looking for a plow


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
re: I thought it was crazy how many people had something they'd be willing to sell but not have it posted.

Maybe they're having as much trouble as me with FBMP ?? Really, it took MONTHS to get 'registered' as I don't have a cell phone, then 2 dayze to post a wanted ad(seems FBMP is a 'for sale' site...then had 3 replys but I didn't KNOW as WHO in there right mind KNOWS the bad weather cloud ( black oval with lightning bolt ) means 'you've got mail' and then to replay you have to press the blue deer fly ???

I've got lots of 'stuff to sell' but end up hauling most to scrap yard.I'd have thought someone would buy an early 60s Ford BB 460 with BNIB carb, 7,000 steel, BNIB hydraulics.... silly me,what was I thinking ?



Kubota B2601
Mar 5, 2024
Not sure why you want a plow. Few folks plow these days as tillers are much preferred.

If you plow you will also need a disc to finish the soil unless you have a tiller, in which case you do not need a plow.
Two reasons I wanted a plow. 1. I have been told that being the field is virgin soil a tiller will have a hard time especially in Rocky/ clay soil which mine is.
2 again I was told was every oter year one should go back and plow again. There us a cimpaction area I believe call a pan and that soil needs to be loosened up to let the nutrients go deeper for the roots. It seems that makes sense to me.

I also found out the reason my son in laws Father bought the 5 foot tiller is that the 4 foot one did not dig very deep at all. Why ? I have no cluse be it was the weight, the tines were smaller, the adjustment for the depth didn't go down far... I have no clue and didn't care to ask. I figured he woouldn't have bought another tiller if that one could be used.
As for the tines, they basically self "sharpen", better known as wearing itself down. You don't have to sharpen them and don't worry about the rust - the dirt will take care of both of that. Just make sure there is enough of a blade (photo of them?).

Just make sure there is oil and/or grease where it needs to be.... Do you know the make of the tiller???
Both my son in law and father are away on vacation. Don't want to bother them. Will check me,t week and get back to you
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Well-known member

Kubota LX2610, 1951 Farmall M, 1967 John Deere 110 Rf, 2010 Arctic Cat 700
Apr 25, 2023
re: I thought it was crazy how many people had something they'd be willing to sell but not have it posted.

Maybe they're having as much trouble as me with FBMP ?? Really, it took MONTHS to get 'registered' as I don't have a cell phone, then 2 dayze to post a wanted ad(seems FBMP is a 'for sale' site...then had 3 replys but I didn't KNOW as WHO in there right mind KNOWS the bad weather cloud ( black oval with lightning bolt ) means 'you've got mail' and then to replay you have to press the blue deer fly ???

I've got lots of 'stuff to sell' but end up hauling most to scrap yard.I'd have thought someone would buy an early 60s Ford BB 460 with BNIB carb, 7,000 steel, BNIB hydraulics.... silly me,what was I thinking ?
I use to buy machinery at a consignment auction, put tires on it, parts, paint, and resell it. I enjoyed it as a hobby and met some nice ppl. For 2 years I had great luck ppl keeping in contact with me showing up on time ect. The last 2 years now just every doh duh under the sun must have responded to my ads " will you take half price and deliver free(2 hours round trip) " I'll look at it........I don't have money", "I'll come next weekend" (meet up time sorry it'll be next weekend.......next weekend same text " all afternoon " what's the measurements, how much does it weigh, can you lift the riding mower into my boat, how fast does it go......sorry I have other projects to get done" I just take everything back to the consignment lot or just stop doing it.



Kubota B2601
Mar 5, 2024
Ok here's the update on my plow situation. I found a Fronteir 1 bottom plow that was used according to the owner 1 time. I didnt care to ask why only 1 time because a lot of people will lie and tell you anything you want to hear. All I know is from the pictures it looks brand spanking new. Still has the stickers on it, bolts are all nice and shiney, Paint is prisine. A little rust on the share. He wanted 6 and was willing to take 5oo for it. It's a 14"which I hope the 2601 will pull. Going this evening to pick it up.
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L3901/LA525, B7200DT/B1630, G2160/RCK60, G2460/RCK60
Apr 6, 2021
Myersville, MD
Oh my how many Karats was the plating? 😂. That’s exactly why I went used.

There are other options if you use Google foo, but they are sort of other direction 4-500…I’m not sure what getting there. But there are some with coulter as purchased new.

