Major Kubota b3200 hst Problems Kubota Won't Fix!!!


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Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
Ed.... how in the world can you replace the line in 1.5 hours?????:eek: Hell... it takes longer than that to strip the tractor to get to the line!

I'd go broke :mad:at flat rate and I have a fully equiped shop at my disposal:).... Butch


New member

B3200 tractor, Country line Auger and Farm Force 4ft Rotary cutter
Jul 20, 2010
Western NY
Hi I was wondering because I own a B3200 how many hours you have on the tractor? Reason being is I have owned my tractor since August 2009 almost a year and have approximately 60hrs on it and it has been a super tractor and have absolutely no problems (knock on wood). Just curious if this is something I'm going to look forward to with the leaky line with some more use or did I get lucky?
Sorry to hear your misfortunes.


Well-known member

BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
Kubota don't make it profitable for us to do warranty work, I guess they figure we made money on the original deal so we can share in the warranty expence!
As far as how often this line fails, I have installed one on a B3200, we have only 4 of those tractors out though. I've replaced the same line on B7510's and one on a B2410, probably 5 in total over the last 6 years. I don't think it is anything to be really alarmed about.


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Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
Eserv.... I agree with you. This line is not something to get all bent out of shape on. I jave owned three Kubota models and believe me this brand is head and shoulders above all the others. Been there and tried that.

When my line went I was in the midst of the snowfall record of the century in northeast Maryland. 85",,,,,, more than fell in Buffalo last winter. I streched my tractor's capacity to the max and the ONLY issue was the line giving out. If you saw what I was doing you'd have to wonder why that was the ONLY thing to give out.:D

Now that I have had an opportunity to do the autopsy as to why I think it happened in the first place... I really don't think it will ever be an issue again.

Folks... I had John Deere, New Holland, and Bobcat working right along side me in the storm and I can say from experience my 2410 out lasted them all. We all had operational issues.... and I was in and out of the shop (all be it mine) by the time the second blizzard hit before they were.

Given what I know and have seen from experience.... I'll bleed orange.


PS.... My uncle in law just bought a new B2630.... he has had it for a month. He says it is a piece of junk. You all want to know why he says this? (you will Laugh your collective asses off on these reasons)


New member

B3200 tractor, Country line Auger and Farm Force 4ft Rotary cutter
Jul 20, 2010
Western NY
Thanks Ed and Butch I feel a little more at ease. Our Baby hasn't been worked real hard yet. Mostly the BF used it to bring out fire wood from the woods last fall, some drive way repairs, knocking back the snow banks and as of lately we been trying out the new rotary cutter, Oh and it has also replaced my wheel barrow now I just shovel out the horse stalls into my FEL and take it out to the pile and dump it :D.
I do agree with the quality of Kubota over the others because last year when we were looking at the tractors at the fair, where they had all the local dealers from each and manufactures all lined up in one section we looked at them all and the Kubota was by far more heavy duty than the rest. Our minds were made up right then and there and a month latter we went out and bought ours.
I guess it is all to do with having a great dealer also. Our dealer has been super to deal with. They have given us all sorts of advice and how to do it our selves tips. So I guess when I'm ready to up grade my Horse trailer I'll be looking to them since they deal in trailers also.


New member

b3200 Kubota Tiller, Blower, Loader, BlaDE, ETC.
Jul 5, 2010
Cheboygan Michigan
Ok, thanks so much for all your replies Gang!!

I will "try" to address in the order of posting, as I have been away for a week working my 2 full time jobs, to pay of course, for my tractor, that I DON'T have:mad:

Cody--The whistle noise is coming from just in front of the tube that cracks. It happens about 1-2 hours before it actually cracks, and then it continues from then on.

KraftyBota-- I don't think you will have any problems. My "first" one went out @ 8 hours:eek:

Also, fyi--it really never did leak, per say. It simply makes a loud whistle like noise, and then "PRESTO" Crack!

I'm glad to hear you are having good luck with the unit you have. I simply feel that this particular problem is due to the fact that the dealer doesn't want to invest a "DIME" into updating and training the mechanics.

