L35 backhoe speed


New member
Aug 11, 2010
Friend has an L35 w/ backhoe. The hoe movement is wicked fast in all directions, even at idle. Thought I would quickly post the question of how to slow it down. I am guessing you need to throttle down the main flow to the manifold but unsure since I haven't looked it over yet. Where to start looking?



M7040, L48 TLB, BX2200
Jan 8, 2010
Northern California
Friend has an L35 w/ backhoe. The hoe movement is wicked fast in all directions, even at idle. Thought I would quickly post the question of how to slow it down. I am guessing you need to throttle down the main flow to the manifold but unsure since I haven't looked it over yet. Where to start looking?
Not sure what you mean by wicked fast in all directions. The control levers do not work in an ON / OFF manner and can be "feathered" to gradually cause movement.

It works the same as a FEL in that moving the levers gradually will cause gradual changes. At least that is how a L48 works.

Opening the throttle to pump more fluid will speed up the functions but still...be gentle with the controls.


New member

L35, mower, bushhog, cement mixer, grader, boxblade, forks, posthole digger
Mar 31, 2009
Ft. Worth, TX
I have a '98 L35 with backhoe. I wouldn't say it is "wicked fast". I will agree that the swing is pretty quick, at anything above idle, which is about 800 rpm. Like GWD says, you can feather the controls and ease any of the hydraulic functions into position. I've used mine to put into two septic systems, dig the foundation for our new house, and a lot of other things such as digging out scrub trees and bushes. We have quite a few rocks and I am able to dig them out. I just make sure nobody is standing within the swing of the boom while I'm digging. Hope this helps!