As far as how high it sits, well, it’s not a brush cutter that’s for sure. I’d look for something appropriately sized. I’d think smaller plow size is more likely to be a better fit / function for a B, but I don’t have experience with a B and a plow to be sure. Maybe if you can find spec drawing on one you can compare / measure 3 pt arms (sypher 😉). Hopefully some more knowledgeable members will chime in with product/implement knowledge.

I would offer I found the articles / video below helpful for my understanding. YMMV. 🥃

I have (tried to) plow with a B7200D and a single bottom. With no draft control its an eye opening experience....




Kubota B2601
Mar 5, 2024
I have (tried to) plow with a B7200D and a single bottom. With no draft control its an eye opening experience....

So here's the thing, I thought about what everyone here and locals have told me and have a few thoughts. Not being smart here but I really appreciate what everyone has contributed. It is greatly appreciated that everyone here is trying to steer me.

With that out of the way, I thought that I won't know until I try, using this plow. Yes I would hate to spend the money and not work so thinking about it here is what I came up with. Say I hook this plow up and for a lot of reasons the tractor will not pull it. I figured that I will just keep trying by raising up the plow until it does cut through even if it's 2 inches. I know most all will say yea but your not using the plow as intended. I am retired and have all the time in the world. If I get 2-3 inches down, I'll just cut down the amount of land I will plow for now and be happy with going back again and lowering the plow a bit more until I have the amount done I want. I look at it like I am out to learn and have fun and by darn that's what I intend to do...have fun.

I have always subscribed to the old motto, Improvise, adapt, overcome.


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3901/LA525, B7200DT/B1630, G2160/RCK60, G2460/RCK60
Apr 6, 2021
Myersville, MD
So here's the thing, I thought about what everyone here and locals have told me and have a few thoughts. Not being smart here but I really appreciate what everyone has contributed. It is greatly appreciated that everyone here is trying to steer me.

With that out of the way, I thought that I won't know until I try, using this plow. Yes I would hate to spend the money and not work so thinking about it here is what I came up with. Say I hook this plow up and for a lot of reasons the tractor will not pull it. I figured that I will just keep trying by raising up the plow until it does cut through even if it's 2 inches. I know most all will say yea but your not using the plow as intended. I am retired and have all the time in the world. If I get 2-3 inches down, I'll just cut down the amount of land I will plow for now and be happy with going back again and lowering the plow a bit more until I have the amount done I want. I look at it like I am out to learn and have fun and by darn that's what I intend to do...have fun.

I have always subscribed to the old motto, Improvise, adapt, overcome.
That is exactly what you are going to find.

Two observations:
  1. A Ford N series tractor plows like a champ but is a poor rototilling machine
  2. A Kubota B series tractor rototills like a champ but is a poor plowing machine.
Food for thought:

Its usually best to match your choice of tools to the resources at hand.

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Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
If a B2601 won't pull a single furrow plow, sell the Kubota and get a real tractor.:) Heck my 40 years old Sears garden tractor(9HP ) will pull a Brinly 10" all day long

Really. I have a hard time trying to understand why it couldn't pull a plow ,providing it does have ag tires on it



Kubota B2601
Mar 5, 2024
That is exactly what you are going to find.

Two observations:
  1. A Ford N series tractor plows like a champ but is a poor rototilling machine
  2. A Kubota B series tractor rototills like a champ but is a poor plowing machine.
Food for thought:

Its usually best to match your choice of tools to the resources at hand.

AGRI-SUPPLY sells the single bottom plow that you are looking for.

Their item #89826, is a single bottom 14" plow (no coulter)
Price $309.99 + shipping
Their phone # is 1-800-345-0169.... no agri supply locations near you.

They have 9 stores.
It would appear that their Virginia store might be the nearest.
They are a very good company!
I was looking over my notes and I did get in touch it would be a total of $519.00 with shipping. Just thought I would let everyone know I turned over every stone and looked at all options. Thanks.



Kubota B2601
Mar 5, 2024
If a B2601 won't pull a single furrow plow, sell the Kubota and get a real tractor.:) Heck my 40 years old Sears garden tractor(9HP ) will pull a Brinly 10" all day long

Really. I have a hard time trying to understand why it couldn't pull a plow ,providing it does have ag tires on it
It has R14 and I really don't want to have to buy new tires The ones that came on it were just about brand new. Thanks for the reply. Your right one would think it would pull it. I was told again that if it's set up right it should be no problem. Will find out next week.

