Making first tractor purchase


New member
Mar 10, 2021
New member here, and first time tractor owner (soon, hopefully). I am stuck in the paralysis by analysis and looking for some insight.

Tractor needs: I have 8 acres of mostly timber (fairly wet), maybe 1/1.5 acres of lawn. I have a riding mower I will use for mowing right now with a RFM in my future. I will be snowblowing, maintaining the timber, landscaping/leveling yard, and have a goal of a small food plot and orchard.

I understand that HP is not the main factor in a tractors capabilities. My question is more around the implements of a B2601 and an LX2610(su possibly). I am looking to stay away from the L2501 due to the wet property and traveling across my lawn frequently.

The package I am looking at will be Tractor, Loader, Rear blower, grapple, forks as well as some smaller things like wheel spacers, block heater, and quick hitch.

When it comes to ground engaging implements such as tillers and bush hogs which are in my future, are you able to run a larger unit on the LX series? There seems to be little weight difference between the two machines, so it really comes down to the added torque I would assume? B2601 I see most people running 48" implements.

Also being new to the tractor world I would like some insight on resale/trade in. The LX2610su is only about $500 more than the B2601 based on the quotes I got. The SU having 0%/84 is also appealing. When looking at the standard LX, the price difference is around $3,000 which seems like a lot and is holding me back from just going with it. Do you expect the SU to be much less desirable and struggle to hold their value more than the other options? I don't need a mid PTO but I see the resale benefits of it, the arm rests/cruise/tilt steering aren't major factors for me either.

I know there is a lot here, it is kind of a scatter brain dump to try and talk through some of this stuff. I need to realize I will never feel great about spending $30k no matter what it is haha.

Thanks for any input


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Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
Welcome to the forum.

I'm not super familiar with the LX line, so I don't know what the SU version is missing compared to the regular LX. If my memory serves me correctly, I believe it is the mid mount PTO. A $500 difference doesn't seem much of savings for having that item removed, although it may only come into play during resale because if someone wanted to attach a mid mount mower or a front snow blower, you wouldn't be able to.

As far as horse power, you need to look at PTO HP and the attachments you are wanting to use. I would guess the LX2610 has around 20HP PTO (you can look it up on Kubota's website for the exact number). So, any of the PTO equipment that you are looking at purchasing needs to run with that amount of power.

This link will give you a basic idea of what size implements you can run on that tractor:

lx-series-land-pride-implements.pdf (

I know GP Outdoors on YouTube has the LX2610 and some good videos demonstrating what he has accomplished with his tractor. They would be worth watching to help you decide. He use to own the B2601 and traded up to the LX2610. So, if these are the tractors you are looking at, you would get a good idea if they would meet your needs.



New member
Mar 10, 2021
I have binge watched the GP Outdoors channel, has been very informative. I know that I can get a lot of work done with the B2601, however I just want to make sure I don't end up having to run smaller implements down the road because I didn't want to spend a couple extra dollars up front.


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B3200 w/loader, Woods RC5 brush hog, 4' box blade, tooth bar, B1700 MMM,
Apr 13, 2017
West Mansfield, OH
Look at the wheel width between the B and L series. If I remember the L is a bit wider/ more stable on uneven ground. Check out Outdoors with the Morgan’s as well. He is running a MX for his wood working. I have a B3200. I added wheel spacers to mine and loaded the rear tires. The only wishes I have for mine would be a cab and a quick connect for the FEL. Most likely will modify my current setup with a SSQA and get some more toys for it. As for the cab, I can live with a canopy and layer up in the winter.

bx tractorjoe

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kubota l2501 upgraded from a bx23s john deere 670 husquarvana huv 4421 gxp
Jun 3, 2020
loxahatchee flordia
If you are going to mow wet area I would opt for a belly or mmm mower rather then a rear finish mower..

Those mowers are heavy and the thin solid wheels will put ruts in the lawn and dig holes when you turn or back up in wet or soft ground..

the lx 2610su has no mid pto.. so no belly or mid mount mower or front snow blower, which makes it a lighter l2501


New member
Mar 10, 2021
If you are going to mow wet area I would opt for a belly or mmm mower rather then a rear finish mower..

