m59 seized up


New member

m59 tlb
Aug 20, 2011
Belmont, VT
My m59 will not turn over. The other day there was a load metal moan as I started the tractor but it went away quickly. I was unable to create the noise again during the day. The next day the noise was loud when starting so I shut down. Now the motor will not turn over. I have removed the hydrolic pump thinking it could have seized. Not the problem. Could the fuel pump seize enough to halt the turnover of the engine. If so how do I get the fuel pump off the engine without major surgery. Any thoughts? Thank you


New member

Dec 1, 2011
NE Ohio
Could be any number of things. I think it unlikely but I suppose it's possible a seized pump could lock the engine. Diesel starters are beefy things though, I'd be looking for a cylinder or crankshaft issue myself. I'd have expected it to not run well or at all were the pump on it's way out though. If you think that's the issue pull the cover plate beneath the pump and you oughta be able to see the cams and rollers. Any reason you suspect the pump other than a guess?

I'd start with the obvious, can you put the clutch in and roll the tractor? That rules out a locked up clutch. From there I'd pull the glow plugs and see if you can see anything unusual inside the cylinders. Not going to see much thanks to the prechamber but there might be clues on the glow plug or inside the chamber. I'd also drain the oil on the bottom of the pan and see what's floating around in there. If you see chunks of metal swarf then you know the motor needs to come apart.


New member

m59 tlb
Aug 20, 2011
Belmont, VT
Stumpy, Thanks for the feedback. A few notes. The made this noise such as a bearing seizing. I checked the oil, no metal. My thoughts are since the tractor had the noise only for a moment the first few seconds the first time I heard it and then the tractor ran fine all day. I would not think an internal engine part would recover so well. Again my believing its a bearing somewhere. I see there are a series of pumps and bearings on the forward part of the engine. Water, oil and fuel. I was hoping I could disconect each pump to see if it was seized. As for your recomendation. The tractor is hydrostatic and it has been rolled.

Again what keeps me going is that the tractor started while the noise was evident. Thanks


New member

Dec 1, 2011
NE Ohio
Well I'm not familiar with that motor but most Kubota engines I've seen are built similarly. The water pump is probably driven by the fan belt but I don't know for sure. If it's belt driven it would make it hard, not impossible to turn over were it frozen. The oil pump and fuel cams should be driven via gears under a cover on the front of the engine. The only way to disable the oil pump would be to remove that cover and pull out a gear.

You could pull the fuel pump out of the equation by pulling the cover on the right side beneath the pump, unhooking the governor linkage, removing the fuel lines, and then unbolting and removing the pump.

It could still be the hydrostatic pump. The tractor rolling with the motor off only means the rear drive motor(s) are turning free. No way to really check that or remove it without splitting the whole machine though. Can you find an access cover somewhere around the flywheel? Check and see if anything is apparent in there. Also you might try pulling the starter and making sure that spins freely.

If it comes down to it the oil pan on my tractor was relatively painless to remove and the gasket came off easily. That'll let you inspect the main and rod bearings as well as the oil pump, liners, and piston skirts without too much hassle.
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New member

m59 tlb
Aug 20, 2011
Belmont, VT
I have been trying things all day. I am going on where the sound came from. Initially it came from the front of the engine. I am finding now my only recourse is to remove the gearcase. I was hoping there was an easier way to get in and disconnect the oil gear. With gear disconected I would know if it was pre or post pump. Is there an easy way in?

As for the starter. I had it out and tried to move the engine maunually. no luck Starter worked fine.

Looking at the components of the fuel pump I do not feel there would be enough resistance from it. It could be the cam shaft bearing for the pump. Again I would need to disconnect a gear to find all this out. Thanks again.