UPDATE--- Still no tractor. Talked to the Regional Manager on Tuesday Morning, and he said he would call me back. I am awaiting his call @ this time.



Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
IPZ... good point ....the reasons. When I put the new line on it was really close to where it should have been in a "relaxed configuration to the line that it was clamped to originally. It was really easy to seecure it in the relaxed position to the frame close to the FEL junction block.

The way I have it secured now makes for very little vibratory movement... which we can all agree leades to "flexing" stress forces on any metal, especially a manufactured weld connection.

I will have to admit, with first hand authority over the years, that all implement packages do not bolt up and "work" together as advertized. A That's why I did my own assembly, installation, and adjustment on all implements on the 2410. Even then I found a couple "miss matches" in multiple implement subframe assemblies. In these I made adjustments that best fitted my needs and worked with it. Make no mind... even with these mismatch oddities Kubota still is head and shoulders above the competition as far as I am concerned. Believe me I have owned them all over time.

Now for a milestone//// I just passed 1200 hours on my 2410 today. The only issue that I have really had on it is the steering (which I worked with Kubota to get corrective parts at 950 hours) and the steel hydraulic line that I just replaced.

Orange life is good.... Butch


New member

b3200 Kubota Tiller, Blower, Loader, BlaDE, ETC.
Jul 5, 2010
Cheboygan Michigan
UPDATE: Major Kubota b3200 hst Problems Kubota Won't Fix!!!

Well, talked to the Kubota Company again today.

They are going to trade a "NEW" B3200 for mine, with no money out of my pocket. They also offered the B3030 for "TOO MUCH" money out of my pocket. So, I decided to go with the unit I originally purchased.

So, here is my question--

1. How are the three point systems on the B3200 different from the B3030? I'm told there is a difference in the way they lift and the 3030 can be held in any position in between, vs. the B3200 which is either all up, or all down, and by feathering it on the lift of an attachment, it can cause damage.

2. The platform on the b3200---Anybody hear or have any problems with these warping/bending from getting on and off? Mine is bent, causing the linkage arm for the mowing deck to hit it. I'm told most likely from the way I am getting on the tractor. Is there a certain way to get on and off this thing without doing damage? Man, that question in its self is completely amazing after all the $ they cost.

3. The "Break-In" period for the tractor-- Can anyone here share what they've been told/done with there tractor on breaking it in? I kept the rpm varied for the first 20 hours; between mid to high level.

4. Cold starts for summer and winter-- How long is long enough before giving the tractor more rpms that would still not be too hard on the engine? I would let mine idle at lowest position for at least 15 minutes, more time 20 to 25 minutes before I would move the rpms up. Your thoughts on this?

Thanks so much in advance gang!! I greatly appreciate all your help in this matter!!!



New member

b3200 Kubota Tiller, Blower, Loader, BlaDE, ETC.
Jul 5, 2010
Cheboygan Michigan
Update Major Kubota b3200 hst Problems Kubota Won't Fix!!!

Update--after running All over the state like an idiot I've finally got the tractor back to the original dealer. He hopefully won't take 4ever finding a replacement 4 it.

Does anyone here know the difference between the b3200 hst & the b3300 su?

Will they both take the exact same size attachments?

Thank you!



Well-known member

BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
I think we'll have to change the title of this thread seeing you are getting a whole new tractor! The major shortcoming of the B3300su is that it isn't equipped with a mid-pto. so, no, it won't take most of the B3200 attachments. It doesn't sound like it is offered as an option either! I haven't seen a B3300su yet but the rumors are that it doesn't come standard with a drawbar or cruise control either. that may not be true though!


New member

b3200 Kubota Tiller, Blower, Loader, BlaDE, ETC.
Jul 5, 2010
Cheboygan Michigan
UPDATE-- Major Kubota b3200 hst Problems Kubota Made Rite!!!

I understand y u r feeling the way you are in regards to the title. However, I still don't have the unit & after all this time, I truly feel that Kubota needs to step up & get this done already.