Those mowers are heavy and the thin solid wheels will put ruts in the lawn and dig holes when you turn or back up in wet or soft ground..

the lx 2610su has no mid pto.. so no belly or mid mount mower or front snow blower, which makes it a lighter l2501
I hadn't considered weight of the mowing deck, that's a good thing to take into consideration. Thank you


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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA

I really don't think you should be concerned about resale on a Kubota tractor....They all maintain their value very well. If you don't need the mid PTO and can live with the other missing creature comforts, then maybe the SU would be for you?

I have the B2650 (same as LX) and I will say that it does make an outstanding landscaping tractor and punches well above it's weight. It has decent ground clearance and more lift capacity than the B-01 series. I have very wet ground (approx the same size lot as you) and wanted a light tractor because of it. You may even want to consider the larger tires that come on the SU for a larger footprint on soft ground.

Regarding mowers...I thought you mentioned that you wouldn't be using the tractor for grass? If you are looking to maintain woods/weeds, my suggestion would be to skip the rear mower and get a flail mower instead. I mow my (wet) lawn with two zero turns (one with very aggressive ATV tires to get me out of the sticky situations). The B2650 is simply too heavy for wet mowing.

If there is anything specific I can answer for away.

Best of luck to you.


New member
Mar 10, 2021

I really don't think you should be concerned about resale on a Kubota tractor....They all maintain their value very well. If you don't need the mid PTO and can live with the other missing creature comforts, then maybe the SU would be for you?

I have the B2650 (same as LX) and I will say that it does make an outstanding landscaping tractor and punches well above it's weight. It has decent ground clearance and more lift capacity than the B-01 series. I have very wet ground (approx the same size lot as you) and wanted a light tractor because of it. You may even want to consider the larger tires that come on the SU for a larger footprint on soft ground.

Regarding mowers...I thought you mentioned that you wouldn't be using the tractor for grass? If you are looking to maintain woods/weeds, my suggestion would be to skip the rear mower and get a flail mower instead. I mow my (wet) lawn with two zero turns (one with very aggressive ATV tires to get me out of the sticky situations). The B2650 is simply too heavy for wet mowing.

If there is anything specific I can answer for away.

Best of luck to you.
Thank you for your feedback! I wont be mowing with it right off but my riding lawn mower is not in the best of shape so I anticipate replacing it with the tractor when the time comes. The LX seems like a good do-it-all machine for my needs however I am just wondering if its capabilities are $3,000 more than the B2601 as I was quoted


Well-known member
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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
Thank you for your feedback! I wont be mowing with it right off but my riding lawn mower is not in the best of shape so I anticipate replacing it with the tractor when the time comes. The LX seems like a good do-it-all machine for my needs however I am just wondering if its capabilities are $3,000 more than the B2601 as I was quoted
Ha. Only you can make that call. But maybe the the additional $500 for the SU, extended financing terms and larger tires would be worth it. Perhaps skip the quick-tach loader and get the standard pioneer couplers to save a bit more money.

One thing to consider before pulling the trigger...take both for a test drive and see if you can live with the stiff treadle pedal on the B2601 that so many report/complain about. That may be the determining factor for you.

Here is a very recent thread of another member going through the same buying rationale...01 vs LX

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Well-known member

Jul 17, 2017
The B2601 to LX2610 (aka B2650 at the time), my analysis said:
- 10% more displacement, 10% fewer revs (same HP)
- 20% more lift on 3ph and on FEL
- 10% wider

In general you're looking at 10% more size, 20% more capacity (plus a bit probably - as it lifts higher, so to the same height it will lift more). 10% higher price for the standard model, about 2% higher price for the SU.

Is it worthwhile? Most people say that the increase isn't really noticeable unless you go up two sizes - so going to an L2501 you'd notice, but you said you aren't after one. I think it'd lift a bigger brush hog, but not sure for the size property you have that it'd matter.

On implements, you have to work out what you're trying to do. It won't run a bigger tiller - that's HP limited. On a box blade, I figure that you need a box blade that covers half your driveway plus a bit. You're unlikely to get one that'll do your driveway in one pass, so you drive up one side, back down the other (and you had to drive back anyway - not like you're leaving your tractor parked at the end of the driveway). Moving from a 5 foot to a 6 foot won't make any difference unless your driveway is 10 foot wide and so it saves you one pass. RFM is limited by HP, so no difference there. Lifting a bit more on the 3ph and the FEL only matters if there's something that you want to lift that weighs more than the B2601 can lift. Otherwise if it's just soil and gravel, slightly smaller bucket loads that you'll never notice.

