limb stuck on powerline


New member

B7100D, MMM, B205 Dozer Blade, woods m48, b2910
Jul 13, 2014
Western, MA
I've seen a lot of trees topped by arborist still standing today, there is one down the hill from me that looks like a horse shoe! Even Mother Nature likes to prune her trees with ice storms and strong winds, mountains full of them around here. Ever go to a mountain top and all of the native pines are really short? It's because Mother Nature won't let them grow tall becaue the tops snap off from the extreme winter weather around here.

6-7 years ago.... We had an ice storm on the mountains that literally broke every tree top off, the woods looked like a bomb went off, snowmobile trails took a month to clear. Sure a few trees may have died but you wouldn't even know it even happened. Not a tree guy, but people that can afford it have their trees pruned and it makes a noticeable difference. Apple trees are always topped, have an orchard in my town with 100+ year old trees. We are just starting to prune a berry plants, we remove almost half the plant every year and they grow back stronger and with better fruit.


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
There is a park In San Diego off the end of the runway to Lindbergh Field. The wing tip vortices (horizontal tornadoes) drop down and snap the tops of the trees off. You can hear them whistling at 200 mph after a plane goes by. The trees grow to a certain point and that is it: The upper section is trashed. Very strange to see as all the nearby trees look normal.

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
Maybe it has something to do with the environment & the type of tree. At my place in the mountains, the power company cut back & topped thousands of trees near the lines- really got carried away. Seems like 30-50% of the Ponderosa pines & Gambel oaks died or are dying after being topped. But they also topped Alligator Junipers & Scraggly Bark Cedars, and none of them seem to be affected in the least.


New member

B7100D, MMM, B205 Dozer Blade, woods m48, b2910
Jul 13, 2014
Western, MA
I can remember long long ago.... In a house we used to live in down the street from me.... We had a really nice cherry tree that had delicious cherries if you could get to them before the birds did.... My father had it pruned and the guy that did it sprayed some sort of black spray paint on the nubs where he cut off big branches. I have no idea what exactly he used but the tree lived on until the new owners cut it down including a really nice tall pear tree. Why in the world would someone cut down mature fruit bearing trees :confused: There's nothing like some fresh picked fruit. I always tell my nieces and nephews that fresh fruit tastes better than candy and it's good for you, they don't agree :eek:

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Lil Foot,
Yea AZ is hard on trees period! :(
I've seen perfectly healthy trees there turn to dust in no time at all!

Punning paint seals off the ends so they don't get air in them, it's always a good Idea to use it. ;)


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L225 w/woods Few Mowers & Back Blade, D722 in Motorcycle (Triumph Tiger), LMTV
Nov 16, 2012
Southern OH
Well I called the power company (Duke Energy) and let them know the situation. Told them power was not out nor flickering but soon snow might add some weight to things the way this limb was laying as a bridge from the tree to the wires etc.

Anyway..... at some point while I was gone...... they came and removed it. Also trimmed another branch that was getting close to the wire. All this on my property. They never shut off power is what surprised me. If they had my computer would have shut down.

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Most lines that lead from pole to hose are Insulated lines, I'm betting that yours are just that. ;)



GL3830,fel,brush hog,pallet forks,disc,gannon,auger,springtooth,plow,drag,ripper
Sep 6, 2011
Ventura Ca
Most lines that lead from pole to hose are Insulated lines, I'm betting that yours are just that. ;)
Yes most house services are insulated but the neutral conductor isn't and if there's a bad connection at the house or the transformer pole you become the neutrals path to ground and it can kill you just as fast as the phases. Electricity follows the path of least resistance leave it to the professionals.

North Idaho Wolfman

Staff member
Lifetime Member

L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
leave it to the professionals.
I totally agree, I was just commenting on why the power company didn't need to turn off the power to get the job done, besides that they do tree work around live wires all the time there are safe procedures for doing it. ;)