Late Season Flintlock Kill


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2013 - BX25D
Apr 7, 2016
Northwest PA
After missing 2 bucks in late season here in PA, I finally connected this morning and smacked a fat doe. Single digit temps, absolutely beautiful morning. The BX25 retrieved....

My son was in lego mode, but my daughter was up for venturing out with Dad. Fun morning.....:)


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Ya done good getting her out, and trust me time with her will be with you for the rest of your life!!! Now however once she hit ohhhh say 13 Dad aint gona be the man no more,, trust me every Father that has daughters (I have 2 my wife 4) has gone down that road,, But thats OK ,one day out of the blue she will turn right around and say I love you Dad and all sins will be forgotten,,, that is untill she brings that young man home :eek:. Enjoy them every moment of every day with them, cause they grow way to fast!
And I cant remember the last time I even shot my smoke pole let alone shooting something with it :D
Ya done good on both counts


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2013 - BX25D
Apr 7, 2016
Northwest PA
Thanks Skeets!

Time sure does keep flying faster and faster all the time.

I grew up with 3 sisters, so I understand your comments completely!..LOL.

A friend of mine from work told me that your daughters will make you madder and happier than anyone else in your life.....kind of like other important woman in your life (Wife).

I think about that a lot with my daughter....she knows how to press the buttons, but always does things that end up making my heart melt.

I have a Tom boy on my hands, as she loves riding on the Tractor, mowing, fishing, etc. with me.

Thanks again for the nice words....



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BX1860, FEL, RCK54P MMM, BB1548 Box Scraper, Quick Hitch, Piranha Bar, BX6315
Mar 26, 2013
Thurston County, WA
That picture of your little girl reminds me of a time about 35 years ago when I took my oldest daughter turkey hunting with me near Fairfield, PA. She was 4 at the time.

I had staked out an area where there were several turkeys. I called out one tom several times in the course of a few weeks before the season opened.

Well, on opening day I took my daughter with me and we were hiding in the brush. After about 15 or 20 minutes I succeeded in calling that tom out again. When he appeared on the path my daughter saw him the same time that I did. I raised my shotgun to my shoulder and was just drawing a good bead on that tom when suddenly my daughter jumped out of hiding and ran toward that turkey shouting "shoot him daddy, shoot the turkey".

Needless to say, we did not get our quarry that day. Although I was disappointed at the time, I did gain a precious story that has been told around many campfires since. Memories such as this are what life and children are all about.

I'm glad that you are able to spend this quality time with your children. Those kind of blessings are all too infrequently shared between kids and parents these days.


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B2601HSD & CK4010HST 4WD/FEL
Oct 19, 2016
congrats & awesome!

that should be some good eatin!


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B7510 & LA302 FEL & B2782 blower, B7510 & B2781 blower, B2410 & B2550 blower
May 25, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario
Oh boy does that bring back memories. My little girl is now 23. She no longer has a desire to hunt, but arrived at that conclusion after giving it an honest try. She took her first buck at 13 with a little .250 Savage rifle, from a range of about 20 yards. We still enjoy being in the bush together, but she prefers to watch the deer than to harvest them. Still, she is outstanding when it comes to fishing, and you had better not get on her bad side because she is a world-class shot with a pistol, with the medals and scores to prove it.

Now for the best part of the story... She and her boyfriend bought a new house and moved into it a month or so ago - I've been over several times helping with the move and installing things. This past Friday afternoon she sent me a text asking if it was ok to come home for a visit that evening. Seems she needed some Daddy time, and wasn't at all shy about saying so. Yeah, she's a good kid.