I recently bought a m5400 4x4 w/FEL. The unit only has 1300 hours on it. Seems to run strong with no issues there, however, not long after I got it home I hooked up my bush hog. When I did this I was only able to successfully run the machine approx 30 minutes before I lost steering and it pumped my crankcase full of hydraulic fluid. I found the vent tube to the rear cases to be clogged. I thought this was my problem. Therefore I cleaned it out, put a new seal in my hydraulic pump, changed all my fluids and filters, got everything primed back up. Worked great for an hour and then went to @#$! again. same thing. I found some wet disc looking material in the hydraulic filters.... Looks almost like pieces of a motorcycle friction clutch disc... any ideas where that came from? Hope I didnt buy a lemon as I gave the fellow almost 15,000 for the tractor
any help and advise would be greatly appreciated. I also noticed that when I lifted my bush hog all the way up that it didnt want to steer and the loader didnt want to work but if I lowered the bush hog just a hair everything went back to normal. Is there a PRV somewhere thats not too much of a booger to get at and clean out?? A way to flush the system without blowing another seal and costing me another 200.00 worth of oil etc?