I use a BB1260 Box scraper from land pride and a 60” bucket on my B2601.. its a little tricky to get the hang of it and keep things smooth but should be all you need. Moves a lot of dirt and allows easy distribution, but it will take time.
I have a little bigger tractor but have done quite a bit of grade work with it. I am assuming when you say drainage you are trying to get a way to have water run away from the house? I personally use a back blade facing forward and pulled on an angle for the first several passes. By working the PTO lever carefully, I can remove quite a bit of dirt into rows in a hurry. I use the FEL to pick up the dirt that is cut loose and pile it where I want it. Once I have the area ruffed, I use a box blade to get it smoothed in a bit and also to re-spread top soil that I had originally removed. You are moving a LOT of dirt if you take off 1' for 20-30 feet out from the house. You will also want to consider where to put the spoil (removed dirt). If you go out 25' from the house and go down 1', that is a bit under one yard of soil removed per linear foot of run around the house. No greater feeling than finishing a project yourself but it will take some time!!
Decided it would be easier, cheaper, and smarter to haul in some black dirt and backfile around the house, the use the neighbor's backhoe to cut a swale along the north and east sides of garage and fill with decorative rock.