I assume that you have the operators manual? What does it say? Typically a draft control lever when not in use would be all the way forward, or in the off position.
I assume that you have the operators manual? What does it say? Typically a draft control lever when not in use would be all the way forward, or in the off position.
+1 if you are plowing you might want o use mixed control where you have position control and draft sensitivity but for most implements (blades, rotary cutters, finish cutters, etc) you just want position control.
+1 if you are plowing you might want o use mixed control where you have position control and draft sensitivity but for most implements (blades, rotary cutters, finish cutters, etc) you just want position control.
I know that most people feel that draft control is only used for plowing, but I often use it for grading and it works extremely well. A person just needs to understand how to set the features that the tractor has and some pretty amazing stuff can easily be accomplished.
I agree that you would never use it for mowing of any type. Ground engaging tasks only.