Let it snow!


Well-known member
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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
It's not backed up by "scientific method." Its backed up by "opinion" -the very last thing science depends upon for determination. Popular opinion had people burned at the stake for being witches.

Thousand of concerned scientists are speaking out against this lunacy but the mainstream media ignores them. We know from ice cores that the CO2 levels were much higher in the past and that is was much warmer. Dinosaur farts perhaps? Since then the world has experienced ice ages.

The whole "global warming" effort has been unmasked with false data and e-mails leaked in Cambridge, UK. Now, NASA reveals they have been spiking the data. CO2 is a natural occurring gas that feeds plants. Without it, we would die. The data points since the "hockey stick" revelation do not go far enough back to make a case for anything supportable by "real" science.

If you have any doubt as to the true agenda of the Global Warming crowd, merely watch the last Copenhagen environmental summit starting on day two: Its rife with hypocrites who arrived by themselves in large limousines and jets (like Algore uses) and who called for using environmental causes as means for social change. Part of this was a transfer of wealth from the wealthier countries to the poorer ones. Sound familiar?

As of yet, it is merely popular speculation, unsupportable by any blind scientific data whatsoever. Sorry, don't mean to offend anyone but, the truth needs to be said.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ



2003 BX2200 - loader, mower, blower, grss collection system
Nov 22, 2014
Holden, MA
You guys are 100% right. Emissions are good for gardens and the earth. Smoke stacks spewing billions of tons of shyte into the air are like antibiotics and we should inhale as much as possible. The ice caps are normally melting in the routine changes in the earth over time, because that is how the poles are supposed to be, and desalinization is not a real concern. Back in the dino era, we had all this industrialization and vehicular movement, and the CO2 wasn't really from the Earth still forming, so it is quite normal. Nah, nothing is wrong. It'll go away on its own. I'll just keep putting away food supplies and water because I hate to see blank walls, and you just keep believing there is nothing wrong. We all have our own opinions, and I certainly didn't mean to offend anyone else's, or lead this thread astray. I was just correcting the frequently mistaken meaning of the phrase Global Warming does not mean we all fry from the heat. That was all.

Oh, and I do love my Kubota for blowing snow. It helped me, help 12 of my neighbors out yesterday from the unrelenting snow that is blanketing our area. I lost count as to just how much snow we have gotten now in the last three weeks. It is either 6 or 7 feet. Boston and the South Shore received another 24" yesterday alone. I dread the thought of how much more work I would have had if I was blowing with my 28" Toro vs this 50" diesel Mad Machine. I love it, and the neighbors keep coming over to talk about it because they can't get over how much snow it moves with relative ease. Too flippin' cool!!

Update: Found out we were at 77" before this past 15", so we are now at 92" in less than three weeks.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ

Don't take it personal.

A lot of people are starting to wake up to the "settled science" known as "global warming." A LOT of $$ is at stake and "carbon credits" are highly questionable when one Icelandic volcano eruption emits more greenhouse gas that worldwide emissions systems save in five years.

The Smithsonian estimates over 1500 volcanoes have erupted in the last 10,000 years. That doesn't include thousands of uncharted undersea volcanoes that are or have been active. So, that means one eruption every 5 years, or less. This is a HUGE amount of greenhouse gas no one seems to account for.

The other item omitted from these "climate models" is the biggest heat generator in our environment: The sun. We are at solar maximum and have been building toward this for the last 11 years. How does this not add to the temperatures on this planet? And yet, we see more and more evidence that the only rise in temperatures over the last decade is due to people fudging the reported temperatures. A hypothesis lives and dies by the data. The only thing keeping this hypothesis alive is bogus data.

The temperature has gone up and down across the millennia. Zero argument on that. As for the man-caused argument, I'd be glad to examine any honest data but, as of yet, there isn't any, only a consensus among some who point to data that is fraudulent.

Science is not decided on opinion, consensus, or manipulated data. It is the result of repeatable analysis with repeatable outcomes.


Active member

bx24 backhoe/fel, 48" Bush mower
Nov 16, 2014
ione, washington

Don't take it personal.

A lot of people are starting to wake up to the "settled science" known as "global warming." A LOT of $$ is at stake and "carbon credits" are highly questionable when one Icelandic volcano eruption emits more greenhouse gas that worldwide emissions systems save in five years.

The Smithsonian estimates over 1500 volcanoes have erupted in the last 10,000 years. That doesn't include thousands of uncharted undersea volcanoes that are or have been active. So, that means one eruption every 5 years, or less. This is a HUGE amount of greenhouse gas no one seems to account for.

The other item omitted from these "climate models" is the biggest heat generator in our environment: The sun. We are at solar maximum and have been building toward this for the last 11 years. How does this not add to the temperatures on this planet? And yet, we see more and more evidence that the only rise in temperatures over the last decade is due to people fudging the reported temperatures. A hypothesis lives and dies by the data. The only thing keeping this hypothesis alive is bogus data.

The temperature has gone up and down across the millennia. Zero argument on that. As for the man-caused argument, I'd be glad to examine any honest data but, as of yet, there isn't any, only a consensus among some who point to data that is fraudulent.

Science is not decided on opinion, consensus, or manipulated data. It is the result of repeatable analysis with repeatable outcomes.

CCR, you are absolutely right!!! I believe most of these miss-conceptions come
from these burnt out, drug crazed, tree hugging, liberal, so called "Professors"
teaching this crap in our college's.
Just my opinion.:eek:
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Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Didn't Al Gore invent global warming?
He reportedly sat as Chairman on the Board of Carbon Trade in London. How do you think he increased his personal wealth to $500 mil in only a decade? Profit motive as he flies around in personal jets?

