Loader Operation


Well-known member

Nov 8, 2015
North East CT
So it's been a few years since this post and this float feature is still trash. Why not add a lever for those who want to use the float function. Instead of bridging it into the let down load function. If I want to drop the load, I want to drop the load. (Let the operator control the speed). I try to speed up the dropping of the load and its overridden by the trash float feature which takes over and slowly drops load exactly what I don't want. All the condescending comments on here about reading the manual or learning to feather the controls... It's a trash feature and quite dangerous to apply it to the lowering of the loader unless in separate location. I have since filled my rear tires with water which helped a bunch. I use this tractor to 110% of it's capibilities. Remember safety 3rd.

If you use your tractor beyond its capabilities, then you are an accident waiting to happen, and when it happens, it is going to be your own fault. Just because you can, doesn't mean that you should. As a retired EMT, I have seen the results of people pushing the limits of machinery, and some of them, I wasn't able to help, but a friend of mine was the last to let them down.
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Gr2120, LX3310, bh77 hoe, 64 inch commercial snow blower, landpride pallet forks
Apr 16, 2021
Berks County PA
Just a thought. Maybe his de-dent is not working or is very weak. On my Kubota, it takes some force to get the bucket into float. Not something I can do easily by lowering or raising the bucket.
Yes mine too. Almost feels as though I am going to break something.


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Dec 19, 2019
Southern, NH
changed my mind about posting my thoughts..
The thought police here will delete anything they don't want exposed so fire away.

Be careful posting facts or articles from the media, they will censor those with zeal.
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L3301 & LA525 Loader
Mar 5, 2020
Orange TX
Let's apply this same logic to vehicles. Let's say a car pulls out in front of you and you want to slow down quickly. When you slam on breaks the breaks now disengage and you slow based off of what gear you are currently in and you now get into an accident because the engineers want to mesh a function where it shouldn't be. That's all I'm saying is the feature is rediculous no matter if it's been implemented in this way for a long time or not. The operator should be allowed to drop the load as quickly or as slowly as they see fit. If there needs to be a float function that is perfectly fine but do not mesh it with other important functions of the loader.


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Mar 26, 2013
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Let's apply this same logic to vehicles. Let's say a car pulls out in front of you and you want to slow down quickly. When you slam on breaks the breaks now disengage and you slow based off of what gear you are currently in and you now get into an accident because the engineers want to mesh a function where it shouldn't be. That's all I'm saying is the feature is rediculous no matter if it's been implemented in this way for a long time or not. The operator should be allowed to drop the load as quickly or as slowly as they see fit. If there needs to be a float function that is perfectly fine but do not mesh it with other important functions of the loader.
I am probably going to get a vacation for what I am about to write but it needs to be said. You are obviously ignorant on operating a tractor and a bucket loader in particular. The float function is not designed for what you want to use it for. If you want the loader to drop faster, increase engine RPM and use the bucket lowering function instead of the float function. The load will drop faster with increased engine RPM using the bucket lowering function than if you use the float function. Learn the operational limits of your tractor and use it according to the manual. You and your machine will be mucho happier.
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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
Let's apply this same logic to vehicles. Let's say a car pulls out in front of you and you want to slow down quickly. When you slam on breaks the breaks now disengage and you slow based off of what gear you are currently in and you now get into an accident because the engineers want to mesh a function where it shouldn't be. That's all I'm saying is the feature is rediculous no matter if it's been implemented in this way for a long time or not. The operator should be allowed to drop the load as quickly or as slowly as they see fit. If there needs to be a float function that is perfectly fine but do not mesh it with other important functions of the loader.
I don’t remember reading this thread previously...

