Looks like the Canucks are pushing back

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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
It'd NOT that the amerchin virus is deadly, the vax has never been about that, it's always been to keep millions out of the hospitals.

No one was forced to get jabbed but public safety measures have been taken for the good of the whole.
There are 1,000s of examples of previous things done and currently being done, the jab is just another.
As fo those who 'lost' their jobs, too bad ,so sad, cry me a river..Canada's getting 450,000 new 'immigrant's this year, so there'll be lots of new hires available. 40,000 Afgans alone, so 40 + confirmed terrorists.
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Kubota L2501, LA525 loader, QH15,Land Pride RCR1860, BB2560, SGC0660, forks
Jun 19, 2021
It'd NOT that the amerchin virus is deadly, the vax has never been about that, it's always been to keep millions out of the hospitals.

No one was forced to get jabbed but public safety measures have been taken for the good of the whole.
There are 1,000s of examples of previous things done and currently being done, the jab is just another.
As fo those who 'lost' their jobs, too bad ,so sad, cry me a river..Canada's getting 450,000 new 'immigrant's this year, so there'll be lots of new hires available. 40,000 Afgans alone, so 40 + confirmed terrorists.
Too bad so sad? All well an good until it is something YOU don’t want to do. The alligator will eat you last mentality is frightening in this world right now. By The Way as a health care professional the idea that we can mandate a certain healthcare situation to keep people out of the hospital is ridiculous. Where do you stop with that logic? Over eating, alcohol, and smoking will now all be mandated to be regulated. Don’t believe me? Look at New York attempting to regulate the size of soda cups. It‘s all fun and games until it comes for you. That is the trouble with the logic “well I am ok with doing X”. Again, what happens when YOU don’t want to do X. You can’t generally come back and get your liberty back without HUGE costs.
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Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
Too bad so sad? All well an good until it is something YOU don’t want to do. The alligator will eat you last mentality is frightening in this world right now. By The Way as a health care professional the idea that we can mandate a certain healthcare situation to keep people out of the hospital is ridiculous. Where do you stop with that logic? Over eating, alcohol, and smoking will now all be mandated to be regulated. Don’t believe me? Look at New York attempting to regulate the size of soda cups. It‘s all fun and games until it comes for you. That is the trouble with the logic “well I am ok with doing X”. Again, what happens when YOU don’t want to do X. You can’t generally come back and get your liberty back without HUGE costs.
You hit on a key concept that applies to gun control. When you accept xx control, then they come back for more and before you know it, you have no rights left. So, you wonder why pro-second amendment advocates seem to stand against what would be called 'small infringements' is for the very philosophy you just pointed out above.
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B7100HSD, B2789, B2550, B4672, 48" cultivator, homemade FEL and Cab
Jun 10, 2016
Muskoka, Ont.
I haven’t heard of any violence. I haven’t heard of them forcing anything. They are obeying traffic laws. They aren’t coercing anyone or anything. They aren’t intimidating anyone unless you are one of those pu$$i&s that doesn’t pass big trucks on the highway because you are afraid...

How is that terrorism? Oh, right, the media is calling them terrorist so it MUST be true.

In America, we have the 1st amendment. Just in case you forgot...
If you haven't heard of any violence, then you haven't been listening. I will grant you that it hasn't been American-style violence -- nobody broke into Parliament, waved guns around and threatened public figures with death, but there has been desecration of public property, intimidation and other illegal acts. It certainly has not been lawful or peaceful.

Labelling this a protest by Canadian Truckers is a lie. The Canadian Trucker's Alliance has issued statements distancing themselves from this "protest" and in fact have been and continue to work towards providing vaccination opportunities for their members. The truth is the vast majority of Canadian truckers are already fully vaccinated. There are obviously some who are against receiving the vaccine, just as there are in virtually every segment of the population.

Claims of 50,000 trucks participating are ludicrous -- even if none of the trucks had trailers, that would be an uninterupted line of trucks from Ottawa to Toronto. Official estimates place the total number of vehicles (including cars and RVs) to be between 1,000 and 2,000. Stats Can shows somewhere around 630,000 heavy trucks registered in Canada, so even if every vehicle represented a trucker, and assuming the upper estimate of 2,000 is accurate, that would only amount to 0.3% of Canadian truckers participated.

The truth is that the number is even less than that. Many of the protesters have no affiliation with the trucking industry. There are a significant number that are just jumping on the bandwagon, protesting health measures and even other government policies that displease them in general.

This is Canada, the 1st amendment does not apply. We do however have the Charter of Rights and Freedoms enshrined in our Constitution, and it includes similar guarantees. Unlike the US version, the Charter applies to all persons, not just citizens. And the phrase "Freedom of expression" has a much wider interpretation by the courts. But the Charter does provide for limitations; as with any social contract, sometimes individual freedoms are contrary to the interests of society as a whole. Laws prohibit the personal freedom to fire a gun into a school full of children. Laws provide for imprisonment of criminals. Laws prohibit incitement to insurrection or inflammation of hate against others.

Your post notes that the convoy is obeying the speed limits -- ironically, another curb on individual freedoms. For some reason, society (in the form of legislation passed by duly elected representatives) has deemed it contrary to the public interest to have 100,000lbs of steel hurtling down the public thoroughfare at unlimited speeds. Arguably this has a much greater impact on the trucking industry as a whole than the requirement for the small minority of cross-border traffic to be EITHER vaccinated or be quarantined, yet we don't seem to have huge convoys protesting speed limits.

Covid is here to stay. We as a society have to develop ways to get on with our lives and our economies and live with the reality of covid for the future -- just as we have with every risk from the influenza virus to road traffic. One such measure -- enacted by both Canadian AND American governments -- is to blunt the spread through the use of measures such as vaccination OR quarantine. No one is forcing Canadian truckers to get vaccinated. They still have the freedom of choices. But with freedom comes responsibility -- the responsibility to respect the law of the land. The responsibility to participate in our societal norms in order to reap our societal benefits.

The responsibility to respect the rights of others.


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Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
Everyone be careful and respectful of everyone's view/opinion in this thread!
Anyone that gets rude, insulting, or plain disrespectful will get a time out!
Being that it's primarily Canadian based info and issue, I don't have enough info to cut the thread.
Thank you for being realistic and not using the moderator hammer.
I am not Canadian, and have only contributed to this thread with "likes".

Over on TBN, where I had more than 10,000 posts,..... I was "banned" twice in 8 weeks.
Closing the thread, or removing my two posts (though I did not see them as a problem) would have been a much more appropriate solution in my opinion.
I no longer post, or read posts on TBN.
At 81 I simply do not appreciate unrestrained use of the discipline hammer.

OTT is much appreciated, and enjoyed!
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Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
re: By The Way as a health care professional the idea that we can mandate a certain healthcare situation to keep people out of the hospital is ridiculous.

Maybe down south, but a FACT up here in Ontario. 10s of 1,000s of us,in my city are denied access to the local hospital, have for decades even though OUR taxes paid for it.....

yes, different lands, different rules..

One has to hope that those in charge, weigh the options for 'situations' and do what is best for the good of the largest group. Sadly politics and greed get in the way, more often than not.

I like the reference to the speed laws. GREAT example of doing what's best for the most. Cops caught a kid doing 150 in a 50 zone here last summer....

Now , if 'they' would just repeal the 'temporary act' to cancel income tax, invoked just after WWII....
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