Looking for imput on an inexpensive plasmer cutter


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May 25, 2011
As the title says, I am considering getting an inexpensive plasma cutter in the future. It would be just for DYI projects and would not see a lot of use. I do not want to/can't spend allot for one. I do not know what to look for in one/functions that make it more useful and what is just bells and whistles. I have never used one. This is something I am considering for late spring but want to do some research ahead of time.

As a starting point, this is one that I have uneducatedly looked at.

Amy input would be welcome.:)


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B7610 w/FEL
Dec 15, 2014
Potsdam ny
I was in your situation and went with a Hobart 250CI. It runs on 115 a/c and has an internal compressor so no addition hook-up for air is needed. They were priced in the $830 range new but I bought mine form Hobart as a refurbished unit for about $560 with a 1yr warranty. I couldn't tell it from new. Search for "Hobart Refurbished". This 26lb guy will cut up 1/4", but very slowly. I'm building a cab for my B7600 and it cuts the 1/8 wall tubing with no problems. Just my experience. Good Luck, Regards, Frank


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Figure out which one, buy it, and tell us how you like it!

I am looking for one too.


How's the Hobart cut 3/16? How slow is slow on 1/4"? Five seconds per inch or ten?
I like buying name brand re-man stuff. You can get some great deals.


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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
You get what you pay for. I bought a 50 amp 110/220 longevity for 800.
It does the job, but its kind of picky. And hard on consumeables.

Old employer bought me one for the shop, hypertherm 40 amp. It runs circles around my longevity. Drag tips dont burn up and will cut way cleaner.
If i coukd get a decent price for the longevity i would sell and get the hypertherm.


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BX 25d, Grand L6060, Kx040, GL7500, ZD1211 With cab
Sep 4, 2015
New Jersey
When getting my welding equipment I was gonna go the cheap route....... almost starting with Harbor freights chinese stuff.

I rationalized I wasn't a commercial shop and just for home use would be fine.

Then I looked into longevity. The middle ground. But lots of reports of breaking down - and in the end wouldnt do what I wanted.

But the more and more I talked on the welding forums, the more I leaned to getting better equipment off the bat. Rather than have the cheap junk that will eventually break down.

Get the most you can afford off the bat (or are willing to spend) I have a tig welder, stick welder, mig welder and then a plasma cutter. After going around for a while I settled on a Hypertherm Powermax 45. I wanted to do thicker stuff than the cheap units would do. Not a lot or often but I wanted the option to do it when the need arrived.

The hypertherm will cut 1/2 all day long. But at times will cut (going slow) 1 inch.
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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
When it comes to welding/cutting, you get what you pay for. A decent plasma cutter is going to cost you, and consumables are very expensive. If you buy a cheap one, it isn't going to do what you want. You're better off paying more, and getting a machine that will do a valuable service, than saving and having a tool that collects dust. And, a quality cutter will sell for the same you paid for it; buy a cheap one, and it will be hard to recoup your money.
I found a very lightly used Miller Spectrum 625 for $1000, and it does well up to about 1/2". After that, it gets real slow cutting.


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L2202 tractor, L185f tractor
Oct 31, 2013
Gambrills, MD USA
I bought a hypertherm, can't remember the #. Bought it at a welding shop, cause I didn't want to be sorry about it later. That was a good decision. I had to repair a 4n1 bucket, that I had bent the clamshell half, pulling out 7'of an old telephone pole, in the front lawn. My reasoning was this, I could buy a new 4n1, for $2500, or the PC, for the same money. After fixin that bucket, it was free. The model I bought was sized to be the biggest one, that I could get, that wouldn't blow the 50 amp breaker, in the shop. Advice is, get the biggest one you can afford...:D:D


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BX22 with Fel and grapple,deck,front blower,backhoe, push blade, sweeper, plow
Dec 28, 2015
Elysian, MN
I have been welding/fab for 25 years and you do get what you pay for!! Which is very noticeable in the quality of your cut. Just make sure you are buying the size machine you want because they can be rated different for the cut, granted home use dont need production but you dont want to spend all day cutting something, they are rated with three different cuts, production cut which is a clean cut at a good speed, cut which is a clean cut but takes a while and of course there is sever which is just hacking it off just to make two pieces. My suggestions are either Hypertherm or Thermal Dynamics, they both have been around a long time and you can get consumables easily from any welding supply even if you move. Another thing that helps with consumables is to use dry air which my mean you need a water filter\ trap which you cant put on an all in one if you are using it in humid air. Aaron


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Its just like anything else...

"No bucks, no Buck Rogers!"

If it wasn't, we'd all be happy with Montgomery Wards 5hp ride 'em lawn mowers with 2x4 FELs controlled by rope and pulleys.


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L1501,home built carry all, mini plow blade.
May 13, 2014
Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba,Canada
A gentleman i know bought the cheapest one i ever saw , like 700 shipped to his door. It blew up day one first use. Yes, had no hassle warranty but first use it released magic smoke. Not a good purchase in my books. Name brand will get job done, for years. And resale is decent. I would keep my eyes on the ebays and craigslist for something in your area.


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May 25, 2011
Thanks everyone for your replies. Not exactly what I wanted to hear but it is what I expected to hear. Good money = good equipment. I will have to start looking for a deal on a used machine. For my needs, I can not justify the cost of the new ones suggested. I was hoping for something similar to the Aircat impact vs Snap-on impact. On this one time is on my side, I do not have a pressing need for it. I will have to put some more thought and probably more $$ :( into it.

Thanks again everyone for your replies and suggestions. :)


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B7100D TL and B2150D TLB
Jun 5, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
As others said, you get what you pay for. Somethings I buy cheap, and consider disposable. Welders and plasma cutters are not in that category. I'm kinda stuck in my ways, and it's Miller welders with Hypertherm plasma. Never had anything but positive experiences with them, and I'm not really interested in anything else. But that's not to say that the other quality names won't also deliver. But going too cheap usually winds up with disappointment.