But frankly I’m totally amazed that you have not either fixed a problem that exists, or learned how to operate something that nearly everyone else that owns a tractor can operate satisfactorily and doesn’t complain about.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems like it must be one or the other in the case being discussed here.
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L3301 & LA525 Loader
Mar 5, 2020
Orange TX
I am probably going to get a vacation for what I am about to write but it needs to be said. You are obviously ignorant on operating a tractor and a bucket loader in particular. The float function is not designed for what you want to use it for. If you want the loader to drop faster, increase engine RPM and use the bucket lowering function instead of the float function. The load will drop faster with increased engine RPM using the bucket lowering function than if you use the float function. Learn the operational limits of your tractor and use it according to the manual. You and your machine will be mucho happier.
The float function negates the drop load to quickly function. Thus the float function would do well as its own function separate from the drop load function. You are clearly ignorant how functions overriding other functions could be unsafe.


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Kubota L2501 with R4 tires
Jan 29, 2021
Western MT
The float function negates the drop load to quickly function. Thus the float function would do well as its own function separate from the drop load function.
I get that you want your loader functions to work differently. It’s not going to unless you modify it. I’m sure you probably could rig something up with a third function kit or similar.
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Kubota L47 TLB, Homestead 55" grapple, LP 1684 rear blade, WR Long 84" snowplow
Nov 1, 2020
Maybe this will help.


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Kubota L47 TLB, Homestead 55" grapple, LP 1684 rear blade, WR Long 84" snowplow
Nov 1, 2020


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L4701, T2290, WC68, grapple, BB1572, Farmi W50R, Howes 500, 16kW IMD gen, WG24
Apr 27, 2020
Central Piedmont, NC
The float function negates the drop load to quickly function. Thus the float function would do well as its own function separate from the drop load function. You are clearly ignorant how functions overriding other functions could be unsafe.
Understand a little bit that this might be a problem when you first started running the loader, but continuing to be a problem is indicates you may have a real problem. As others have pointed out, there’s a detent you have to push past to get it to float. Max speed lowering is push it up to the detent, but not past it. There should be enough resistance in the detent that pushing past the detent isn’t something you can do accidentally unless you’re just slamming the stick around with grossly inordinate force.

If you’re putting it in float accidentally because the full down v float break point on the valve isn’t grossly obvious in the feel of the stick, the detent in the valve needs to be fixed. I have no issue with mine, and never have, but if that detent failed, I’d have to fix it to be able to run the loader properly for any length of time.

Alternatively, if, after reading all the prior responses, you’re slamming the stick around like you’re mad at it and/or just complaining about a design you don’t like, no one else can help you with that.

It’s only unsafe if the detent is messed up (it’s broken, a state in which many things are unsafe) or the operator refuses to operate it correctly despite many thousands of others operating it safely with no issue (again a situation in which many things are unsafe).

So if you’re still having problems, you really need to fix it, commit to operating it correctly, or sell it before you kill yourself or someone nearby.
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L6060, Erskine hydraulic snow blower, back hoe
Feb 16, 2018
Central, ME,USA
Xreadx, how old are you 12? They aren't going to reinvent the tractor for 1 person. Most of us learn to operate any piece of equipment the way it is designed. If we don't like it we don't buy it. You seem to be frustrating yourself with something you can't change. Remember the old saying. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
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L4701, T2290, WC68, grapple, BB1572, Farmi W50R, Howes 500, 16kW IMD gen, WG24
Apr 27, 2020
Central Piedmont, NC
changed my mind about posting my thoughts..
I have done the same several times. And regretted not deleting a rather vitriolic post once even though the moderators didn’t get involved.

However, while I’m not an EMT and not putting words in your mouth, I suspect many of us who are involved in cleaning up the messes made for themselves and those around them by the “safety third” crowd have some pretty strong feelings about that attitude, and rightly so. Accidents happen and that’s what we’re here for, but it’s little different when it’s someone that it’s obvious safety is not even in their thoughts at all.
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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
changed my mind about posting my thoughts..
You are lucky someone did not quote your post before you edited it...or it seems you are even smarter than the average bear...and did not post to begin with! :cool: (y)

I am am going to try to keep that approach in mind for future reference!