Thank you for the b3300 su info. I greatly appreciate it!

Does anyone know of anything other than the actual repair manual of course, that would walk me thru the correct way to adjust/maintane/& brake-in the unit? I would like to see what all the actual Kubota suggests for the above. The owners manual has just the simple things of brakein period etc.
Even a DVD would be great, just don't know where to obtain it from is all.

Thanks to all especially the people that make this site possible!

Chris------------------Update Below-----------------------------

Picked up my new B3200 yesterday!!!! There has been several improvements made to it, which I feel are all for the better.

No charge to me out of pocket. They had switched the tires with mine, as well as the mid mowing bracket.

I "hope" all will go better than the first one!!!!!!
Last edited:


New member

b3200 Kubota Tiller, Blower, Loader, BlaDE, ETC.
Jul 5, 2010
Cheboygan Michigan
Ok, can anyone tell me how to change the title please? Cant seem to get it to work out for me.




New member

b3200 Kubota Tiller, Blower, Loader, BlaDE, ETC.
Jul 5, 2010
Cheboygan Michigan
Well, managed to get two hours on it with the brushhog!!! I now have a situation where the adjustable piece, (located on both lift arms of the 3 point), has lost the pin/broke the pin that holds it to the tractor.

This also happened on my other unit:eek: Is it something I might be doing wrong? I "think" it's possibly caused by backing up the tractor and pushing against trees/brush too much???

I hope it makes sense trying to read what part it is. It's actually is shaped like a "U", and has a pin. It holds the lifter arm in place so the attachment is not freeflowing/swinging from side to side.

Thanks in advance,



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L3410 GST, FEL, Bush Hog, Box Scrape, Spreader
Nov 6, 2009
Snellville, Ga. USA
Well, managed to get two hours on it with the brushhog!!! I now have a situation where the adjustable piece, (located on both lift arms of the 3 point), has lost the pin/broke the pin that holds it to the tractor.

This also happened on my other unit:eek: Is it something I might be doing wrong? I "think" it's possibly caused by backing up the tractor and pushing against trees/brush too much???

I hope it makes sense trying to read what part it is. It's actually is shaped like a "U", and has a pin. It holds the lifter arm in place so the attachment is not freeflowing/swinging from side to side.

Thanks in advance,

I've lost pins on just about every part of the three point. When you get in really heavy brush or drive over tree limbs and such, the brush grabs the clips and pulls them off, it's just a matter of time before you loose the pin after that. Keep spares is about all you can do.


New member

L3410 GST, FEL, Bush Hog, Box Scrape, Spreader
Nov 6, 2009
Snellville, Ga. USA
Thanks for the heads up!! WOW! Those little buggers are expensive!
The hairpin clips won't stay on if you are working in heavy brush, I bought a generic pin to replace one and it had a hairpin clip, it was gone withing an hour.:rolleyes:

Those factory round rings stay on the best, you really have to snag something to pull one off.

I was going in figure eights one day with a heavy duty rake I made, when I saw a pin laying on the ground, I thought, how did that get there? I looked back and something had grabbed a clinch pin and pulled it off, then the big 7/8" pin fell out of the three point at the attachment, got lucky on that one! I buy lots of clinch pins and clips when I'm at the tractor place.:rolleyes:

It's almost that time again where I start clearing more property, ya'll can invest in Kubota stock now, I'm gonna loose and tear up plenty.;)


New member

b3200 Kubota Tiller, Blower, Loader, BlaDE, ETC.
Jul 5, 2010
Cheboygan Michigan
Hey Gang!

I have 17 hours on the new(er) b3200.

"Only" real "problem" is that the parking brake for some reason has come apart. The rod that goes down to the piece with "teeth" on it, (which contains small pin on the end when connected correctly), seems to have once again lost the small pin, and even when connected, now doesn't "release" the brake like it should.

Any ideas out there?




Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
East fix.... just insert the rod in the notched plate, then put a washer and cotter pin to secure. Clevis pins are good for some things... but cotter pins are best for your purpose. ;)