SU v's non-SU. Hard to know on resale value as they're still a new model. But if you save $2,500 on buying it, I'd be surprised if you sell it for $2,500 less - it's still most of the same tractor as the standard model other than the mid-PTO. You avoid depreciation on the money you didn't spend.....and I always figure if it was a model I wanted, someone else will want it too when it comes time to sell. Plenty of people don't want a mid mount mower. So if new it's $30K for the SU, $32,500 for the standard. When you sell in 10 years maybe you get $20K for the SU, but the standard won't be $22,500. It'll be more like $21,500 - because the percentage difference will stay the same (give or take).

Lots of people recommend buying a tractor with all the options you might need one day, but I'm more of a fan of buying the machine I need today, and changing it if I need something different later. They hold their value well, you can sell and buy a new one (with financing) or a similar age second hand one without much cost of change. And it means you didn't buy a bunch of stuff you may never use.
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Lx2610 HSDC. BH77 backhoe
Jan 1, 2021
New jersey
I have an LX2610 and it’s a great machine. I have 14 acres of mostly hardwood forest and it’s great for getting in between trees etc. It’s worth it.

Things to consider, the lx is the newest model. It will probably be in production for many years. Not sure about the B.

I wouldn’t get a loader without quick attach. It makes no sense. Future purchases of loader equipment will be easier as well as resale value.

I haven’t heard good things about the sure-tach couplers. I wouldn’t get them on either machine

I don’t think you could go wrong with either one. I bet you already want the LX, I think the SU with larger tires looks awesome. I wish I could have gotten larger tires on mine but you can’t put them on a cab model.

Also, if you’re worried about weight and you won’t be lifting heave things with the loader, don’t get the tires filled.


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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
I wouldn’t get a loader without quick attach. It makes no sense. Future purchases of loader equipment will be easier as well as resale value.
Just to be clear on my suggestion above. I suggested that the OP decline the quicktach loader (and get the standard pioneer couplers). I would suggest that he get the SSQA loader. These are two different features.

I'm not sure if you could even get a loader for an LX machine that wasn't SSQA.


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LX2610 w/ 60" MMM, LP 72" Snow Plow, EA Wicked 55" Grapple, and Woods 60" BB
Dec 6, 2020
Upstate NY
I hadn't considered weight of the mowing deck, that's a good thing to take into consideration. Thank you
If you go the LX2610 (non-SU) just know that the mid mount mowers ride on the ground like rear finish mowers. I belive the mid mount mowers on the B2601 are suspended decks but check to confirm that.


Well-known member

Lx2610 HSDC. BH77 backhoe
Jan 1, 2021
New jersey
Haha. Yes, I realized you were talking about the quicktack. There seems to be more issues with them then they are worth.

Does anyone really disconnect the loader so often that they need one of those? Wouldn’t it be better to educate people about relieving hydro pressure before attempting to disconnect the couplers?


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LX2610 w/ 60" MMM, LP 72" Snow Plow, EA Wicked 55" Grapple, and Woods 60" BB
Dec 6, 2020
Upstate NY
Haha. Yes, I realized you were talking about the quicktack. There seems to be more issues with them then they are worth.

Does anyone really disconnect the loader so often that they need one of those? Wouldn’t it be better to educate people about relieving hydro pressure before attempting to disconnect the couplers?
My guess is they are trying to make it easier for people not familiar with tractors to use them. Seems like the idea isnt quite ready for prime time though... I believe the connectors are made by Faster who also patented the flat face coupler. I love those so maybe the swift tach just needs to evolve a bit.
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Kubota MX5400 HST, Land Pride RCR2660 , EA 60" Xtreme grapple, EA box blade
Mar 7, 2019
Texarkana, Tx, USA
New member here, and first time tractor owner (soon, hopefully). I am stuck in the paralysis by analysis and looking for some insight.

