As it turns out, there was no issue to address. I had noticed that the oil level seemed to be going up on the dipstick and suspected fuel in the crankcase. I know that when I run the bush hog that the tractor uses a little oil. My brother-in-law was in town and I had showed him how to operate the bush hog and he had been doing a little around the land. I didn't realize that he had added oil after he was done, thus explaining why the level on the dipstick seemed to be rising. Unfortunately, this didn't dawn on me until AFTER I had removed the fuel pump and disassembled it and inspected the diaphragm, which was fine. needless to say, I felt a bit sheepish when I confirmed what was going on. After reinstalling the pump, had to bleed air out of the system to get the tractor to start. Once that was done, everything seems to be fine.
Thanks again for those who posted!