I found the factory hoses online. They are very cheap. Only $145 each. This is why people don't buy OEM parts unless they have to. They could charge $25, which is still extremely high, and make a killing, and people would actually want to buy OEM, so they would sell more. One would think so, anyway. Perhaps I am wrong.
I can go to Surplus Center and get USA-made hydraulic hoses for $5, so I have to wonder what's so special about Kubota hoses.
My plan is to start the tractor tomorrow and try to tighten all the hose fittings. If the leak stops, I'm fine. If not, I'll look around and see if I can spot the leak visually. If yes, I'll try to fix whatever is leaking.
A Youtube guy says a leak that isn't spraying is on the low-pressure side. I know that's not necessarily true, because I had slow leaks on my John Deere's rear cylinder and my Kubota's hydraulic lines, but anyway, he said he had a leak because his hydraulic oil cooler hose, which is low pressure, was loose. I plan to see if I can find my hoses and check them.
The part number for the cooler hoses is TA240-21150, and they only cost $54 each. I seriously have to wonder if a tiny piece of low-pressure oil hose needs to cost more than $5. Amazon sells oil cooler hose for about 30 cents per foot.
I wonder if a mouse bit one of the lines. I would think the cooler hoses would be softer than steering lines.