Still to soft here in PA. Maybe a few more weeks.

All I have to do is research how to set this up correctly.


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3901/LA525, B7200DT/B1630, G2160/RCK60, G2460/RCK60
Apr 6, 2021
Myersville, MD
If a B2601 won't pull a single furrow plow, sell the Kubota and get a real tractor.:) Heck my 40 years old Sears garden tractor(9HP ) will pull a Brinly 10" all day long

Really. I have a hard time trying to understand why it couldn't pull a plow ,providing it does have ag tires on it
He would be better off with a Brinly than a 3pt plow.

My B7200 "pulls" a single bottom but to call the result "plowing" would be a massive stretch.




Kubota B2601
Mar 5, 2024
He would be better off with a Brinly than a 3pt plow.

My B7200 "pulls" a single bottom but to call the result "plowing" would be a massive stretch.

Well I guess we’ll see. Within a few weeks I’m hoping the ground dries enough to plow.
I can’t wait to see how well it does/does not work.
I’ll be getting back to y’all with what I found.
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New member

B2301, 60" finish mower, 60" back blade, 72" disc, 72" cultivator, 3 pt. sprayer
Nov 30, 2021
Ok here's the update on my plow situation. I found a Fronteir 1 bottom plow that was used according to the owner 1 time. I didnt care to ask why only 1 time because a lot of people will lie and tell you anything you want to hear. All I know is from the pictures it looks brand spanking new. Still has the stickers on it, bolts are all nice and shiney, Paint is prisine. A little rust on the share. He wanted 6 and was willing to take 5oo for it. It's a 14"which I hope the 2601 will pull. Going this evening to pick it up.
I have the same frontier plow and I have a b2301. It pulls it just fine, so I can't imagine that you'll have any problems. Once in a great while, I will have to feather the plow a little but that doesn't happen much. I only use it on ground/land that I'm breaking out for the first time. I haven't used it on previously tilled ground.


Active member

Mar 1, 2020
Plowing shallow then replowing deeper right away doesnt work real good. Its much preferable to turn it as deep as you want it to be done in one pass. It takes some experience before you can get the hang of it. Pay attention to setup and put a stop on your 3-point control so you can hopefully maintain the same depth across your field. The reason for the stop is because you will need to set it deeper when striking your lands out. Then when driving in the furrow you neef to bring that setting up somewhat.
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Kubota B2601
Mar 5, 2024
Plowing shallow then replowing deeper right away doesnt work real good. Its much preferable to turn it as deep as you want it to be done in one pass. It takes some experience before you can get the hang of it. Pay attention to setup and put a stop on your 3-point control so you can hopefully maintain the same depth across your field. The reason for the stop is because you will need to set it deeper when striking your lands out. Then when driving in the furrow you neef to bring that setting up somewhat.
Ok so the "stop" you are refering to is the draft control ? Remember I'm new to this game...lol

I just had the tractor delivered. As I went around it I noticed that it does not have a top link nor a drawbar. I figured that I would take it over to the trailer which has the plow on it and take it off and hook it up.
I never noticed it when I first looked at it. Should this used tractor of had both ?


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Not to worry Ted will show you how to do it and what you need!


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
Not necessarily. I bolted top links onto each of the 3PH implements used with my other tractor And while it has a drawbar, I've never used it in 24 years.

While I got the 3PH kit free with my BX23S, It's never been out of the box as the backhoe is still on after 6 years !



Kubota B2601
Mar 5, 2024
I need to research to find out what top link this tractor takes. Are all pretty much the same or should I buy one from Kubota ?


Active member

Mar 1, 2020
Yes Sir, that stop would be a sorta/maybe makeshift draft control. The thing is you want to plow consistently. I grew up farming and then farmed comercially for many years. Ive plowed thousands of acres but never with anything less than a 5 bottom and up to 12 bottoms at most. Back here they had plowing contests at farm festivals, and the consistent winners had everything dialed in. It all depends what kind of plow you have as to the hitch setup you need. My bigger plows pulled from the drawbar and raised and lowered hydraulically via wheels. The smaller 5 and 6 bottom pulled from the lift arms (2 point) and raised and lowered with those and a hydraulic ram on the tail wheel. I would think your 1 bottom would need a 3 point to do the lifting. One more thing, a coulter makes a nicer furrow but I seldom used them as theyd promote plugging in heavy residue.