My l3010 will not shutoff unless you pull the shutoff knob. During running, the glow plug light is on much of the time, but sometimes turns off. The turn signals and hazard blinkers do not work, but the lights and brake lights work, the tractor starts normally. I have replaced the Shutoff solonoid and that did not help. There were two blown fuses, the bottom two (a 10 amp and 15 amp) I replaced them. All the wiring looks good, no mouse chewing. When you turn the key switch to the first position, but do not start the tractor, and then turn on a turn signal, you can hear the turn signal clicking but the lights do not light, but the lights themselves are fine (tested with a battery). When you start the engine, and hit the turn signal, you do not hear the clicking from the blinker. I assume that this is the timer relay for the starter solonoid, but could it be the culprit for all these problems? Or the glow plug relay or the glow plug controller? I see 4 things behind the dash that look like relays? Which is which? This is pretty cool I feel like I am on car talk!