it's presented to you as, and doing it anyway. And for that, there are an aweful lot of stupid people out there, and I honestly wish that I could reach out to a bunch of them to point out their mistakes in hope that they'll see them and act differently the next time. For years I tried. As I age, I see that we as a whole are also getting more stubborn and with that, we often don't listen. yes that is a challenge to look at all sides, not just the one you or I want to see.


Well-known member

Nov 8, 2015
North East CT
Keep in mind that EV cars don't pay any road taxes. The politicians are gearing up to tax cars based on miles traveled, along with the other gasoline/diesel taxes. Politicians are greedy pigs that keep getting fatter on the rest of the people's money.
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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
Well it's only fair that EVs pay their share !! There's NO reason not to. They're using the roads just like other are.
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Well-known member

B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
One of a few local restaurants tacks 3% on for CC use. Looks like Wifey, Sweet Pea and I don't count ("Guests 0")

The food there is good and we brought enough along home for three servings of OC after eating more than we should have. There was also 3/4 of the burger left, in part because the little one preferred orange chicken and rice.

View attachment 95334
Don't count your chickens to quick. It may appear on you credit card bill later, just like the tip least that is the way tips work with my credit card. Initially only the purchase price shows, but later the total charged to the credit card includes the tip.


Well-known member

Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
Don't count your chickens to quick. It may appear on you credit card bill later, just like the tip least that is the way tips work with my credit card. Initially only the purchase price shows, but later the total charged to the credit card includes the tip.
I have yet to see anything like THAT!
An additional fee that the CC holder did NOT agree to at time of purchase?
Any such CC will die a quick death with me!


Well-known member

B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
I have yet to see anything like THAT!
An additional fee that the CC holder did NOT agree to at time of purchase?
Any such CC will die a quick death with me!
I check my credit card on line daily to see what charges are there. That is why I know the initial purchase shows up as pending, without the tip added, but the tip is added later.

The receipt that chim showed lists that a 3 percent charge is added to the total. I don't know, but would not be surprised if it did not show up later along with whatever tip chim might have added to the total.

My guess is that when you pay the bill after seeing it clearly written that you will be charged 3 percent convenience fee, that you essentially agree to paying that fee.


Well-known member

Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
I check my credit card on line daily to see what charges are there. That is why I know the initial purchase shows up as pending, without the tip added, but the tip is added later.

The receipt that chim showed lists that a 3 percent charge is added to the total. I don't know, but would not be surprised if it did not show up later along with whatever tip chim might have added to the total.

My guess is that when you pay the bill after seeing it clearly written that you will be charged 3 percent convenience fee, that you essentially agree to paying that fee.
Oh....I often see charges listed as "pending", but I have never seen a different amount charged for that particular item on the monthly statement.


Well-known member

B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
Oh....I often see charges listed as "pending", but I have never seen a different amount charged for that particular item on the monthly statement.
In my case aside from restaurants I have never seen the pending amount change when it became a posted amount. For some reason on the card I use all the time the tip does not appear as part of the charge until the charge turns into a posted transaction. No clue why. Perhaps the restaurant submits the base charge for approval immediately, to verify funds are available, and adjusts it afterwards to include the tip?

This is why I wondered if chim might see the 3% convenience charge along with his tip if he checks his statement when it comes in the mail, or on line.


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L4240HSTC with FEL, Ford 1210
Jan 19, 2013
Near Lancaster, PA, USA
Don't count your chickens to quick. It may appear on you credit card bill later, just like the tip least that is the way tips work with my credit card. Initially only the purchase price shows, but later the total charged to the credit card includes the tip.
I pay cash there, so there's no opportunity for the 3% to be added to my CC. The 3% is added right at the register when you use a CC


Well-known member

B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
I pay cash there, so there's no opportunity for the 3% to be added to my CC. The 3% is added right at the register when you use a CC
Sorry, I missed the point of you post. I did not get that you paid cash. I thought you were saying that you used your card and were not charged the 3% fee, when you were actually pointing out that “you don’t count.”

(If this was the Daily Chuckle thread I might have got it right away!) 😃


Well-known member

L4240HSTC with FEL, Ford 1210
Jan 19, 2013
Near Lancaster, PA, USA
Sorry, I missed the point of you post. I did not get that you paid cash. I thought you were saying that you used your card and were not charged the 3% fee, when you were actually pointing out that “you don’t count.”

(If this was the Daily Chuckle thread I might have got it right away!) 😃
Haha. Wifey says I have a strange sense of humor and my Mom once told me I was a sarcastic kid.


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Was at a hydraulic repair shop yesterday and they had a sign near the working counter that said, "Checks under $20 will be charged 3%".