L3800HST 4x4,R1,FEL, 6'disc, 5'bush hog,piranhaTB,6'grader,6'rake, 48"forks
I'm a first time tractor owner and I've had a lot of fun learning to use my L3800HST 4x4. I acquired a 4' disk and I've been working on our food plots. I've been disking in M gear and running 2,000-2,200 RPMs and I've been going kind of slow since I'm learning. Even though I'm going slow, the disk still turns the dirt over fine. I'll also add that our soil is fairly dry currently and I have not added any weight to my disk.
My uncle has an older JD and he drives it like he stole it when he's disking, bouncing in his seat as he goes. I don't know that I would ever drive my tractor as fast as he does while disking. I would most certainly have to be in H to match his speed.
So, what gear do you disk in?
My uncle has an older JD and he drives it like he stole it when he's disking, bouncing in his seat as he goes. I don't know that I would ever drive my tractor as fast as he does while disking. I would most certainly have to be in H to match his speed.
So, what gear do you disk in?