Gore spoke in Phoenix at ASU. Do you know, a hard and fast rule of his for speaking engagements is he takes no questions? ZERO. Not allowed. Gotta make a person wonder.

I worked with a guy who lived in his town. When the e-mail circulated about two former government officials, one with a big inefficient house that ran electrical bill of $1600 a month (Gore) and another guy whose house was the model of environmental balance (Bush Waco Ranch) Gore ran out and bought up every environmental improvement he could for the place. Spent millions and neighbors were constantly listening to truck back-up beeps while equipment was off-loaded, often completely closing down the road in front of Gore's residence. Took months to upgrade his place.

More of that "Do as I say, not as I do" religion many cannot come to terms with.
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Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I seem to remember that back in the 70's they were all head up about a new coming ICE AGE that was to over take most of north America


New member

B7000 4WD, RS1(?) rototiller, Konik 125 ATV
Nov 19, 2014
I seem to remember that back in the 70's they were all head up about a new coming ICE AGE that was to over take most of north America
Wasn't that about the time that OPEC turned off the faucet?


Well-known member
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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
The thing that really bugs me about Liberal ideology is their willingness to lie about something to further their agenda. This whole anthropomorphic climate change is just another example.

Whether Brian Williams, Barack Obama, or the scam about the bogus "rape on campus" article now discredited in a recent issue of Rolling Stone, lying is being touted as "productive" or "beneficial" because it "gets people thinking about something they might not have otherwise." Excuse me but, that is called fiction. Any attempt to hand it of as reality or factual is plainly dishonest. But, what is honesty in an age where we have allowed the rules of society to fit the individual, rather than asking the individual to fit in with society. Anyone see problems with this?

When the President of the United States repeatedly says, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." and then we find out that the whole program was intended to turn healthcare on its ear, and one of the architects of the whole fiasco comes out and says "we intentionally made it so complicated because the average American is too stupid to figure out what we did to them," HELLO! This is societal FRAUD! If you cannot expect honesty and integrity from our government, its time for a new government!

If the media gives government a pass on this stuff, imagine what surprises are in store for us just around the corner. Yet, every day we have more trampling upon the constitution and no one wants to stand up for our way of government...

Sorry folks but, this isn't going to turn out very well. We are being deceived and no one in the media is doing their job. If Bush was doing this stuff, Pelosi and Boxer would be screaming, and rightfully so. All these distractions are INTENTIONAL! One day, to hide muslim terrorists, we are told there is a war on women! On another day, to hide IRS abuse of power issues, we are told about Global Warming! Why it's the biggest threat we face! And the fact the media is all working off the same sheet of paper should have become obvious the day the word "gravitas" came out of the mouth of every talking head on mainstream TV. What are the chances that would happen?

A lot of good people are being deceived by a lot of bad people. And unfortunately, as has happened in history time and again, a bunch of people are going to suffer because a bunch of other people stood in silence while yet another group started that society down a road of pain and anguish.

Sorry for the vent. But at least you cannot say you weren't warned.


North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Wow... All this over a little snow chat! :eek:

I guess I need to start a thread on political performance and reform, maybe then I can get some clean calm weather chat! :p;)
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Lifetime Member

B2620, fel, RB1560, Piranha Tooth Bar
Jan 2, 2015
Newport, WA
I live where I do and like tractors and quiet because politics suck! all tics....a rant thread would be good. Then I would know what to ignore and what I can learn from,


New member

L1500DT, front end loader, mower, tiller, snow blower
It snowed a bit here, about an inch. I really need snow here as I planted dormant grass seed and about 30 trees with a spade last fall.

Did I read it right 92" above in a post?


New member

B7100D, MMM, B205 Dozer Blade, woods m48, b2910
Jul 13, 2014
Western, MA
We got about 10" in this last storm, calling for 2 more storms by the end of the week :eek: The poor folks in Boston are buried to the brim, they have more than we do in the mountains! Here is a pic of one of their "snow farms" where they pile it up and feed big snow meters to get rid of it! I read somewhere they are melting 430 tons/hr. The loaders at the bottom are feeding the melter.



New member

L1500DT, front end loader, mower, tiller, snow blower
That snow would have salt, sand and all kinds of garbage in it. Would kill fish and pollute the river.

It's not tea you know!

I can't believe they melt it? We just pile it up and let the sun melt it in spring.


New member

B7000 4WD, RS1(?) rototiller, Konik 125 ATV
Nov 19, 2014
That snow would have salt, sand and all kinds of garbage in it. Would kill fish and pollute the river.
I'm not familiar with Boston but don't the storm drains empty into the river? And, as Muddy Waters said "the river runs into the sea", which is salt water.


New member

B7100D, MMM, B205 Dozer Blade, woods m48, b2910
Jul 13, 2014
Western, MA
Looks big enough to ski down to me! Although, I don't ski so I would be opting for the tire tube :D.

That's part of the Boston harbor in the background. I saw on the news they were dumping it in the ocean too, that is only one of their snow farms. Technically, by melting it the melted snow goes into the harbor. It's a major shipping port so I don't think they want to turn the harbor into a giant slush puppy. Big tankers float through there every day and they travel with more security than Obama does when they pass through. I don't think the coast guard wants one jammed up in slush or ice and sitting at a stand still in the harbor... Did a job for Coast Guard Boston and got to see the escorts cruising through. I don't think you want to get in their way :p

"Dirty Water" refers to the Charles Rive that flows through the city. I saw on the news last year how a big group of people have been cleaning up the river and it is now clean enough to swim in. I'll take their word in it and pass :D