dusty-t New member Feb 17, 2009 974 2 0 Mountforest Ontario Aug 30, 2010 #1 A friend of mine has an L3010 Hydro that smokes under load and uses a lot of fuel. All new filters, So I am thinking injectors. Starts up fine and runs fine. Just smokes. Any input would be apprecciated. Dusty
A friend of mine has an L3010 Hydro that smokes under load and uses a lot of fuel. All new filters, So I am thinking injectors. Starts up fine and runs fine. Just smokes. Any input would be apprecciated. Dusty
Bulldog Well-known member Equipment M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT Mar 30, 2010 5,440 78 48 Rocky Face, Georgia Aug 30, 2010 #2 Just a thought, Have you checked the fuel primer knob on the side of the pump to make sure it's closed? I had a IH do something like the way you describe this one and it was the air filter. Changed it and everything went back to normal.
Just a thought, Have you checked the fuel primer knob on the side of the pump to make sure it's closed? I had a IH do something like the way you describe this one and it was the air filter. Changed it and everything went back to normal.
M misterb New member Equipment L 35 TLB Mar 22, 2010 22 0 0 73 Powassan, Ontario Aug 31, 2010 #3 Check for a pinched/blocked fuel return line. Good Luck
dusty-t New member Feb 17, 2009 974 2 0 Mountforest Ontario Aug 31, 2010 #4 HI Guys. Both are good Ideas. I will get right on it. Thanks. Dusty
Bulldog Well-known member Equipment M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT Mar 30, 2010 5,440 78 48 Rocky Face, Georgia Sep 1, 2010 #6 Let us know how it works out Dusty.
dusty-t New member Feb 17, 2009 974 2 0 Mountforest Ontario Sep 1, 2010 #7 Thanks Guys, I am going to try to see him tommorow.Or at least call him. I will let you know how he makes out. Dusty
Thanks Guys, I am going to try to see him tommorow.Or at least call him. I will let you know how he makes out. Dusty