That will do it!I do use the loader (a lot) with no weight on the back end. Having said that it is usually either firewood, or snow, maybe a couple of hundred pounds. I did move a pile of gravel with it about 2 years ago, but the change in camber appears pretty recent. Maybe things just caught up to me. I am going to visit with the dealer this morning to arrange a pick up. Is their any point in having them pull both sides apart to make sure everything is good? It will probably cost me $100 each way to have them pick it up and then deliver it back, so if the other side is going to cause issues in a year or so, why not do both sides now? I appreciate everybody's help, and will post the findings. Go orange, or go home. You guys must love Halloween.
If you're not goin to have weight on the 3 pt hitch, then take the loader off. If you need to use the loader put at least 500 lbs on the 3 pt, 800-1000 if any heavy loader work is goin to be done...
Yes, the dealer needs to check both sides.