Tractor needs: I have 8 acres of mostly timber (fairly wet), maybe 1/1.5 acres of lawn. I have a riding mower I will use for mowing right now with a RFM in my future. I will be snowblowing, maintaining the timber, landscaping/leveling yard, and have a goal of a small food plot and orchard.

I understand that HP is not the main factor in a tractors capabilities. My question is more around the implements of a B2601 and an LX2610(su possibly). I am looking to stay away from the L2501 due to the wet property and traveling across my lawn frequently.

The package I am looking at will be Tractor, Loader, Rear blower, grapple, forks as well as some smaller things like wheel spacers, block heater, and quick hitch.

When it comes to ground engaging implements such as tillers and bush hogs which are in my future, are you able to run a larger unit on the LX series? There seems to be little weight difference between the two machines, so it really comes down to the added torque I would assume? B2601 I see most people running 48" implements.

Also being new to the tractor world I would like some insight on resale/trade in. The LX2610su is only about $500 more than the B2601 based on the quotes I got. The SU having 0%/84 is also appealing. When looking at the standard LX, the price difference is around $3,000 which seems like a lot and is holding me back from just going with it. Do you expect the SU to be much less desirable and struggle to hold their value more than the other options? I don't need a mid PTO but I see the resale benefits of it, the arm rests/cruise/tilt steering aren't major factors for me either.

I know there is a lot here, it is kind of a scatter brain dump to try and talk through some of this stuff. I need to realize I will never feel great about spending $30k no matter what it is haha.

Thanks for any input
I was like you 2 yrs ago in my first tractor purchase. I have more timber (42 acres) and about 3 acres of lawn.
Most of the advice I read seem to be to get the biggest tractor you can either afford or use on your property. I thought I did that in getting a L3301 but now have just purchased a MX5400.

For my lawn I mow about 2-1/2 acres and use a 60" heavy duty zero turn (Toro HD2000).
PTO hp is another area you don't want to skimp if you believe you might be running a rotary cutter or a wood chipper.

Take advantage of the 20% Equine discount (have to be a member of the NCHA but its free).
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New member
Mar 10, 2021
My guess is they are trying to make it easier for people not familiar with tractors to use them. Seems like the idea isnt quite ready for prime time though... I believe the connectors are made by Faster who also patented the flat face coupler. I love those so maybe the swift tach just needs to evolve a bit.

I am very new to tractors and really hydraulics as a whole. What kind of issues are people seeing? I have it added to my package just because I figured I would want it if I needed it, not that I plan on removing the loader all too often.

Thank you to everyone who has had input. I am hoping to finalize things this week or early next week. I am all approved and two packages picked out, I just need to tell them which one.


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LX2610 w/ 60" MMM, LP 72" Snow Plow, EA Wicked 55" Grapple, and Woods 60" BB
Dec 6, 2020
Upstate NY
Leaking is the biggest issue that I've heard. BX's have had them the longest and some people report having the whole setup replaced multiple times and the leak keeps coming back.


Active member

LX3310, FEL, 60" bucket, 60" grapple, 60" box blade, 60" flail, LX2980 blower,
Sep 7, 2020
I went LX3350 - the extra hp over the LX2650 is nice for the wood chipper, snowblower (wet heavy snow up here) and the flail mower. YMMV. I don't fret the pollution control stuff. I would have gotten the 3901 if it had mid-PTO the 4060 was too big and too expensive to get mid-PTO in the L frame.
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Well-known member

Aug 8, 2020
Pittsburgh, Pa
I am not sure I understand the how the wet yard factors into all of this. If the tractor will not be used for cutting your grass I would consider something bigger and used. I understand Kubota makes a fabulous product but $30,000 for a 26 horsepower unit that you will use doing things in the woods that may not need doing in the first place is a lot of money. If this statement sounds insulting please forgive my frankness. I would suggest looking on Tractorhouse for a 40+ hp used tractor in the $6,000 to $12,000 range with a loader. It may not be as pretty as a new Kubota but will get the work done just the same. You might also find an older used unit surprisingly useful and pleasing as I have. There is a great song that comes to mind (why I don't know) with the lyric; "Its faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, and more money" Tom T Hall. Worth a listen in my opinion. Good luck from your Dutch Uncle.
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